Chapter #29

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Kimberly's P.O.V

1 year later

"Stephen get the boys foods ready" I said taking out some plates and starting to serve it out.

Yes, you heard right 'boys'. I got pregnant after the honeymoon. Stephen got too excited and we were having sex everyday on our honeymoon. And when I got back home a week after our honeymoon I was feeling nauseous and was throwing up so I took a pregnancy test and surprise positive.

Stephen started crying when he found out and went back to his protective ways just like when I was pregnant with Elijah.

"Mommy" I heard Elijah say I turned around and he was running towards me with his hands open. "Hi baby" I said squatting down and opening my arms "Leo keeps pulling my hair" Elijah said coming close to me and hugging me. I backed away and kissed his forehead before standing up and carrying him on my hip .

"Leo" I said and Stephen was carrying him on his hip while walking towards us "mama" Leo said while smiling.

"Why are you being mean to Elijah?" I asked stepping close to him and Leo smiled then looked at Elijah opening his arms "look he wants a hug" I said stepping closer and Elijah leaped over giving Leo a hug "aww" I said.

"Hi baby" I heard Stephen say I looked up at him and he was smiling. "Hi" I said and he bended down giving me a kiss on my lips.

I backed away and placed Elijah down "who's hungry?" I asked turning around "me" I heard Elijah say. I picked up the plates and turned back around seeing all 3 of them sitting down on the island smiling.

I walked over  towards them and placed their plates in front of them and putting my plate next to Stephen's plate.

I turned back around and grabbed some cups and the water filter from the fridge. I placed their cups in front of them and filled it up with water. I sat down next to Stephen and we started eating. While Stephen was feeding Leo.

1 hour later (9pm)

I kissed Leo's forehead before walking out of the room and making my way to Elijah's to see Stephen laying down on the bed with Elijah next to him and both were sleeping. I smiled at the scene in front of me and walked over to Stephen.

"Stephen wake up" I said kissing his cheek "huh? I wasn't sleeping" he said quickly opening his eyes and sitting up and I almost started laughing but I held it in.

"Did Leo fall asleep?" Stephen asked rubbing his eyes "yes" I said smiling "I'll go kiss him goodnight" he said standing up "okay" I said and he walked out of the room.

I walked over to Elijah and tucked him in then kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams baby" I said kissing his cheek.

I turned on his night light before walking out of the room and closing the door shut. I turned around and saw Stephen also doing the same thing.

"Uhh" he groaned stretching his hands over his head while walking over to me "you should get to bed you work tomorrow" I said hugging his torso and looking up at him.

"I want another baby" he said and I quickly backed away from him shocked "that's you're sleep talking" I said looking up at him "no baby I want a baby girl now" he said stepping close to me and hugging my waist "we have two amazing boys we don't need more babies" I said "please I want 2 more" he said and my mouth almost dropped.

"Are you crazy?" I asked looking at him shocked "for you yes" he said bending down and kissing my lips. I backed away and he connected our foreheads "I'll convince you to have 3 more" he whispered closing his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's get you to bed, it's not even you speaking right now" I said backing away and he opened his eyes. He bended down again and threw me over his shoulder.

"Stephen" I said laughing "3 more kids to go" he said smacking my ass "no" I quickly said laughing.

He walked into our room and closed the door and turned off the lights. He laid me down on the bed and laid on top of me. Quickly covering our bodies with the blanket.

"I love you" he said and I felt his lips on mine. I kissed him back before he backed away and laid down on my stomach "I love you too" I said starting to play with his hair.

"You see I prefer your stomach when you have a baby inside of it" he said bringing his hands up to my boobs "Stephen go to sleep" I said laughing and he wrapped his hands around my waist while I continued to play with his hair.


Writing the next chapter as you read this.

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