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A few stragglers raced into the square, only to be mowed down by the approaching night creatures. Elizabeth saw the haunting blue eyes staring at her from the dark. A woman dangled from its jaws, her limp body swaying as it moved.

Trevor's voice pulled her back, "Back to the far side of the square!" he ordered. Those who still had their weapons and wits followed his command. Elizabeth watched him sort them into a formation, "Pikes! Up front, now!" The nervous man clutched the weapon like a child clutching their mother's skirt, as though it would protect them without them having to lift a finger. The younger men of the crowd were huddled and hunched with their eyes firmly shut, afraid of what would happen if they opened them. Elizabeth felt for them, she'd be crouched with them had it not been for her upbringing, and for Trevor at her side.

A villager tried to argue as he tried to hide behind the pole of the weapon, hoping to hide with the others. "Why should we follow you?" he shrieked, trembling to his knees.

"Because my brother is the only man here who knows how to fight these things," she argued, earning a thankful glance from Trevor.

"Everyone with a pike or a long weapon, get out in front with me," he pulled the man along by his collar and plonked him a few feet away, others joining them. "Six in front, six behind and in between, pikes forward!" the men shuffled and fumbled into position as their weapon shook from the unsteady wielding hands.

Elizabeth placed herself in between them, allowing Trevor and Sypha to move towards the rear.

"Hold steady," she urged them, holding her sword out forwards with her legs slayed out to counterbalance the weight. The blue-eyed beast grew nearer, the woman now bloody chunks in his mouth. She could see her eye staring back at her and fought back the urge to throw up but stood firm. She couldn't allow the others to know she was afraid, or else they'd all desert.

Behind her, Trevor sent people out to gather water. Holy water could sear and melt the flesh of unholy monsters like these. She doubted it would work if the priests following the late Bishop had drawn it. She had little faith in them.

Another explosion of flame erupted before them; night creatures spilled onto the streets. Elizabeth saw the large, hulking walls of ice that formed before them. Sypha moved the ice upwards, blocking any other path but forwards. The creatures couldn't break through the walls and were injured in their attempts. Elizabeth saw some creeping backwards. No, they're escaping!

"Hey beastie, come get me!" she yelled, stepping in front of the pike-men. The blue eyes beast lapped up the blood on the floor and slunk towards her. She stepped back into the ranks, her blade pointing at it.

Once the beasts were within range, Elizabeth felt water drip onto her. She quickly rubbed in from her face and saw the murky flesh of the beast burn with a blue hue. The creature let out a deafening screech and scratched at the water to get it off. Trevor's voice cut through the screech, "Four steps forward!".

Elizabeth marched with them, twisting her body to one side so she could side-step with them. The creatures tried to escape the approaching blades, but the walls slammed shut behind them, blocking the beasts in a trap. Sypha's smile reflected in the ice.

A flying monster charged at the pike-men; Elizabeth shouted "Pike-men up!". The creature became snagged on the blades, tearing itself as it writhed in pain. Black ooze spilled onto Elizabeth's shirt from above. Salt-covered blades descended on the monster, quartering it immediately. Another beast came flying forward, but was impaled by sharp spears of ice that crashed into it, burying themselves deep. Elizabeth flung the men out of the way as a glowing fireball raged forth at them, she narrowly escaped it. Her body crashed into the floor, causing a ringing sound in her ear.

Trevor dispersed the ball with his whip, flailing it in a wide circle, before lashing back out at its source. The beast spilt in two in a great eruption of flame. More and more beasts were cut down in their path until the final blue-eyed demon sprang up to attack Trevor.

Elizabeth's heart leapt into her throat, unable to get to him in time. Sypha stepped in front of him and pinned the demon's limbs with stalagmite-like icicles. The creature gurgled on its own blood, cursing her. Elizabeth dove round to see it. A talon almost scratched her face, but Trevor thrust the whip forward and sliced its face open. The blue eyes popped as the beast was obliterated.

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