Chapter #3

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1 week later (Friday April 20th)

Kimberly's P.O.V


"Mr James your doctor check up is tomorrow at 2pm and your dentist appointment is also tomorrow but at 6pm" I said looking at the tablet and typing some stuff in.

"Okay" he said fixing his hair in the mirror "I'll be outside sitting down" I said turning around and making my way out of backstage.

I walked down the stairs and went to where the rest of the audience were. I walked towards the front row and sat down in the middle.

When I heard music start to play. I turned my phone off and a bunch of hot men started walking out one by one and posing at the end of the runway.

And let me tell you this is what heaven might be like. Because these men were hot and muscular.

I clapped and cheered for each and one of them. And I was having the time of my my life.

When Stephen came out from behind the curtains and he was closing the show.

And I'll admit it he looked hot ass fuck. You could see Al his tattoos and his abs and holy hell, what a man.

Stop Kimberly he's your fucking boss.

I clapped and cheered and the music changed and women started coming out.

And they were just as equally ass hot.

Then both genders came out and all that.

4 hours later (8:29pm)

I was backstage waiting for Stephen to get off the runway since he was closing up the runway show. When my phone started ringing. I reached over to it and saw it was Alex so I quickly picked it up.

Me: hi Alex, what's up?

Alex: hey, where are you and why is it so loud?

Me: I'm with Mr James in his runway show

Alex: oh okay I was just calling you to say that me and my girlfriend are going on a vacation for 6 months my rent money for those 6 months are on top of the counter so the place is all yours.

Me: okay have a good vacation and tell piper I said hi

Alex: okay I will bye

Me: bye

I hung up the phone and turned around to see Mr James with his arms crossed. Fuck, this can't be good.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him nervously "why were you on the phone?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "My roommate called" I responded honestly and his hands dropped to his side.

"Don't answer calls while on the job" he said "yes sir" I said trying so hard to keep eye contact with him and not look down at his abs.

Stephen didn't break eye contact with me and kept looking at me when he licked his lips and turned around walking into his dressing room.

"Fuck" I groaned while looking down at my tablet.

"Let's go" i heard Stephen say, I looked up and he was walking past me with his suit on.

We walked outside and there were to where paparazzis waiting outside taking pictures.

We quickly walked over to the limo and got inside

Next day (2pm)

We were in the doctors office waiting for the doctor to come in and check on Stephe. When I got a notification on my tablet.

Billionaires Assistant/ Stephen James Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz