Chapter 19

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Davina's POV
I was looking at the sirelink spell. Jade was sitting on the floor on a blanket playing with her toys. "Why aren't you working with the other girls?" Aya says as I'm looking at the sirelink spell. "They just slow me down. Look, I've done this before. Last year, I had Esther's grimoire. I studied it cover to cover. Now I know more about breaking the sire link than any other witch. " I say as I knew I could break the spell since I knew how to. "How lovely but as it is my life that depends upon the completion of that spell it will be my coven that verifies your work." Aya says as I was ok than let them. "Fine. Let them verify it." I said as I look over at Jade. Aya and her witches don't know that I'm a vampire. The only people who know are well the Mikaelsons, Josh and Marcel. "So then... have you finished?" Aya says as she was wondering if I was done with the spell. "All I need is the binding agent." I say as I knew I needed just that. "And what will that require?" She said as she was wondering what it was that I needed. "My spell is based off the one that the Mikaelsons' mother used to make them vampires in the first place. She was an artist. She had her own unique way of doing things.If I'm gonna finish this spell I need someone who knew her techniques." I say as I knew I needed Kol. "Let me guess. Someone like... Kol Mikaelson." She says as she knew I was thinking of. "If you want the spell." I say that because if she wants the spell to work I need to ask Kol what the binding agent is. "Tread carefully Davina Claire. Every negotiation has a moment where the lesser party must submit. You are very quickly approaching yours." She says as I look at her.
"Let the sisters help me resurrect Kol. He'll give us the missing ingredient I promise. If not you may never find it." I say as Aya goes over to a chest and pulls something out. "I assume you know what this is." She says as she holds a candle in her hand. "It's a Hand of Glory. A mystic candle when lit it will let me open any window." I say as I knew what it was. "Even one to the afterworld." She says as I knew I could see Kol. "So I can only see Kol until that creepy thing burns down to nothing and then he's gone?" I say as she begins walking over to me with the candle in her hand. "If you want Kol to remain permanently make sure he gives us the information we need." She say as she hands me the candle. I look at the candle in my hand. "Jade you finally get to see your daddy again." I say as I walk over to Jade with the candle in my hand.

I was making a circle with salt as Jade was on a blanket and playing with her toys next to the circle when I hear Marcel come with my vampire hearing. "Let me guess. Aya needs something else done." I say with my back turned towards him. "Actually, I came to let you know I'm on your side." He says as I turn around to face him. "Then maybe you can tell Aya to let me bring back Kol permanently." I say as I wanted him back not just for me but for Jade too. "D, I hear you, but we need to talk priorities. Kol has been dead. He can stay dead a little while longer.
But my life could end at any minute." He says as I was like yea ok and I knew that he was right. "I know. Just please tell me you don't trust her." I say as I was hoping he didn't. "I don't. But I do trust you and I need you to trust me. Okay, Aya's always gonna be playing her own game just like everybody else in this town, but now more than ever, we got to stick together. And when this is over I will help you raise your pain-in-the ass boyfriend from the dead." He says as I smile at him and Jade coos happily. "Aww baby girl you want daddy back." I say as I go down to her eye level. "Yes mommy." She says as Marcel looks shocked. "She can speak?" He asks as I nod. "Yep she can. Her first word was actually Auntie Hayley." I say as I knew it was and it was adorable.

When Marcel left I had started the spell to bring Kol to the circle I made. I start chanting until I hear my boyfriend behind me with vampire hearing. "Are you okay?" I say as I turn around to see him and start walking towards him. "Well, it seems I'm not as popular in the afterlife as I am with you. And as happy as I am to see you, Davina Claire, I... I truly wish you didn't join this particular coven." He says as he didn't want me to join this coven of witches at all. "They're a means to an end." I say as I close to him and I see Jade look up at her daddy. "He's a bit old for you, isn't he? By a good millennium, I'd say. Nevertheless... We're in a bit of a hurry." I hear Aya as Jade is still looking at her daddy. "Aya. I thought someone would've kill you by now." Kol says as Jade looks at her daddy. Kol rolls his eyes at Aya. "Some of us are more durable than others. Speaking of you're very welcome to remain a ghost unless you prove useful to my cause." Aya says as Kol looks at me. "The de-siring spell I was working on last year. Your mother told you to kill it or to kill me. If she was worried then I must have been close and you must have known how close. Which means you know how to finish it." I said as I knew he did know it. "In other words, you will provide the missing ingredient. The binding agent. Now." Aya demands as she wanted to know what it was. "I'd forgotten how cuddly you are. If you want me to talk fine. But I'm only talking to her. I can wait." Kol says as Aya leaves and I smile at Kol.  "Baby girl look it's daddy." I say as I pick her up from the blanket. "Hi Jade." He says as Jade reaches for her daddy. "No Jadey you can't." I said as I know she couldn't be in her daddy's arms.

I walk around with Jade on my hip. "Esther Mikaelson was two things: a genius witch and an overprotective matriarch. The sire link is a facet of her most powerful spell used to protect those she loved most. And, as such...  it's impossible to break." Kol says as I knew was lying. "You know, I can tell you're lying to me, no matter what face you wear.
Don't you get it? If I can break the sire link I can use the power of the sisters to bring you back. Kol we can finally be together. Jade can finally have you back because she misses you. Why won't you just tell me?" I say as I didn't know why he wasn't telling me. "Because darling I guarantee you won't like the answer. " He said as I knew it wasn't impossible to break the sire line. "Fine. At least I know it's not impossible." I say as I knew it wasn't. "Please don't do this." He says as he didn't want me to do this. "Esther cast the spell. You died with vampire blood in your system came back fed. Then you were vampires. So... the core of the sire link has to be blood. If there's a loophole it's blood-related." I say as I knew it had to be. "Not just blood-related. For it to work, someone has to die. So please, stop." He says as we wanted me to not do this. "The spell centers around blood, but just taking someone's blood wouldn't kill them. You need their heart. Look, I understand you want to bring me back, but this is a devil's bargain. It has to be more complicated than that. It can't just be any old vampire the heart has to be special. Do you need a heart outside the link? An unsired heart." I say as I thought that was the key.
"Damn it, Davina!" He says as he knew this was a bad idea. "In 1,000 years, there hasn't been a vampire born outside a line until... Hope and Jade." I say as I look at Jade. I was a vampire due to the magic infused in Jade's blood because that's what turned me. I was also an unsired heart not just Hayley. I had called Hayley to tell her. "Hayley, you have to listen to me. Aya's witches are coming to kill you." I say as I was worried for her. "What?" She says to me over the phone but I don't hear Hayley anymore which means they are going after Hayley now. I had to go help her.

I was putting stuff into my bag. "What are you doing?" Kol asks as he didn't know what I was doing.
"The sisters already found Hayley. I have to help her." I say as I knew I had to help her. "You'll never make it there in time." Kol says as he knew I probably wouldn't. "I'm not just gonna let her die. I would make it I'm a vampire too. Yes I know I'm also an unsired heart because I was turned by the magic infused in Jade's blood. "Then stop and let me help you. For better or worse, you're linked to this nasty little coven. Which means if I take you down..." He says as I knew what would happen. "The sisters go down too. How are you gonna do magic?" I say as I wondered how he was gonna. "I'll draw it from the candle that's holding me here." He says as I set Jade down on the blanket. "Mama." I hear say as I go close to the barrier. "It's not the sexiest way to spend our final moments together but... You can make it up to me. Night on the town in a little black dress..." He says as I smile and chuckle. I put my hand on the barrier and it's almost touching his hand. I draw the magic from the candle when I go down to the floor and faint.

Kol's POV
Davina had collapsed from the spell I go down to her on the floor. "Definitely our worst date ever." I say as I look at her than sit on the floor. "Daddy." I hear a small voice say and it was such an angelic voice so I knew it was my daughter Jade. I look at my daughter who looks at me. "Hi Jade." I say as she looks up at me. "Uppie daddy." She says as I laugh happily. "I wish I could my darling Jade but when mommy brings me back I can hold you again." I say as I was watching Davina sleep. "I love you daddy." She says as she looks at me. "I love you too my little darling." I say as Davina starts to wake up.

Davina's POV
I start to wake up to see Kol and I look at the candle and see it's down to nothing. "We've wasted so much time." I said as I look at the candle. "Hardly. Now, watching you sleep and bonding with Jade has been the most fun I've had in months." He says as I look at him. "I'll bring you back soon. She promised." I said as I knew Aya promised. "I appreciate you trying. But Aya never keeps her promises. Seriously darling. But you have to let me go. The longer you stay in this coven the more dangerous it becomes for you or for Jade." He says as he was worried about me. Which is cute because that's what a boyfriend/father is suppose to do is worry about you and his daughter being danger. "Then I'll bring you back and we'll take them on together. We can do anything, can't we? Please. I love you, Kol Mikaelson." I say as he looks at and the candle. "In that case... you best kiss me before I go." He says as I lean forward to kiss him. I kiss him and he's gone because the candle blew out. I put my hand on Jade's back. "I will bring daddy back to us baby girl." I say as I look at her and she looks at me.

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