965 38 4

February 20

Brielle sat on the couch of her apartment with a blanket wrapped around her and a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. She originally came to watch some tv but all she been doing is allow her thoughts to run through her brain like mad men.

Brielle wandered around the large mansion with a slight smile on her face. She followed Killian down the hallway but got distracted in the beautiful art that Killian had on the walls.

She reached toward the end of the hallway and stared up at the blank canvas with a slight frown. Why does he have a blank canvas on his wall?

"I KNOW!" Brielle jumped at the loud yell of her boyfriend. She turned around quickly and found a door, walking over to it. She pressed her ear to the door and tried to listen in to Killian's conversation. "She's in danger because of me and I fucking know I shouldn't have been with her in this first place but what the fuck do you want me to do Leilani!"

Is he talking about me? Brielle thought as she frowned and continued to listen. "I want every man looking for these fucking bastards and so help me god if Brielle is taken from me I will kill you all." She heard Killian say making her gasp and back away from the door.

"I am Killian Drakos the leader of the powerful mafia in the world. I will not bow down to Russians!"

Brielle sighed and put her coffee mug down on the table. She got up and walked over to her knocking door only to find her cousin on the other side.

"Why you ghosting me" was the first thing Christian said making her sigh and step aside to let him in. He walked inside and turned to Brielle.

"I'm not ghosting you Kyree. I just havent been on my phone." She tells him which was the truth. She turned her phone off as soon as she got back home from Killian's mansion. He didn't even drive her back. Brielle told one of the maids to tell him that she was leaving in an uber.

Killian immediately spammed her phone with calls and texts so she turned her phone off. That was three days ago and Brielle still doesn't know what the fuck to do.

How can I be with someone who is involved with things like that?

Chris sat down on the couch and looked at his cousin. "What's going on Elle?" He asks her instantly causing Brielle to tear up.


He side eyed her and kissed his teeth. "Don't bullshit with me. What happened? Is it something with Killian?"

At the mention of his name, Brielle immediately bursted into tears. Chris immediately went to her side and pulled her into his arms. He didn't say anything just allowed her to get it out. Brielle sobbed heavily in his arms, her cheeks flushed red.

"I d-don't k-know what t-to do Kyree" She says in between her sobs.

"About what?"

She wipes her eyes and shakes her head. No matter how confused she is about everything going on with Killian, she would never air his business out like that. She definitely didn't want to do it because she ain't trying to get killed by her mafia boss boyfriend.

She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a knock on her front door. She shared a glance with Chris before he got up to see who was at the door.

Brielle heard Chris sigh before he turned to face her. She knew just by the look on his face who was at the door. Looking down at her lap, Brielle complemented if she wanted to see him or not.

Of course I do

"Let him in" She told her cousin before grabbing her blanket and wrapping it around herself once more. She heard the door open but refused to look up from her lap.

She could hear Chris speaking to him before the door closed again. When Brielle looked up, her eyes locked with his and she felt her breath hitched.

"Hi" Killian said as he stood in the doorway of her living room with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Brielle didn't respond.

He cleared his throat and walked over to her, handing him the flowers. "I got these for you." He told her and she silently thanked him with a head nod.

Killian awkwardly looked around the room before scratching the back of his neck. "We need to talk" He says making Brielle sigh.

Yeah we do.

She stood up and folded her blanket before turning to him. "Let's go" She mumbles and walks to her bedroom. Killian silently follows behind her.

Sitting down on the bed beside her, Killian rubs his hands together nervously as he stares at the floor. "I never wanted you to find out the way you did" was the first thing he said making Brielle scoff lowly.

Ignoring her scoff, He continued. "Brielle you have to understand I wasn't allowed to tell you about what I do."

Holding her hand up, she shook her head. "I'm your girlfriend. I'm carrying a child in my stomach. I think I have every right to know what my boyfriend does for a living. Maybe not everything but I at least could have known something."

Killian goes to speak but Brielle shushes him. "I asked you about your life multiple times and you always changed the subject or brushed off my questions with vague answers. That's not right Killian."

He sighs and nods his head, agreeing with her. "I know and I'm sorry." Turning to face her completely, he takes her hands in his and stares into her eyes. "I really am sorry."

Brielle shakes her head as she pulls her hands from his grasp. "I'm having a baby Killian. The mafia life—world whatever you want to call it isn't for me." She says standing up from the bed.

He stands up as well and immediately goes over to her. "I know baby." He says as he stares down at her with sad eyes. "I—" He sighs as he tries to get his words right.

Brielle's eyes well up with tears. "You should have told me."

"If I had told you, would we even be together?"


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