Chapter 16

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Rebekah's POV
I wake up in my coffin and back in my old body and say, "Ah! Well, I have always been a sucker for a good display of strength. Fair warning, if you're still compelled to kill me, you've got a whole new fight on your hands." I say as Marcel lifts me out of the coffin. "That was one hell of a gamble." He says as he looks at me with his hands by my face and on my neck. "I didn't have much choice. With Klaus as the dealer I expect a crappy hand." I say as I looked at Eva's body laying there. "And it's not just a bad hand. He rigged the game. He compelled me to hurt you because he knows what you mean to me." Marcel says as he looks at Eva's body too. "Where is Jade? Is she safe?" I asks as I was worried about my goddaughter and niece. "Jade is fine. She's with Davina." He says as I sigh in relief that my sweet goddaughter and niece are ok. I hear a cell phone vibrating. I grab the phone once I realized it was coming from my witch body. "Well, this should be good." I said as I saw it was Klaus that was calling.

At the Mikaelson Compound
I walk in with Marcel. "Don't blame the messenger." I say as I walk in with Marcel in my original body. "Rebekah?" Elijah says as he looks at me. "Looks like Niklaus had a lot on his to-do list last night and as for Hayley..." I say as I get cut off. "What is it?" Elijah says as he was worried. "When Klaus attacked me, he stole the spell that I used on the Crescent wolves." Marcel says as I stand there thinking about Jade. "So he would condemn her to the body of a beast?" Elijah says as he was furious. "Elijah, listen to me. Hayley will be human once a month. We will find her, and we will help her." I say as I step forward to stop him from attacking Marcel. "No." He says as he wasn't happy about this. "We need to focus on those who need saving today. Freya called. Dahlia is incapacitated. They are two hours north at orchard near Pearl River. She has hope." I say as Elijah vamp speeds off.

Davina's POV
I  was in the cemetery with Jade so that I can bring back Kol to us. Bonnie was gonna help me with the spell but according to Jeremy she died on her graduation day so I had to to do the spell alone. I was dumping water and dirt into a tub while Jade sat on the ground on a blanket and she was playing with toys. All of a sudden I hear footsteps with my vamp hearing. "Earth magic. Ah, who taught you this?" Vincent says as he looks into the tub. "Closest thing I had to a teacher... The guy I'm bringing back. My daughter's father. " I say as I smile as I'm finally bringing back the one person who means everything to me and my daughter. "Now, when you became regent, our ancestors gave you a one-time-only access to their power. Now, are you sure you want to use that on Kol Mikaelson?" Vincent says as I was sure because Jade needs her daddy and I needed my boyfriend back. "I've already made up my mind. Spell's almost done. I just use the power of the spirits to turn dirt and ash into flesh and bone, though maybe I should've worn an apron." I say as I laugh at the last part I said about the apron. "Look, Davina Claire. You want my advice? As someone who has just been put through the Mikaelson meat grinder, be careful." Vincent says as I know Kol isn't like his brothers even though Elijah has been huge help with Jade and keeping her safe. He was one of the people who protected when I was pregnant with Jade. "Kol's not like his brothers. They all turn on each other." I say as that was true. "I against my brother, my brother and I against the infidel." Vincent says as I hear Jade coo. "What does that mean?" I say as I didn't know what he meant. "It means that families fight but when push comes to shove you can always trust a Mikaelson to back another Mikaelson. So you watch your back." Vincent says as I knew one day I would become a Mikaelson when I married Kol. "Well I'm connected to the family since Jade is a Mikaelson because Kol is her father." I say as I look over at my daughter who has a toy in her mouth.

Rebekah's POV
At the Mikaelson Compound
We had Nik's body here but he was daggered. "Nik is demented. Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash swap said ash for Kol's and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol if Davina doesn't turn us inside out?" I say as I wanted to help Davina bring back my niece/goddaughters father because that sweet little girl needs her father. Nik was trying to let his own niece be without a father. "Or we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it." Elijah says as I wanted nothing but to be with my sweet little Jade right now. "I say we choose a more permanent option... Find the white oak stake kill Klaus. Dahlia dies with him." Freya says as that wasn't so easy. I knew Davina wouldn't wanna lose Josh or Marcel since they were so close to her. "Oh, yeah and so do I and every other vampire that Klaus has turned." Marcel says as I hear trickling. "The dagger. It's Bloody melting." I say as I look at it and Elijah goes down to the dagger that's in Nik. "We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set." Elijah says as I didn't like this idea at all.

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