Chapter 15

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Davina's POV
Rebekah and I are at the cemetery in the Claire tomb while Jade is in her playpen. Cami was here with us as well. Jade was playing with her toys in the playpen. "You really went all out cataloging all this stuff. Have you diagnosed yourself with OCD yet?" I say as I look at Cami when I hear a giggle com from the playpen. "Very funny. It's my family's legacy. I guess I'm done pretending I can stay out of it."She says as she looks down at Jade. "Unless there's something in that ledger about mimicking a magical tribrid baby and a magical hybrid baby we're up the creek." Rebekah says as she closes the book she was looking at. "Oh, right. Don't touch that." I say as she is eyeing the spell I was doing for Kol. "Ugh." Rebekah says as she was grossed out when she takes off the sheet. "What, exactly, are you up to?" She asks as she didn't know what I was doing. "It's a resurrection spell for Kol. Remember him the brother and Jade's father you swore to save?" I say as I knew Jade wanted her daddy back and Rebekah said she would help. "I have every intention of... Wait. When Kol was trying to find a way out of dying he used representational magic. He... he tried to transfer the curse into a clay doll, a golem. Here."Rebekah says as she grabs a clay doll off the self. "She's right. If we can find a way to replicate Hope and Jade's power source and transfer it into dolls that's our decoy." I say as I wanted to do everything to protect Hope and Jade.

Elijah's POV
I was walking through the woods to find Hayley and her pack along with Hope and Jackson. When all of sudden an arrow almost hits me and I catch it before it does. I drop the arrow but than axe almost hits me so I catch that. "Children... please." I say as I drop the axe on the ground. Jackson than comes and punches me so I look at him from the ground. I get up from the ground. "I'm here to see Hope." I say as I wanted the blood from her because Rebekah and Davina needed it but they already have Jade's blood they just needed Hope's blood. "Not gonna happen. One bite from us, there's venom in your veins. Hard to find anything in these woods when your head's not right." Jackson says as he attacks me and tries to bite me. "Must we proceed with this nonsense? From what I understand, you didn't exactly fare well against my brother." I say as I knew Davina hated Jackson for some reason. "There's a difference between you and Klaus. See, you can't kill me. You're waiting for the day I die so that you can take your immortal place beside Hayley and if you kill me, you lose her for good. She'll never forgive you." Jackson says as I knew if Davina were here she would be rolling her eyes at Jackson right now. "And speak of the devil." I say as I hear Hayley coming with Hope. "Elijah... You shouldn't be here." She said from behind me. "We have another plan. Rebekah and Davina found a way. If we can replicate Hope and Jade's magic we can lure Dahlia into a trap after which, I'll kill her myself. All we need is a vial of Hope's blood. We have Jade's blood already so we just need Hope's. " I say as I turn around to face Hayley and Hope. "I'll give you her blood. I'm trusting you, Elijah." Hayley says as she agrees to give me Hope's blood. "The moment our home is safe you can return Hope to where she belongs... With family." I say as I look at Jackson.

Davina's POV
I was chanting a spell. Jade wasn't here she was with Rebekah back at the compound. "I ain't seen a spell like that in a long time. It's pretty brave for someone so young, even a harvest girl." I hear Vincent say with my vamp hearing as he walks in. "What are you doing here?" I say as I didn't understand why he was here. He chuckles and says, "Well I mean that's a loaded question for me but you seem to be exactly where you supposed to be. Are you sure you can do this on your own?" I knew I could since Rebekah had promised to help but I knew she had to protect Jade from Dahlia. "Don't remember asking for help." I say as Vincent laughs. "No. You didn't. I'm asking for yours. Davina, the covens need a leader and they want to bestow that title unto me. I'm not into that. They're getting pushy. So I'm inclined to present them with an alternative... Someone who's got faith someone... someone who'll use the craft to help people... and from what I hear you seem to fit that description pretty well." He says as I look up at him.
"I walked away from my coven. I'm a vampire due to my daughter." I say as I know I did and I knew I was a vampire because of Jade's magic from her blood. "I'm talking about a direct connection to the ancestors from all 9 of the covens. I'm talking about voodoo, hoodoo, sacrificial magic, representational magic. I'm talking about necromancing. Yeah. See, that's a whole lot of power huh and you're gonna need a hell of a lot more than this here rock if you ever want to get your boyfriend and Jade's father back." He says as I grab the diamond form his hand.

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