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Trevor snatched hold of Elizabeth and pulled her out before the monster squashed her. Elizabeth hissed, his hands gripping her bad shoulder and making her wince in pain. 

Elizabeth quickly forgot her pain when a fast-moving figure plunged down between them, a silver spear narrowly missing them. Trevor gasped loudly, blocking the flurry of blows with his sword. Elizabeth tried to reach him when another beast sent her flying out of the chamber.

Elizabeth yelled in pain as she was pushed and pulled by a pair of night creatures, both of them moving faster than her reactions. She tried to snatch hold of one of them but kept being knocked back by the other. She let out a frustrated snarl at them. Her hand was firmly grasped on the flask, saving it for another opening. She needed to get the upper hand, Trevor was too preoccupied with trying to defend himself to help her. He deflected the blows of the spear-wielding night creature and another whose head resembled that of a bird skull.

None of the creatures they'd faced tonight was anything like before, they were smarter and far more determined. Elizabeth could feel whatever dark magic was fused into them, it gave off a rancid smell that burned the hairs in her nose.

One of the winged creatures circling her tried to pounce forward at her, Elizabeth managed to grab one of the loose chair legs at her feet to bat the beast away, the movement made her back twinge. The creature was thrown over the railings, Elizabeth let out a warning shout to Alucard below and ran for the railings.

She was ready to throw herself over after it but the creature was cunning. It had clung to the railing with its gnarled claws and waited for her to learn. It launched back up to her when it spotted her figure above. Elizabeth was thrown onto the floor. She grasped the wood in front of her face to catch the ferocious jaws of the creatures before they snapped shut on her head.

Trevor was struggling too, barely making any push forward with the spear creature. He was pushed further and further back across the chamber.

Elizabeth tried to shout for him but the beast barred down on her further, gnashing at her. Its vile drool coated the wood and most of Elizabeth's clothes. Elizabeth looked around for anything she could use, any weapon or blade available to her.

A voice yelled from below her, she couldn't catch what they said over the snarls. Elizabeth tried to wriggle free from the creature but it kept the pressure on her.

Something glinted behind the beast, some large hurtling through the air towards her. Elizabeth squinted trying to make out what the object was, it was massive and moving rapidly at her. Elizabeth's eyes widened as her own sword came plummeting down towards her. She moved her legs out from under the monster and shoved the beast with all of her upper body strength away from her. Elizabeth kicked out with her legs and threw herself into the bookshelf behind. The creature bit the plank of wood into two clean pieces and lunged toward her. Elizabeth flinched, covering her eyes. She heard the deafening crack as her sword embedded itself in the beast's skull, an explosion of black ooze erupting from its head. Elizabeth removed her arms from her face and grinned manically at the other beast closing in on her. Now she had a weapon.

Elizabeth stashed the flask in the pouch of her trousers, pulling the blade free of the corpse with great effort. The beast was backing away from her. Elizabeth's hair fell over her eyes and made her look all the more menacing as she swung the sword high over her head and threw it into the beast. The creature shrieked in pain and convulsed in a matted mess of fur and blood. The blade had split its body in half, separating it from its shoulder down to its pelvis.

Elizabeth stormed over to it, its beady eyes still watching her as it tried to escape her. She cleaved the sword free again and crushed the remaining part of its skull with her boot, she wanted it dead, she didn't want it to suffer. 

She looked at its corpse for a moment, seeing the black blood oozing from the deep gash. This kill felt different, she didn't pity it the same way she had the beast in the field. She felt stronger and more sure of herself. Elizabeth wiped the blood off her face with her sleeve and turned her attention to her brother who was still fighting in the chamber.

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