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August 13

"Can we talk?"

Brielle looked up to see Killian standing in the doorway making her frown and look away from him. She has been avoiding him for the longest, not wanting to speak to him at all. She doesn't trust herself and she feels like she will forgive him too quick.

"Okay." She mumbles and Killian steps further into the room. He closes the door behind him and walks over to the bed, taking a seat.

"I'm sorry." Two words Brielle was tired of hearing it. She didn't reply only continued to stare down at the sheets like they were the most interesting thing in the world. "I promised you that I would keep you both safe. I-I kept pushing you to take me back."

Killian pauses as he looked away from the love of his life. "I don't blame you for wanting to leave once we get Maisie back."

Brielle flinches slightly as her daughter's name leaves his lips. It pained her to even hear her name now. She missed her so much, more than anything.

"When we get her back, I won't stop you." He says with a small sigh. "You deserve to be happy with the fear of something happening to two of you."

"So I'm going to let you go." From my heart.

He stood up, not expecting her to say anything back. Opening the door, Killian stops when she speaks. "It's not all your fault." Her voice was so soft that Killian almost didn't hear her.

"It's my fault too." Brielle says still not looking up. "I was right there. I should have protected her more."

Killian instantly turning around, shaking his head. "It is not your fault Brielle." As mad as she is at him, she still didn't like him calling her anything but princess.

"It is. She is my responsibility. I-I should've protected her." Her eyes welled up in tears and she hated herself for crying for the billionth time. "My baby girl is out there probably scared out her mind all because her mom couldn't take a punch."

This truly how Brielle felt. She may be upset with Killian but she wasn't as mad as she made it seem. She is more angry with herself for not defending herself better. She is angry that she didn't leave the store sooner, maybe that would've made a difference. She is angry that she didn't instantly tell Killian about the guy, maybe he would've gotten there quicker.

She is upset that Maisie is growing up right now away from her. She should be five months now, almost half a year old.

Brielle began to cry violently as all her thoughts, she tried to bury within, came crashing down on her. "I-It's a-all my f-fault." She cried as Killian wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his chest.

Killian knew that trying to convince her otherwise right now would just make her more upset. So he simply rubbed her back and kissed her forehead, in hopes of calming her down. It wasn't Brielle's fault at all and he knows that from the bottom of his heart.

I'll kill those bastards

Brielle paced back and forth worried and anxious. Killian told her that they found her daughter but they been gone for two days. Brielle is beginning to worry that something happened.

She didn't want to think like that but she couldn't stop her mind from going dark.

"Elle come on why don't you get some sleep?" Christian said, watching her pace from her bed. She shook her head making Christian sigh. "You haven't slept since they left. Come on it's not going to do you any good if she comes back and you're sleep deprived."

She glanced at me and nodded her head, knowing he is right. "Fine but you better wake me up the minute they come back." She tells me to which Christian nods his head.

Brielle decided to take a shower before she went to sleep, knowing she probably smelled some since she been too worried to do anything but worry.

Coming out the bathroom in some biker shorts and a sports bra, Brielle saw that her cousin had left the room. Tying her hair in a messy bun, Brielle sighed as she laid down. She didn't realize how tired she was until her head hit that pillow. She was out like a light, snoring away.

It was three hours later when Killian, Leilani and Leon entered the home. Leon groaned and held his bleeding shoulder as he walked to the first bathroom. Leilani following behind him so she could take care of his bullet wound.

"Oh quit you're whining you big baby." Leilani fussed as Leon groaned when he saw Leilani take out the alcohol from the sink cabinet.

"Don't make me shoot you sister."

Leilani chuckled and shook his head. "You shoot me and I'm shoving this knife down your throat."

Killian rolled his eyes at his siblings constant banter. He passed a sleeping Christian in the living room and made his way upstairs to Brielle's room. She laid with her back facing him. He could hear her snores just from the doorway making him smile.

"Prin—Brielle" He lightly shook her awake. She groaned, not liking that she was been awoken out of her sleep. "Wake up"

"Let me sleep." She whines, turning over and burying her face back into her pillow.

"I think you should wake up." Killian says as he rests the car seat, he has been carrying, on the bed. "Someone is very eager to see you."

Half asleep and confused by his words, Brielle turned around and sat up. She rubbed the sleep out her eyes before they instantly widened. She rushed to the car seat and lifted the blanket to see the one person she loves most in this world.

Maisie Rae laid in the car seat with her hand in her mouth. Brielle's eyes instantly welled up in tears as she unhooked and pulled her daughter out of the car seat.

"My beautiful baby girl." Brielle cried violent tears. They couldn't seem to stop as she held her daughter in her arms for the first time in months. "Oh mama's baby." She whispered kissing her forehead.

Killian watched the pair as they smiled at each other. He could finally put his mind at ease knowing that Maisie is back with her mother. Brielle laughed through her tears as Maisie placed her baby hands on Brielle's face.

"I love you so much little rae."

Killian's heart broke as he realized that since Maisie is back that Brielle would probably be leaving soon. As much as he didn't want to, he respected Brielle's wishes and wasn't going to try to force her to stay.

They would finally be safe and happy, away from him.

He looked at the pair once more before he turned to leave the room. "Killian." The voice of the love of his life called out to him making him stop in his tracks.

He didn't turn around but he hummed in response, letting her know that he was listening. "Thank you." were her next words and Killian nodded his head.

"I'll do anything for you two." He says but doesn't wait to hear her response. He left the room, shutting the door behind him as he let the mother and daughter have their time together. He knew that within the next few days, that room will soon be empty so he decided to keep walking, knowing if he turned around Brielle wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

Good bye princess.

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