Chapter 3

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Davina's POV
Kol and I went back to Mystic Falls to get some of his stuff that were at his family's house. "Ok darling I'm gonna go get some things in town you stay here." He says as I nod and sit on the couch. "Ok be safe." I say as he nods. "I will be darling." He says as he walks out the door.

Kol's POV
I had to get some things in town so I go into town when I see Jeremy Gilbert and he comes up to me. "What the bloody hell do you want?" I say as he looks at me and brings out the white oak stake. He comes closer to me and kills me.

An hour later
Davina's POV
It had been an hour since Kol went out into town so I decided to go into town to see if I can find him.

In town
I walk around trying to find Kol when I see a brunette girl so I walk up to her. "Hi um...have you seen my boyfriend Kol Mikaelson?" I ask her as she turns around to face me. "Yea but my brother Jeremy just killed him." The girl says as I break down crying and the girl walks off.

Caroline's POV
Bonnie and I were walking down the sidewalk and we see a brunette girl on the ground outside of the Mystic Grill and it looks like she's crying so we walk up to her. "Are you ok?" I say as she looks up at Bonnie and I while she's crying. "No I just found out that my boyfriend is dead." She says as she sniffs when she speaks. "Oh I'm sorry. May I ask who was your boyfriend?" Bonnie says as she wanted to know who. "Kol Mikaelson. Oh and I'm expecting his baby." The girl says as she cries. I felt so bad for this girl and I can tell Bonnie did too even though we both hate Kol we could both see this girl loved him because if she didn't she wouldn't be crying over him being dead. "Ok well what's your name? I'm Caroline." I say as I help the girl up. "I'm Bonnie." Bonnie says as she also helps the girl up. "My name is Davina." The girl says as Bonnie and I look at each other. Just than Elena comes our way and Bonnie scoffs since Elena called Bonnie an unfit mother to her own daughter who is still in her stomach. Bonnie wasn't friends with Elena anymore. "Oh is the baby crying over her dead boyfriend?" Elena says as I can feel my blood starting to boil. I know I hate Kol but Davina didn't need Elena's bitchy attitude or Elena calling her an unfit mother. "Get lost Elena." I say as I know Jeremy had something with killing Kol because Elena compelled him to I just know it. "Did you kill Kol?" Bonnie asks as she places a hand on her baby bump. "No. Jeremy did. I compelled him to do it." Elena says as I can tell Bonnie looks pissed. "Come with us Davina." I say as Davina nods and the three of us walk away from Elena. "Well since Elena just betrayed us and did that. Do you want to be mine and Caroline's new best friend?" Bonnie says as she looks at Davina. "I would love that." She says as we hug her. We just replaced Elena with a new best friend and to be honest I feel like Davina will be a better best friend than Elena ever was. We were going to talk to Jeremy because Bonnie wanted to see if he was ok.

At the Gilbert house
We walk up to the house and Bonnie knocks. Jeremy gets the door and Bonnie stares at him. "Jeremy. We know you killed Kol because Elena compelled you to. Before you ask why I would care well um... Kol's girlfriend Davina is pregnant with his child. You just took a father away from their child and I know Elena compelled you so I'm not mad at you I'm more mad at Elena." Bonnie says as Jeremy seem to feel bad. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know if I knew I wouldn't have killed Kol because I understand what it would be like to ripped away from my daughter who is yet to be born but I'm pretty sure Bonnie would hate it that someone took me away from my daughter before she was born." He says as I hold Davina.

Davina's POV
I was in Caroline's arms when Elijah comes up to me. "I'm sorry to intrude here but we need to go to New Orleans Davina." He says as I turn around still in Caroline's arms. "It's ok we will handle Elena and try to help bring back Kol from here we promise." Caroline says as Elijah looks confused. "What happened to Kol?" He asks as I look at Bonnie and Caroline. "Jeremy killed him because Elena compelled him to do it." Bonnie says as she puts a hand on her baby bump. "Ok well Davina come with me and I will keep you safe from Niklaus. I will have Hayley or Rebekah protect you from him till Kol can be brought back." Elijah says as I nod and Caroline let's go so I can go with Elijah to New Orleans. I already had Caroline and Bonnie's numbers since the three of us exchanged numbers on the way over here. I leave with Elijah as I wave bye to Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline which makes them wave back at me.

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