639 22 1

October 20

I enjoy the smell of blood

Staring down at the missing fingers, the cuts on his face, and the dripping blood that fell from his bare chest, Killian smirks as satisfaction flows through him. Perfection

The man whimpers weakly making his smirk instantly drop. He walks back over to the black table, looking down at the sea of tools for their captured friend over there. "I'm a very simple man" Killian says, picking up the bottle of vodka that was seated on the table.

"A kind man even" He then chuckles at the dishonesty of his words. Leon stood, on the opposite side of the room, in the corner and shook his head at Killian's words. The man in the chair couldn't see Leon.

Well, He can't see anything actually.

Shut up.

"I don't ask for much. I feel so though I have been very reasonable." He says turning around to face the man. The man's head hangs forward and his swollen beaten eyes twitch as he whimpers once more. "right espece de merde" you piece of shit

"Where is my money?" The one question I hate having to ask for." Killian bends down, pressing the tip of the knife into the man's already bleeding chest. The man cries out weakly as Killian drags the knife along his skin, making sure to puncture his words perfectly on the man.

Drakos read on the man's chest a few moments later and Killian smirks at his artwork. He steps away from the man and takes the vodka bottle, pouring it all over the man's body. The man twitches at the alcohol running across his cuts and bruises. He doesn't scream, his voice being coarse from all of the painful screams he belt out earlier.

Killian sparks the lighter and throws it on the man's body. He watches the body engulf in flames instantly. The fire dancing in his eyes as his body heats up with satisfied hunger, that thirst for blood.

"Pathétique" Killian spat out before turning away, leaving the room. He is handed a rag to wipe his hands. He nods his head at his men before disappearing down the hallway. pathetic

Killian steps into his home and frowns at the sudden silent of the house. He closes the door behind him and locks it before heading for the kitchen.


He heads upstairs to Maisie's nursery only to find that room empty as well. Killian looks across the hall, at his bedroom, and frowned as it was closed and not open like he left it. "It's always something." He mumbles grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

Walking to his room, he opens the door only to see Brielle laying down on the bed with Maisie right beside her. He let out a small sigh of relief and stepped further into the room. He didn't know what he thought but he's glad that they are both safe.

"Hey" Brielle smiles at him before looking down at Maisie Rae who is knocked out. Her pacifier fell out of her mouth and laid beside her. "I almost fell asleep with her." She mutters and sits up.

"That sounds like a good idea." He says and walks over to the bed. Leaning down, Killian kisses her cheek lightly before walking over to his dresser. Removing his chains, Killian sighs in exhaustion.

He truly is exhausted. He hasn't slept good longer than people may think. "You smell like you just took a shower." Brielle comments, standing up and walking over to him.

"I did."

Brielle frowns and looks up at him. "Why?" She asks, almost afraid of the answer. Killian looks over at her and tilts his head slightly. "I don't think you want to know the answer princess." He says and Brielle folds her arms over her chest.

"Tell me why Killian."

Turning to her fully, Killian stares down at her with an emotionless face. "I had to right a wrong." He replies and lifts his hand up to run his fingers through her soft angelic hair.

Confused is one way to describe Brielle at the moment.

She studies him for a few minutes before her face drops and she looks away from him. "Oh" She says as she realizes what he means. Pulling away from him, Brielle pulls her knees to her chest and sighs.

"Sometimes I forget about your secret life." It was the truth. Brielle does know about Killian's darker ways but it tends to leave her mind when she's around him. Of course she doesn't want to think about what Killian does for a living at all but he is who he is.

Killian lays down beside her and looks over at her as he tries to guess what she's thinking. "Brielle I don't want you to be scared or—"

"I'm not scared of you Killian." She cuts him before turning her eyes to look at him. "I'm scared for you." Leaning forward, she captures her boyfriend's hand in hers.


"Because anything can happen Killian. I don't want you to get hurt, none of you." Looking down at Maisie Rae, Brielle sighs once more. "Leon, Lani, you all mean a lot to me and I don't want you guys in pain." She pauses and slowly pulls her button lip between her teeth. "Or worse"

"We will be fine princess." Rubbing her thigh, Killian leans over to peck her lips. "Everything is going to be fine."

"You don't know that." She tells him making her boyfriend laugh and shake his head. Pulling her into his arms, Killian kisses her forehead and rubs her back.

"I know."

Brielle pulled away from him and her eyes found his. There was something about the way those words left Killian's lips that didn't sit right with Brielle Mae. She paused and looked away from Killian, leaving him a bit confused. Folding her hand in her lap, she stared at them as his words kept repeating in her mind.

"Baby?" Killian tilted his head as he stared at his girlfriend, confused to her sudden change in mood. "Did I say something wrong?" He asks in a calm voice.

Brielle shakes her head no but doesn't open her mouth to speak. Leaning back, Killian straightens his shirt and looks away from her. "I don't know what you want me to say my love." He tells lowly and stands up.

"I will not leave my life." Sucking in a breath at his words, her eyes find her socks—avoiding his glance. "This is who I am Brielle." Her boyfriend watches her a moment before shaking his head as he backs away from the bed.

"I know." She tells him, still avoiding his eyes. "But you can't expect me to just be okay with all of this."

"What do you want me to do!?" Killian almost snappily asks, pinching the bridge of his nose as he slightly groans. "All I want is for you to be happy. That's all I have ever wanted for you. What can I do to make you happy?"

His words causes her eyes to find his frustration expression. "I-I" Brielle opens her mouth to say more but only sighs softly, playing with her fingers.

"I don't know."

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