Chapter 17

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Davina's POV
I was in the cemetery getting ready for a stupid event. I had Jade on my lap. "I have to pick one. Orange or purple?" I say as I didn't know what scarf to wear. "Did you seriously call us here to play "Fashion Police"?" Jackson says as I hated having that oil in my face. "Ok. I know this is sacred oil but can we please not do that right now?" I say as they take it out my face. "Thank you." I say as I sigh. "Sorry. Thanks for coming." I say as I put the orange scarf around my neck. "Like we had a choice, Davina. Either we do your bidding or you blow out that candle of yours and you turn us back into wolves, so we're pretty much your slaves." Hayley says as Jade looks up at me. "Now, Hayley, come on. This is the deal we made. Let's let her say her piece, hmm? What do you want?" Jackson says as Jade looks scared of Jackson. Well Jade has never been a fan of him since he scares her so much but she adores Hayley. "This is my first Cadeau as regent. Since I represent the city, the covens have to pay tribute to me and I throw them a party. I need them to respect me but this is the first public event since..." I say but Hayley cuts me off. "Since you had me kill those witches in the ninth ward?" She says as I look down and nod my head a little. "I have a feeling it might not go so well, especially since Van Nguyen blames me for what happened to his mom. He vowed to get back at me. Actually, he said he would erase me. I mean who even talks like that?" I say as I look down at Jade who is on my lap still. "So you want us to be your bodyguards?" Hayley asks as I stand up with Jade on my hip now. "Look, I know that you're not exactly thrilled with me right now but if I die that candle's magic dies too and then there's nothing stopping you from changing back into wolves." I say as I pointed at the candle. "Well, why don't you stay with Davina, and I will check out the crowd?" Jackson says as he leaves. "I'll keep you alive but if you wear that awful orange scarf you'll wish that I hadn't. I know you don't wanna make Jade here an orphan because Kol isn't around at the moment since he's still dead." Hayley says as I sigh and take off the orange scarf. She takes Jade from me and holds Jade in her arms.

I hear all these animal noises and I didn't want them waking Jade as she was asleep in Hayley's arms. "Another goat. How lovely." I say as I look down at the goat. "I'd like to thank the Gentilly coven for their generous gift on this day of Fete de Kado." I said as I pause for minute and look down at the goat than at Hayley holding Jade. "I apologize. I need a minute." I say as I walk away. "Not a fan of goats, huh?" I hear Hayley say with my vampire hearing so I look up at her as she holds Jade in with one arm while the other arm is at her side holding a bottle of beer. "I love goats but do you know how many of them I've had to sacrifice? Just once, I'd like to get a gift card. I mean I know this is all tradition, but it's just not me and you know what I really hate?" I say as Hayley sits down and she hands me Jade so that she can sit on my lap. "That choker scarf?" Hayley asks as she takes a drink of her beer. "This choker scarf. I only wore it because Josephine did and I thought that maybe if I were more like her, then... then maybe they would respect me." I say as I look down at Jade. "Here. You need this more than I do."Hayley says as I take the bottle and she takes Jade back and onto her lap. I take a drink of the beer once Jade is on Hayley's lap. She chuckles when she sees me make a face. "You know, Davina, I... I wasn't ok with what you had me do to the Versailles coven... But I'm guessing that you're not ok with it either so you're running from it pretending to be someone that you're not someone who you think that they want you to be. You know what I learned? No one is gonna respect you until you show them who you really are." Hayley says as he turns keeping on arm on Jade so she doesn't fall off and fall to the ground. She takes off my purple scarf. "So, if you're gonna wear old-lady choker scarves... You're gonna get old-lady goats." She says as I chuckle and Jade plays with the scarf as I drink from the bottle of beer. "She loves you Hayley." I say as I look at Jade who looks up at Hayley. "She looks a lot like you but with Kol's eyes." She says as I nod because she does.

I was in the place where I tried to bring back Kol. Jade was with Hayley still since Jade loved being by Hayley. I heard Van with my vampire hearing. "You've already taken everything away from me, so go ahead. kill me. Get it over with." He says as I turn around. "You tried to murder a regent by which law you should be hanged." I say as it was true he did try to murder me and I won't make my daughter an orphan. "Murder? Is that the first place your mind goes? Do you even know what I was using to attack you?" Van says as Jackson hands me a doll. "This isn't to kill me." I say as I didn't think it was. "It's a figure veritas. Stab it in the heart and the victim must confess their darkest truths." Van says as he was furious and I'm pretty sure he was scaring Jade.
"You wanted me to admit what I did to your mom so I'd be shunned." I say as I look at Van and Hayley looks down at Jade with it's ok look on her face. "Maybe I'd rather see you dead but at least that would be justice." Van says as he talks back to me
"Look, she's the one who attacked me. She wanted a mutiny and if that happens what's next an all-out witch war to decide the next regent? How many more people will die then?" I say as I didn't want anyone else to die especially myself. "So you think the covens are better off with you." Van says as Hayley stands there with Jade in her arms still. "I do. I've seen things done the old way. I've done things the old way and it doesn't work. If you don't want peace then fine go... you're free... but I'm asking you please stay. We can work together. We can change things." I say as Van looks at me and leaves mad. "He scared her." Hayley says as I hear Jade starting to cry. "Oh baby girl it's ok he is gone." I say as I rubbed her back.

Hayley had sat down with Jade on her lap and I smile at Jade as she was now calmed down. "Happy... witch day or whatever this is." Hayley says as I hear Jade giggle. "Hayley, I wanted to thank you." I say as Jade just looks around. "For what, the free fashion advice?" She says as I chuckled. "You were right. Since I became regent, I've tried to control everything and everyone but that's not me. I don't want to be that person anymore." I said as I walked over to the candle that was keeping Hayley and her pack from turning into wolfs. "I asked the ancestors to give me the magic to lift your curse. Since it's Kado... They granted it. Huh. Keeping you as a slave seems like something the older generation would do. I'd rather have you as a friend." I say as we both smile at each other. "I would also love to be your little girl's aunt since I know one day who will be my little girl's aunt." She says as I took Jade from her. "I would love that." I say as I smile at Jade. "Auntie Hayley!" I hear Jade say as Hayley and I look shocked that she said her first word which happened to be Auntie Hayley which was ok because her next words were even better. Jade was finally talking now and there was no more babbling come out of Jade. "Mommy and Auntie Hayley." Jade said as Hayley and I both hug her.

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