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January 11

"I can't believe she's about to be one soon." Brielle mumbles as she looks over at her daughter who sets on Killian's lap. He chuckles kissing Maisie's forehead before looking over at his pouting girlfriend.

"You are an amazing mother do you know that?" He says suddenly catching Brielle off guard. "You went through a lot this year especially the first few months but you still made sure Maisie Rae was always your number one priority."

Maisie looks over at her mom before sending her a huge smile. "Maamaa" She claps her hands as Brielle reaches over to pick her up.

"Hi baby girl." Brielle grins kissing all over her face causing the little one to squeal.

"She will always be my number one priority." Brielle mumbles looking down at Maisie who plays with her bracelets. "I didn't realize how much love a child can bring out of you. I can't lose her and I refuse to."

"She adores you Brielle. You are her whole world." Her boyfriend tells her before looking down at his ringing phone. "Drakos." He said answering it.

"Let's get some air hm?" Brielle opens the car door and steps out with Maisie in her arms. Killian decided to surprise her with a beach date and they drove a hour to the beach. It's pretty cold out but Killian came prepared with blankets

Brielle smiles as Maisie squeals, kicking her feet at the sight of the water. Only thing Brielle quickly came to realize about her daughter is that Maisie loves the water. It didn't matter if it was a simply a quick bath at home, she loves it.

"I can't wait until you start your swimming lessons" Brielle grins as she bent down to get her shoes off. Holding her sandals in one hand and Maisie in the other, Brielle walked on the sand toward the water.

Maisie babbled her baby talk while Brielle hummed in response. "What else happened baby?" She asked her daughter who continued to babble.

Sitting down with Maisie in her lap, Brielle sighs softly. "You're growing up so fast on me." She mumbles looking down at the ten month old. "Soon you're going to be coming to me about boyfriends and going on little dates."

"No she ain't" Killian tells her as he walks over to the mother and daughter. She playfully rolls her eyes and he sits down beside her. He wraps a blanket around the two of them and kisses Brielle's forehead.

"She is going to go on dates Killian." Looking over at her boyfriend who instantly shook his head no.

"Not until she thirty"

Shaking her head with a laugh, she leans over to peck his lips. "Don't worry she will have all the time in the world to change your mind" She giggles as he shook his head no in response.

He looks down at Maisie Rae who is playing with her mom's hair. "She too pretty to be hanging around boys either. No boy friends"

"So she can't have no boyfriends and no friends that are boys really Killian?" Brielle asks him in disbelief before laughing. "Y'all going to be arguing up a storm when shes a teenager."

After spending the day at the beach, Killian drove them to get something to eat before going home. "Cousinnn" Brielle squeals as she answers the phone call from her cousin Christian. "I miss you!"

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