Chapter 9

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Davina's POV
At the Mikaelson Compound
Kol and I are performing a spell involving a small cauldron full of a potion and a large straw poppet. We chant together as we dip the poppet into the contents of the cauldron. We chant unintelligibly. "It's finished. But, I'm afraid it's not enough to protect Cami's body from Esther's magic." I say as I look at my boyfriend while our daughter sat in a playpen in the room. "I might know a way to distract you from your troubled mind?" Kol says as I smile and laugh as Marcel joins us. "You can take this seriously, or I can lock you in a coffin like your brother Finn, if you prefer." Marcel says unamused as I roll my eyes because I don't know he is acting like a dad to me when he saved Monique. "No. No, I'd prefer you to bugger off, because this spell needs time to cook in peace." Kol says as I laugh and I see Jade starting to wake up. "Cami doesn't have time. Esther can jump anybody into her body right now."Marcel says as now I knew he was here for Cami."Yeah, yeah, yeah, but she's not going to jump anybody. She's going to jump Rebekah, who just happens to be miles away. But, fair dues, Marcel, I think I'd be a bit testy, too, if my old ex was about to jump into my new ex. I think that would be a bit, uh..." Kol says as Cami walks in " ...Awkward?" Cami says as I nod and go over to Jade. Kol shrugs and says, "I was going to say kinky, but..." Kol says as Marcel angry vamp-speeds towards Kol and grabs him by the collar of his shirt but Cami pulls him off. "I appreciate the chivalry, Marcel but he'll have an easier time protecting me if he's alive." Cami says as I didn't want my daughter being without her dad no longer. "Keep working." Marcel says to Kol as he and Cami leave Kol and I to our work. "What is it with you two? He was being protective of me like he was a father figure in my life but he wasn't the one who saved me who were." I say as I was curious to know why Marcel was cold with him and as I knew Kol saved me and not Marcel. "Eh, it gets a bit old, playing odd-man-out in me own family. You know, Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah... they were always a party of three. No room for me at the table, but there always seemed to be room for Marcel." Kol says as I felt bad for him. He watches as I start cleaning up the herbs and salt from the table. "You know that diamond, the one that I showed you?" He says as I nod and say, "Mmhmm." I look at him. "Well, that was the baby version. The one that we need to do the dagger spell, well, that has to be a lot bigger. A hundred years ago, I had it in my hand, and Marcel ratted me out to Klaus and they took it. He probably bloody well kept it." Kol says as I smile. "Then, let's steal it back. It's a good chance to snoop!" I said as Kol was pleased I said that. He was kinda like thats my girl. "It's like you're in my mind, Davina Claire!" He says as I smile and laugh cheerfully but our daughter was awake and she claps her hands. "I think Jade likes that idea." I say as I go to pick up Jade from her playpen that was in the room.

Me and Kol are searching through the compound in search of the paragon diamond. I was holding Jade while we both dig around in dressers in one of the bedrooms. I find an old framed photograph of Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Marcel from 1914 in the bottom of a drawer. I smile and show the photo to Kol. "Is this you?" I say as Kol examines the photo. "I was a lot better looking back then." Kol says as I giggle. "You wish!" I say as I look at the photo. "What about Rebekah? You never talk about her." I say as I knew helped take care of me and Jade from Klaus. "Well, there's not much to say, really. She was always their girl. There was one time, though, she did me a solid. Back in Christmas, 1914." He says as he looks at Jade. "Well when I was pregnant Jade she made sure that Jade and I were ok. She also took care of us and protected us from Klaus." I say as I look at Jade and so does he.

Kol has just returned to the compound to update Marcel and I on the plan with Klaus and Rebekah.
"Done! As per your request. Miss Angelica Barker. Good cheekbones and a tummy you can bounce a quarter off! She will be Rebekah's new host body, instead of Cami." He says as Cami walks downstairs to join us. I'm holding Jade on my hip and I say, "Who's Angelica Barker?" Jade looks at her daddy and reaches for him. "One of my vampire potentials. Had to turn her down. She was too lost." Marcel says as Kol takes Cami from me. "Does she know what's about to happen to her?" Cami asks nervously. "It's better when they don't know, love." Kol says as he holds Jade on his hip. Marcel sighs and says, "Hopefully, we won't have to use her." Jade obviously loved her daddy. "Hopefully. But, then, my mother is a wiley and vindictive woman. Which is why I've got to ask something else of you." Kol says as Jade just looks around while in Kol's arms. "You're already getting the diamond." Marcel says confused as I see Jade's go wide when she heard the word diamond. "Which I'm thrilled about. But, in order for me to help you, I need access to my mother's hourglass... which is in the lycée. With my mother." Kol says as Jade was looking for that diamond now. "So?" Marcel asks as he wanted Kol to get to the point. "Well, I haven't been back in a while and the only way she won't suspect me is if I bring back the thing that I was sent to find." Kol says as Jade still looks for that diamond. "And that thing is...?" Marcel says as he wanted Kol to say what it was. "...The white oak stake." Kol says as my eyes go wide. "Are you out of your mind?" Marcel says I'm just not pleased. "Kol!" I say as Jade looks at me. "Look, it's the only way she's gonna trust me! She doesn't want to kill them, she just wants to make sure that the weapon doesn't fall into the wrong hands." Kol says as Marcel and I both look unhappy and uneasy about this revelation. "I swear as soon as she's gone, I'll give it right back to Klaus." He says as he hands me Jade. "Like hell you will. Deal's off." Marcel says as I see Jade glare at him so I laugh when she did.

In the French Quarter

Me, Jade and Kol are walking through the Quarter toward the Folean mansion. Well Jade was in the stroller. "Why are you in such a good mood?" I ask as I push the stroller with Jade inside it. "Remember how I said Rebekah had done me a solid back in 1914? Swore she hadn't told Klaus that I was taking the diamond back? I was actually being a bit facetious." Kol said as we walk while I'm pushing the stroller with Jade in it.

Kol and I are still walking through the neighborhood. "I've owed her one for a century. Today, I got to repay that favor." Kol says as I look concerned. "Oh, don't worry, love, I'm not going to hurt me own sister. I didn't exactly prep Angelica Barker, either. I prepped someone else." Kol says as
I'm stunned and say, "What? Who?" I push the stroller that has a sleeping Jade. "Oh, it's a bit of a story. You see, Klaus didn't just punish me for stealing the diamond, he also punished my witch friends, locking them in the Dowager Folean cottage. Oh, over the decades it's become quite a catch-all for an assortment of odd birds of the witchy variety. I'm sure Rebekah will be very comfortable in a prison created by Klaus." Kol says as I stop walking and pushing the stroller. "You didn't." I said as I didn't think he put his sister on there. "Oh, I did." He said as he pulls out the large paragon diamond from his pocket. "Besides, with Rebekah missing, Klaus will occupied so we can finish what we started." He said as be hands me the diamond and I examine it with a smile. "You swear she's safe?" I say as I was wondering if Jade's aunt was ok. Kol nods and says, "Perfectly. Since this is the best day I've had in the past two centuries, I've made a wish for you." He caresses my face with his hand. "Close your eyes."He says as I do what I'm told once my eyes are closed Kol leans down and he kisses me on the lips. After a moment he pulls away but I smile before I wrap my arms around his neck and start to kiss him more passionately. He wraps his arms around my waist and we make out in front of the Folean mansion. I had handed the diamond to Jade but she didn't notice it because was asleep.

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