Chapter 7

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Davina's POV
At Rousseau's
I'm sitting at a table with Kol. I had saw a boy while in town and I had told Bonnie. I had also asked her if she had done anything to bring Kol back and she did because she told me he was in the body of a boy named Kaleb. I still hadn't told Kol about our daughter Jade. "What's the deal with your family?" I say as I already knew that Klaus was crazy as he did want Jade dead maybe but now I had no idea. "My family? Oh, no. They're all crazy as loons. How about your family?" He says as I'm uncomfortable now but I'm afraid to mention our daughter because Kol doesn't know that I know he's Kaleb. "Not much to say. Only child. My dad was distant, which is a lot better than my mom. My daughter is all I really have left of a family." I say as I was hoping he doesn't figure it out that my daughter is his. "Mommy issues, eh? Bet she's a control freak, right? Daughter? Whose her father?" He says as my eyes widen because well Jade's father is in front of my eyes just in a different body. I nod at my boyfriends mommy issues comment though. "Yeah, same as mine. She's the reason I stopped practicing magic for so long." He says as I'm shocked because I didn't know that my boyfriend was a witch. "You're a witch?" I ask my boyfriend as I hoped Hayley didn't call me about Jade. "Don't look so surprised, love. I didn't just ask you out because you're gorgeous. No, we're, uh... we're kindred souls." He says as I'm confused. "What do you mean?" I ask him as I didn't quite understand what my boyfriend was saying. "I know your story, Davina. I mean, you're practically famous. You're the Harvest girl who told them all to shove it. I'm a lot like you. Don't really believe in rules and authority. Your courage, it should be celebrated. I'm the one who saved you." He says as I smile at him and we stare at each other for a moment until my phone rings interrupting our conversation. I take my phone out and I see it's Hayley. "I'm so sorry she will just keep calling until I answer. I'll make it quick." I say as I pick up the phone. "Yes Hayley what is it?" I ask her over the phone. "Just looking at Jade makes me wish that Hope could be with me." She tells me over the phone. "I know Hayley but she can't be. She's safe with Rebekah." I say over the phone. "Ok well I will continue to watch Jade and protect her from her uncle Klaus." She says as I smile. "Thanks Hayley." I say as I hang up and go back to my boyfriend.

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