Chapter 10

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Kol's POV
At the Mikaelson Compound
I was trapped in the compound with no daughter or girlfriend in here which sucked. When I see Davina and Jade arrive to the compound. Jade is in her car seat and Davina stops short of the entrance to the courtyard knowing that her and Jade will be trapped if she goes any farther. When she reaches out to touch the barrier. I rush out and stop her before she can get burned or before Jade can get burned. "Careful, careful! It's nasty." I say as I looks at Davina and Jade. I smile at the sight my girls. "Pretty girls to the rescue, eh?" I say as I was being my girlfriend and daughter. Davina grins at me. "You ready?" I ask my girlfriend so she nods while putting down Jade's car seat and we both hold out our hands so that were nearly touching with only the magical barrier separating us. Once we were settled we start to murmur an unintelligible incantation under their breath. As we chant, Marcel pushes his way through the crowd to watch them work. After a moment me and Davina are both rebounded backwards. Davina is startled as she worries that Jade could have woken up. "Ahhh!" She says as I glance at my hands and give Davina a look. "What just happened?" Davina says as Klaus suddenly appears to check on us. "I assume that means we're all free to go." Klaus says as I look at a sleeping Jade.  "No, the spell's locking us out." I say anxiously while still looking at my sleeping daughter. "Vincent must be channeling something. A dark object, maybe." Davina says as Klaus, Davina, and I look at each other with frustration and concern.

Elijah calls Klaus who is anxiously wandering around the compound to inform him of this newest development. Klaus on the phone says, "What do you mean, she's gone?" My eyes widen as he knew he was in trouble now. I was looking at my daughter sleeping peacefully from across the room. "I just received a call from Angelica Barker, who is still very much herself." Elijah says as Klaus stops at the end of the hall where I'm eavesdropping on Nik's phone call from the nearby doorway. "Stay where you are. I'll handle it." Klaus says as he was talking our brother. He ends the call so I say to him, "Everything all right?" He looks at me as I look at Jade. "It will be provided you've found a solution to this little quandary of ours." Klaus says as I see Jade starting to wake up from across the room. "Well, I might have. I'm not sure you're gonna like it though." I said as I knew my brother wouldn't like the answer and if I don't tel him he might threaten Davina or Jade which I didn't want. "I'm not sure we have a choice." Klaus said as I knew I didn't have one since Nik could threaten my girls and I didn't want that. "There are things that we need from the lycée, which means we need it clear of Finn. And, knowing him, there's only one thing that will distract him for long enough." I say as I look at Jade as I go closer to where Jade's car seat sat. "And what's that?" Klaus scowls as Jade looks up at me and I smile at her. "If you tell him where to find our mother." I say as I'm smiling at my daughter wishing I could pick her up.

Davina and I are setting up for their destruction spell at the entrance of the compound passing the ingredients through the barrier as we create a circle with sand and salt place reddish-pink flower petals in the middle. Across the room tensions are still running high between the two species especially when someone named Jared picks a fight with a nearby vampire.

Davina's POV

Me and Kol are finally ready to cast the destruction spell and have raised our hands parallel to each other to start the incantation though we mutter it too quietly to be understood. Suddenly, a huge gust of wind comes through and blows out all of the candles around them and I gasp. I look at the threshold of the house and hold out my hand to check for the boundary. Kol tries to stop me. "Davina!" He says as I keep going though and my hand touches Kol's without burning revealing that the spell worked. I smile because I'm proud that we did it. Hayley steps forward and says, "Okay, Jack, now!" As she told Jackson they can go. "Come on, go!" Jackson says as he rushes the werewolves out of the house along with Hayley while the vampires who can't leave in the daylight hide out in the shadows until it's safe again. Aiden looks over at Josh who gives him a rueful look before he leaves. "Remember, sixty seconds!" Kol shouts to the crowd but before the time's up Klaus grabbed Kol who was fleeing and throws him back into the compound where he falls and hits the stone floor cutting his forehead. Klaus stays outside the boundary with me while still blocking Kol from leaving. "Slight change of plans, brother. I no longer have to treat you as anything but the treacherous liar that you truly are." Klaus says as I see Jade reaching for me so I pick her up. "What the bloody hell?" Kol says as I hold Jade in my arms. "Where is she?" Klaus says as Kol looks backward at the vampires who are looking at him hungrily but cannot lunge for him while their daylight rings are neutralized. "Please! They'll kill him! I can't let Jade be without her dad again." I say as I hold Jade in my arms and she is awake. I didn't wanna lose Kol again. "Well, he should have thought about that before he betrayed our sister! Rebekah never made it to her new body, did she? And, seeing as you cast the spell and, well, you're you, I'd hardly call it an uncrackable case!" Klaus said as I look down at Jade. "Rebekah's fine, Nik!" Kol says as Klaus angrily starts to walk towards Kol. "It was a prank, nothing more than anything you lot have done to me, but I bet it's different when it's one of y... aah!" Kol says as he's cut off when he crosses the boundary which has been put back up and burns his hand. "Oooh. Barrier's back up." Klaus says as The vampires realizing they can go back out in the sunlight start to swarm around Kol. "And those vampires look oh-so hungry. Now, I was willing to welcome you back in my home! But you had to return to your petty selfish jealousies! Well, let's see how well they help you survive when you're stuck in there!" Klaus says as he storms away leaving me who is scared for Kol to watch helplessly as the vampires swarm him. Kol backs up and accidentally bumps into Marcel who is starving and looking at him with rage in his eyes.
Kol looks terrified and says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" I whisper, "Marcel..." Marcel looks back at me for a moment and after seeing my face he reluctantly turns to Kol and shoves him backwards toward the stairs. "If I were you, I would make myself scarce. Go!" Marcel says as he blocks the staircase so the vampires can't follow him and I give him one last look before I leave. Marcel and I became closer when I was pregnant with Jade since Rebekah had told him all about my pregnancy plus when Rebekah was in her new body Marcel promised her that he would look out for me and Jade even though Kol saved me from the Harvest Ritual. I was a vampire but I still had my powers but I wasn't hungry for Kol's blood as he was human but so is our daughter.

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