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"How many are you?" Elizabeth asked curiously. With the elder's slow pace, she thought it was better to ask questions than to walk at a snail's pace in complete silence.

"Eleven, though I insist we be counted as twelve."

"Oh?" Trevor said, joining in; he'd been dragging his feet behind them the whole time.

"One of our own is missing," the Elder replied, his voice heavy with sadness. To lose a companion, a member of your family, was a heavy weight to carry. It was a pain Elizabeth sympathised with. All that was left of the Belmont's large family was her and Trevor.

After the Belmont house was burned to the ground, the rest of the relatives were hunted down and burned like heretics. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and distant cousins twice removed were murdered within days of the blaze. Somewhere in the southern regions were mass graves, dug especially for their family, all denied proper burial rites. It was only by luck - if you could call it that - that the twins survived.

"This is where we live," the elder tugged on her, before releasing her arm and walking to what could only be described as a hovel. The twins stared in disbelief at the dirty, run-down building. It was practically falling apart, with holes appearing between the stone and a roof that was gradually sinking. The sun had blasted away any colour that had once decorated the walls.

"Please come inside," the elder motioned for them to enter. Elizabeth was reluctant. She ducked under the doorway, glancing around to see shadowy figures. Elizabeth squinted into the gloom; her eyes not yet adjusted. It was clear they had been squatting there for quite some time, as there were clothes and other belongings strewn about the small space.

Trevor hadn't noticed the doorway. His head connecting with the hard brick, "Fuck," he angrily growled as he rubbed the spot. The speakers rose to their feet, cowering away from the blood stained strangers.

"Elder! We were so worried about you," the lone man stepped forward out of the group. He walked slowly and with concern up to the old man, his eyes never leaving the twins. "I told you it was too soon to go outside".

"And I told you, it was necessary to offer aid to the people," the old man retorted, standing his ground and looking the other man in the eye. Elizabeth couldn't help but smile. "However, some Christian priests found me."

The younger man's eyes widened with fear, "Are you alright?" he said worried. The elder smiled and turned to the siblings, motioning with his arm, "Thanks to this man and young woman. Although I fear there may be trouble ahead because of it." We're the same age, Elizabeth sighed.

He pointed his question at them as he said, 'What did you do?'" The man's tone was accusatory.

Trevor, feeling a little out of practice, started to say something, but only made the young man more defensive. He moved to shield the speakers behind him from Trevor and Elizabeth. Elizabeth could see the growing fear in their eyes.

'They're both still alive," she tried to reassure them.

"You used violence against them?" Elizabeth realised it was pointless to reason with Speakers, not that her father hadn't tried in the past. She knew from experience that it was a fruitless endeavour.

"The younger people think words have more power than actions," the elder said in an attempt to diffuse the situation. The speakers at the back of the room were still on edge, clearly the townsfolk hadn't been kind in previous dealings.

Trevor smiled and said, "Well, you're Speakers. Words are what you do." Then he ran his fingers through his hair, and his charisma spilled through him.

"You know who we are?" The group began to relax a little upon hearing this.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now