Chapter 20

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Davina's POV
I had brought Kol back to Jade and I a few days ago. Jade is so happy to have her daddy back. Kol was asleep on the bed in the attic. I was reading a book while Jade was in a playpen up here in the attic. I see Kol waking up as Jade smiles happily. I put my book down and get up from the chair I was sitting in. "You've been asleep for three days." I say as I look at him. "Regenerating from ash takes a lot out of a man. You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now." He says as he gets up from the bed. "So what's stopping you?" I say as I didn't know what was stopping him. "Well, I can take the heat... If it means I get to kiss you but letting the church burn down to ashes may be considered sacrilegious." He said as we didn't want that to happen. "But y-you were a witch." I said as I knew that Bonnie had brought him back but this time Bonnie didn't help because according to Caroline, Bonnie was in a mental hospital. Caroline had twin girls named Lizzie and Josie. Miranda well Stefan had brought her here to New Orleans a few days ago. She is back at compound now. "The spell you used brought me back as I was when I died in this body." Kol says as I knew he would maybe hurt me but he can't because I'm a vampire anyways. "Kol, I've heard the stories. When you were a vampire, you were..." I say but he cuts me off. A psychotic maniac. But I didn't have you or Jade. Both of you are worth being good for. I promise you can trust me." He says as I walk over to him smiling and we both kiss each other. Once we break apart I'm just looking at him. "I'm a vampire too. Jade turned me when she was born. Yes I kept my witch powers according to Bonnie's daughter Miranda it's called a heretic. You can't hurt me anyways." I say as I look at him while Jade is over in the playpen. "At the risk of sounding too forward I need you to put a ring on this finger. A family reunion is in order." He says as I was like um...about that. "Kol, about your family... I'm pretty sure Klaus wants me dead." I said as I knew Klaus probably wouldn't kill me because of Jade. I'm pretty sure Klaus wouldn't want to leave his niece without a mother. "Klaus won't kill you because of Jade." He says as I knew that. "Well we should get going." I say as I go over to the playpen and pick up Jade.

At the compound
I walk into the compound but Kol had Jade in his arms. "Rather foolish of you to come here alone." Klaus says as he had pinned me up against a wall. When Kol walks in with Jade because Klaus was thrown across the room but Jade has been put down before he did that. "She didn't come alone, brother." He says as Jade runs around the compound. "Jade be careful." I say as I'm making sure she doesn't run into anything. When Freya and Elijah walk in the room Jade just runs around until she runs into Freya's leg. "Hey little one." She says as she picks up Jade. "Hi auntie Freya." She says as she is in Freya's arms. "Now, Nik, I mean, you did go after my girl." Kol says as Klaus was shocked that Kol was alive. "It can't be." Klaus says as he couldn't believe it. "It's Kol. When I broke your sire link, it created a surge of power." I say as I knew it did. "You stole the nexus vorti." Freya says as she holds Jade. "And brought your brother back from the dead." I say as I did just that. "You should be thanking her, really. Hello, Elijah. You haven't aged a day. And you." Kol says as Elijah was by him. "Freya." Freya says as she holds Jade. "Right. Long-lost older sister. Speaking of twists and turns in our family tree where might Rebekah be?" He says as I knew exactly where Rebekah was because Elijah told me that he daughter because of her hex.

Flashback to Christmas
I was playing Jade and Hope with Hayley and Freya but than Elijah comes up to me because he had to talk to me. "What is it Elijah?" I asked as he looked at me. "I had to dagger Rebekah because she told me to now don't tell Klaus I did that." He says as I nod that as I promise I won't. "I promise." I say as I look over at Jade. "Good. Oh let's not tell Jade either she will be upset." He says as I nod because I know Jade will be and start crying for her aunt Rebekah.
End of Flashback

I look at Jade in Freya's arms. "That's a long story. And one reserved for family. Davina can see herself out. "Uh, are you...?" Kol says as he knew I lived here. "As per usual our family faces a multitude of threats. The sooner you become acquainted with them the better. I won't have you distracted." Klaus says as I was like um... hello I'm a part of this family. "By Davina? You know, if you could only pull your head out of your..." Kol says but he is cut off. "I live here remember Klaus." I say as he realizes that. "Oh yea sorry I forgot. You are apart of this family." He says as I nod. "Plus I already know about the prophecy because Jade and I are apart this family." I say as I look at Klaus. "And Jade is just as cute as Hope is." Freya says as she looks at Jade. "Well I'm gonna go to my room while you fill Kol in on the things about the prophecy." I say as I walk off to my room but Kol stops me. "After they tell me I'll meet you in your room." He says as I nod but it wasn't my room it was really his room but he didn't know that only Klaus, Freya, Elijah and Hayley knew that I was sleeping in Kol's room. I walk off to mine and Kol's room when Hayley walks in with Hope. "How about our daughters have a play date." She says as I look at her in the doorway with Hope in her arms. "Jade is with Freya but I'm gonna go to where the boys are anyways. You know to control Klaus from doing something stupid." I say as I get up from the bed. "Good idea." She says as she gets out of the doorway.

In Klaus' room
I walk into Klaus' room where the boys are. I stand there and I had grabbed a glass of white wine with blood in it before I came in here. "So remind me, who is this Cortez? Kol says as I take a sip of my drink. "His family decimated Belaga." Klaus says as my eyes go wide. "Ugh! Belaga. That place was hideous." Kol says as I was like ok I don't wanna go there than. "Thank you, Kol." Elijah says as he agreed with Kol. "No taste. Either of you." Klaus says as I did agree with Kol and Elijah but didn't say anything but I never been there but I believed what both Elijah and Kol when they said it was a hideous place. "All right, calm down. I know exactly how to find your enemies. As long as our new sister doesn't chafe at me for teaching her a quick spell. Mind if I burn these?" Kol says as he holds up letters

Freya's POV
I was in the lychee with Jade when Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Davina walk in. "Mixing the ashes of these letters with your blood Nik, will show us where your enemies are." Kol says as Davina stands beside me as Jade is on a blanket close by me. I see Davina is looking for Jade because I was sitting down and Jade wasn't on my lap. "She is ok Davina. She's over here on the other side of me on her pink flower blanket." I say as she looks over me and sees Jade so she sighs in relief that Jade is ok. "With feeling now." Kol says as I chuckle and take the letter. Davina and I start chanting in a foreign language together. "Behold your greatest hits, Klaus. All over the world. But only one is here. Which means the legion of enemies you were worried about is an army of one." I say as I look at him and Davina nods. "I assure you, this is your Gaspar Cortez." Kol says as Klaus' phone vibrates so he pulls it out.

Davina had walked over to Jade on the floor where the blanket laid. "Since Rebekah is daggered I promised to protect Jade well she told me to protect Jade when she left town." I say as Kol walks over to Jade and Davina. "I'm finally in her life but there is a stupid prophecy against our family which might kill us all." Kol says as he sounds disappointed by that. He is not wrong because the prophecy could take Kol away from Jade again. *Note: Lucien will be the prophecy that kills the Mikaelson not Marcel. Don't worry Davina won't die at all. She will get bitten but she will get bitten but she will heal right away due to her being a vampire turned by Jade.*  The prophecy already took Rebekah from Jade because well we had to send Rebekah away well she is actually daggered because Elijah daggered to keep her safe. I wasn't gonna let Jade lose her dad at all I mean I did lose mine but I'm not bitter about it. I'm old enough to handle the death of my father I'm a big girl but Jade is just barley even 2 yet and she might lose her father which I won't let happen. "It never stops. Never." I say as look down at the map with blood on it.  "So this men on be a fraction of our potential enemies." Elijah says he looks at Nik. "In hindsight, could've been nicer to people. Or at least left fewer survivors." Kol says as Davina nods as she picks up Jade from her pink flower blanket. "We don't know all their motivations. Half of these people could want to put the bullet in your heart, end the sire war with the pull of a trigger. I have an army devoted to keeping me alive. " Klaus says as Davina pretty much gives him a death stare which makes Kol and Jade both laugh at Davina's face. "The only people that care to protect you are standing in this very room. As you well know, Niklaus, there is another way." Elijah says as Klaus doesn't know what to think. "You're going to run?" I say as I knew that is exactly what he was gonna do. "There was a time when the name Klaus Mikaelson was little more than a rumor. A shadowy figure who cast fear into the very bones of any who heard whisper of him. I don't run, sister. I disappear. And tonight, the three of you are going to make that possible." Klaus says as he lifts up a head in a sack. Davina covers Jade's eyes in the process so Jade didn't have to see that. "Klaus my daughter is in the room." Kol says as he points to Jade In Davina's arms.

Later on in Kol and Davina's room *Well now it is*
Davina's POV
Kol and I had just gave Jade to Hayley so she can watch her while Kol and I have some alone time together. We were dancing when all of sudden I had felt the urge to want Kol so we kiss. I unbutton his shirt and take it off than I unzip my dress and take it off my body before stepping out of it. *Note: Well um let's just say they had sex again for the first time in forever you know since Davina got pregnant with Jade.*

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