Chapter 21

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*Authors Note: Ok well I'm gonna skip episode 16 so I'm gonna skip a few weeks here. So it's a few weeks after Finn's death so I'm basically to the end of season 3.*

Davina's POV
I had been throw up all week and both Hayley and Freya had noticed so I was taking a pregnancy test at the Compound in the bathroom.

5 minutes later
I turn over the test once my 5 minutes are up. I see the words pregnant which means I am officially pregnant with baby #2 that had meant that Jade was getting a little brother or sister. I ran down the stairs to tell everyone the good news as they all gathered in the living room. "I'm pregnant." I say as Freya and Hayley were like I knew it. Kol stood up and hugged me because I can tell he was happy. Hopefully he can be here for this baby.

Later on a
At St. Anne's
I had just daggered Kol because he told me to so he couldn't hurt me and the baby but he wouldn't because I'm a vampire too and can heal. All of a sudden I realized Kol wasn't on the floor anymore and I got scared. "Kol?" I ask as I'm looking around for him. Jade was with Hayley because she is having a play date with Hope. Kol had bitten me so I die but not really

A few minutes later
I wake up and I'm healed because I don't see where Kol bite me anymore and I see Kol on the floor crying so I walk over to him. "Kol." I say as he looks up at me. "You aren't dead?" He says as he gets up off the floor. "No. I healed because Jade turned me into a vampire when she was born." I say as he hugs me and kisses my lips. I hug back and kiss him back on the lips.

At the Mikaelson Compound
Kol and I walk in when I see Hayley with blood on her and I wonder where Jade is. "Where is Jade?" I ask as Freya comes out with Jade. "She's right here." She says as she hands me Jade but as soon as she hands me Jade, she feels weak. "Freya what's wrong?" I say as Kol takes Jade so I can go to Freya. I walk over to Freya and catch her from falling to the floor. "I think I've been poisoned." She says as my eyes go wide. All of a sudden I hear someone coming into the compound so we all go see who it is. It was Lucien Castle with Marcel. Lucien sees me and is shocked. "I thought you died." He says as I shake my head. "No I didn't I'm a vampire." I say as Lucien tries step towards me but Kol hands Jade off to Elijah and steps in front of me. Lucien bites Kol in the neck and I hand Jade off to Hayley. Lucien than bites Elijah's arm.

At Lucien's Apartment
In the living room
I set Jade down by Hope. While Freya and I work on a sleeping spell to put all the Mikaelsons in.

A few seconds later
Freya had put herself and her siblings under a sleeping spell till Hayley and I found a way to cure them all. I knew that this baby in my stomach will know exactly who his or her father is. Jade may not remember much about hers but just like my other child she will know who her father is.

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