Chapter 5

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Davina's POV
Hayley sits on the couch and she's flipping through a book as she talks to Agnes at the table. Rebekah sits and types on a laptop. I'm sitting on the couch next to Hayley as I cry over Kol being dead. Bonnie has been trying everything she can to bring Kol back. I know this because she texted me saying that. "I told you Agnes, I feel great!" Hayley says as I nodded because I did too. "I feel great too minus my baby's father being dead but other than that I feel great." I say as Hayley looks at me and grabs my hand as a way of comforting me. "You are overdue for a checkup. Both of you are." Anges says as I have tears coming down my face. "What are we gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch nothing to see here! Davina wouldn't look bad with you Anges but it would be weird if me and her were to go into the Quarter together." Hayley says as she still holds my hand and I nod at what she said. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours. I know Davina has been taking care of hers I've been going with her to her appointments as my brother Kol can't cause he's dead." Rebekah says as I cry again and Hayley doesn't let go of my hand. "I know a doctor out in the bayou. Off the beat path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it." Anges says as Hayley thinks for a moment and rolls her eyes. "Okay, fine. Bayou-baby-doctor it is. Davina you are coming with us too so you can have a checkup on your baby." Hayley says as we leave the room.

At the Bayou Clinic
It was dark and Agnes drives Hayley and I up to the obstetrician in the Bayou in her car. Owls are hooting in the background. "This is the doctor's office?" Hayley says as I was scared so I grab Hayley's hand and she takes it. "Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go! She won't bite!" Anges says as Hayley nervously exits the car while holding my hand and we walk towards the clinic. Dr. Paige is giving Hayley and I an ultrasound and we can hear the fetal heartbeats of our babies. "Both of your babies heart rate is perfect." Dr.Paige says as she smiles at us. Hayley and I smile in return and says, "I knew it. She's a tough one like her mom." Hayley says as Dr. Paige chuckles and hands her a tissue to wipe the ultrasound gel off of her abdomen which she does. As Hayley sits up, Dr. Paige notices Hayley's crescent-moon shaped birthmark on her shoulder. "That's a unique birthmark. Oh and Ms. Claire you are also having a girl." Dr.Paige says as Hayley puts on her sweater and says, "We're pretty much done here, right?" She gets a text from Rebekah which reads "Where are you?" I was happy I was having a baby girl too. I knew one day that Kol would meet our little girl. I also have the perfect name for her.
"Your blood pressure is a bit high, I've got something for it." Dr. Paige says as Hayley watches as she walks away to where Agnes is waiting in the next room. She texts "Bayou clinic with doctor" to Rebekah. Suddenly a wolf howls loudly which startles Hayley and I. Hayley gets up to look out the window and sees a car's headlights approaching which makes her suspicious and anxious. Dr. Paige returns with her medication. "Ahh, you know, I'm-I'm actually not that good with pills." Hayley says as she didn't want the pills. "Heh, neither am I, truth be told." Dr. Paige says as she sets the medicine cup on the table and starts preparing something. A group of intimidating-looking men walk into the clinic and whisper something unintelligible to Agnes. Hayley turns around to see Dr. Paige preparing a syringe, and the doctor lunges at Hayley to inject her with it. Hayley grabs her arm and pushes it away from her headbutts the doctor to disorient her and then stabs the syringe into the doctor's neck. When the men in the lobby see what happened they run toward the door but Hayley manages to shut and lock it before they can enter. One of the men rattles the doorknob as Hayley struggles to open the window to escape. When they finally get in, Hayley has already escaped and began running away. I ran with her because I didn't want me or my baby getting hurt especially since my baby's father is dead thanks to Elena Gilbert.

The men who raided the clinic are still looking for Hayley and they pass her not seeing that she's hiding behind a tree. I had ran off and didn't stop because I wanted to keep my baby and myself safe from harm but I see Hayley run up to them and kick the first man she encounters in the gut and knocks him to the ground. She jumps and kicks the second man down as well and snaps his neck. A third man tries to attack her but she grabs a knife from his hands and cuts his neck with it as she spins in the air. When a fourth attacks her she grabs his gun and knocks him to the ground and possibly kill him as she kicks him and beat him in the head with the butt of the gun. One of the men come for me and I use my witch powers to fend him off. Hayley crouches on the ground and her eyes flash werewolf-gold as she looks for any more threats. A large, burly man descends upon her but before Hayley can react his neck is snapped from behind by Rebekah who has just arrived. "Have to say, I'm impressed." She says as I was so happy she was here. "How did you find us?" Hayley asks as she was curious. "Your text got me halfway vamping here did the rest. Who are they?"Rebekah says as I run to her and she hugs me. "Witches, warlocks, whatever." Hayley says as Rebekah seems to notices more men with flashlights in the distance. "There're more of them. Run! Both of you now!" Rebekah says as Hayley and I reluctantly heed at her warning. I hear Rebekah mutter to herself. "If I had a dollar for every mess my family has got me into..." Rebekah is shot in the heart with two arrows, which temporarily neutralize her and she falls to the ground. Hayley sees her get shot and we both turn around. "Rebekah!" Hayley says as she is shot in the shoulder with an arrow, which seems to be coated in something that causes her to pass out and fall to the ground as well. I run off so far that they couldn't shoot me because I wanted to keep me and my baby girl safe because I know Kol would have wanted that.

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