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September 21

Brielle rubbed her tummy subconsciously as she stared out the window while Killian drove. The ride was silent but not in an uncomfortable way but rather a very relaxing sort of way. Brielle didn't realize how much she appreciated the silence until Killian spoke up asking her a question she least expected.

"How far along are you?"

Brielle's eyes immediately widened and she looked over at him in shock. "What?" she asked while he side glanced her while he drove.

"How far along are you in your pregnancy Brielle" He asked her just as the car came to stop due to a now red light.

"I-I'm not pregnant" She quickly says making him scoff and roll his eyes.

"One thing I hate most in this idiotic universe is liars Brielle so let's refrain from the stupid lying and just speak the truth" He said before he looked at her in the eyes. "So tell me the truth"

Brielle felt her throat tightened up as her hands began to get sweaty. She fidgeted as she looked away from his piercing eyes, shaking her head. "I'm three months today" She finally admits with a heavy sigh leaving her lips.

Killian nodded his head and began driving again once the light turned green. He remained silent making the girl-in the passenger seat next to him-look at him in confusion.

"Aren't you going to ask about the father?" she asked unsure on his silence.

"That's not my business but I can only assume he either doesn't know or just simply isn't in the picture."

Brielle grew quiet as she looked down at her belly knowing that there is a growing baby inside. "I don't even know my baby's father" She then says as tears welled up in her eyes.

Killian looked over at her but didn't comment, not wanting to overstep. He allowed her to cry, letting it all out while he reached over, grabbing a tissue from the glove department and handed it to her.

"Thanks" She sniffles and blew her nose in the tissue.

"No problem"

Brielle then ran a hand through her hair with an exhausted sigh. "I don't want you to think I'm some kind of slut that just be having sex with any guy and that's why I don't know my baby's dad because that's not true." She quickly says making Killian shake his head no.

"That was not what I'm thinking besides it is not any of my business quite frankly."

"I know it isn't but I have belief that you deserve to know" She paused and cleared her throat, turning her eyes to look out of the window. "A few months ago I was" She paused once more and felt herself start to cry once more but tried to blink away the tears.

"I-I was raped" She stuttered out making Killian's head snap to look at her quickly. "I went to a party with a couple of friends and got more drunk than I probably should have. I ended up wandering off from my cousin Christian and found myself in one of the spare rooms of the party. I thought I was alone so I laid down on the bed but come to find out someone followed me inside. It was dark so I couldn't see but all I know is in a matter of seconds, I was forced stripped from my clothes and forced into doing something that I have never done before."

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