Chapter 8

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Davina's POV
At Davina's Family Cabin
I was at my family's cabin with Jade, Mikael and Kol. Me and Kol are surrounded by lit candles as we sit cross-legged across from each other on the floor. We quietly chant a spell. "Sanquiarum frantest banciarum me..." We both say together but I stop us and interrupt. "Stop! Stop. This isn't working." I say as I start messing with the ingredients of the spell. "Well, maybe you're just... doing it wrong." Kol says as I knew I wasn't but I look over at Jade in the process. "No, we have to do this right! Josh's life depend on it." I say as Kol looks at me concerned. "Look, just stop chanting." I say as I grab his wrists in my hands. "I'll chant and channel your power."I say as I touch his arms I get a vision of when he cast a spell to kill the Kandahar root earlier. I look at him suspiciously before closing my eyes again this time flashing back to when Mikael forced him to de-spell my bracelet. Then I see a flashback of Klaus identifying him as Kol his brother. When I return to the present I quickly let go of my boyfriend and look at him. He looks guilty. "Kol I know it's you." I say as his eyes go wide. "How did you know?" He asks as he wondered how I knew it was him. "Well my best friend Bonnie Bennett said she would find a way to bring you back but she did because she had told me she brought you back in a witch body with the help of your mom." I say as I eye Jade and just hoping he would too. "I missed you so much. I realized your stomach. Where is our baby?" He says as I look over at Jade and walk over to her. I pick her up out of her car seat and walk back over to Kol with our daughter. "Kol meet our daughter Jade Alice Mikaelson." I say as I hold Jade in my arms. "Hi Jade I'm your daddy." Kol says as Jade just looks at her daddy.

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