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The force of the beast bursting through the barricade sent the twins sprawling across the floor. Trevor's jar went sent flying over the edge of the railing as his back made contact with the wood.

"NO!" Elizabeth screamed, the powder lost to the hold. She gripped her flask tighter and scurried to the wall, the beast didn't spot her. The creature moved to Trevor who was grabbing his whip.

The beast was enormous, large bright blue spiralling horns protruded from its skull. Elizabeth watched its muscles ripple as its cloven hooves cracked the wooden slats on the floor. The creature could barely fit in the space, if it spread its arms, it would be trapped. Trevor noted that too, seeing an opportunity to gain the upper hand.

Trevor wrapped the whip around its horns, ducking under as the night creature tried to grab him. He grinned, feeling his adrenaline coarse through his veins. He used his momentum to swing up into the air, unsheathing his sword as he flew high above. Trevor pointed the blade downwards, adopting his sister's style of swordplay. He yelled as the blade glanced off the hardened horns, barely denting them.

"Seriously," he shouted, adjusting his grip on the sword and swinging himself into the wall of the chamber. He couldn't let the momentum stop, he ran along the walls, sprinting as fast as he could before pushing off of them and aiming for the monster's head. He landed hard, the beast barely stumbled from the impact.

Trevor needed to give Elizabeth the opportunity to use the powder, he could see her crouched form sneaking from cover to cover below the mass of the beast. Trevor wrapped his cloak around his hand and used the Morningstar chain to lower himself to the monster's neck. He tightened his thighs, using them to support his weight as he used his sword as a saw to hack at the monster's neck.

He pulled side to side, plunging the blade deeper and deeper into the monster's arteries. Steaming hot blood poured from it, gushing with each sword movement. Elizabeth saw the puddle pooling at its feet. If she could time herself well, she could throw the powder into the pool and hopefully blind it. 

"Do it now!" Trevor roared, his thighs shaking from the grip.

Elizabeth hesitated. Trevor would be right above the blast. If she threw it now then she could blind him, or worse kill him in the process. She wouldn't kill her twin.

"Elizabeth!" he shouted again, losing his grip on the beast. The creatures howled and flung Trevor off of its back. Elizabeth watched her brother's body crash into the stones.

"Trevor!" she screamed, rushing out of her hiding place to get to him. She didn't see him move.

The creature spun on her, blocking her path to him. She froze. The creature lowered onto its forelegs and snorted, streams of steam rolling out of its nostrils as they flared. It's going to charge, she surmised, seeing it push off with its back legs. Elizabeth wouldn't be able to cover the distance to roll out of its way, she could only see one path. As the monster charged forward, she tucked her head under and rolled into the attack, seeing a hin gap between its muscular legs. It was risky but she had to try.

She rolled forward, feeling the brush of the monster's fur against her cheek and she made it unscathed to the other side of the attack. Her knees were drenched as she sat in the pool of molten blood.

The creature headbutted the wall, infuriated that she'd escaped it. Elizabeth felt the flask in her hand and looked between it and the beast. Trevor was on his stomach, his eyes were protected. This was her opportunity. Elizabeth shuffled further into the pool of blood, daring the creature to charge again. The beast wrenched its horns out from the thick wall, sending a dusty cloud across the chamber. Elizabeth shielded her eyes. She spluttered, waiting for the chamber to clear. A pay of blazing blue orbs shone through the cloud.

Elizabeth cleared her throat, coughing up particles of dust, "Come on," she dared again. The beast snorted outwards, readying itself for another charge. Elizabeth took a deep steadying breath. She took her thumb off of the flask. The beast roared as it went flying towards her. Elizabeth closed her eyes. Trevor would be fine, Trevor would be safe, she thought, he wouldn't be left alone. Elizabeth breathed again. She could feel the rumble under her with each stomp of its hooves. She breathed again. A faint breeze rolled towards her as the beast got closer. Trevor wouldn't be alone.

"Not today!" a voice roared. Elizabeth looked up to see Trevor swinging at it with as much force as he could. He flew past its head, wrapping the Morning Star and the whip around both its horns. He yanked on the chain so hard that the beast was thrown off course and into another part of the wall.

Trevor launched himself off the best at the last minute. He landed at his sister's side, slipping a little on the blood, "I am not letting you be martyred for this," he huffed, his voice a mixture of anger and worry.

He helped her to her feet, both of them slick with blood, "And was what your plan earlier?".

"It's not the same thing!" he yelled, his eyes were serious. the beast was trying to pull its horns free of the wall, twisting and heaving to get free.

"It is, I am not going to let you get yourself killed when there's another way,"

"Likewise," he shouted back. They both stood there, squaring up to each other whilst their foe was trapped.

"We are the last Belmonts, it's just us left and I am not going to be the last one," he said, his bottom lip quivering a little. Elizabeth opened her mouth but the moment was interrupted by a large stone boulder being hurled at them.

"We will continue this later!" Elizabeth told him, Trevor nodded, wiping the singular tear from his cheek with a swipe of his sleeve.

 The beast charged again, the Belmont's dashed to opposite sides of it. they both exchanged a look and readied a blade in their hands. The beast swung its forearms down trying to smash them into the floor but the pair weaved in and out of its grasp. Trevor cackled loudly as he sliced the beast along its thick hide underbelly. Elizabeth joined in, running up its outstretched limb to reach its throat. Trevor swung his blade with extreme force, severing the tendons in its legs. The beast fell limply to one side. Whilst the beast howled in pain, Elizabeth leapt off of its shoulder and swung out with her good arm to pull on the open flesh wound around its throat. Her weight acted as a tearing force, cleaving the skin open wider and wider until blood rained down on her from above. 

The beast tried to claw at her, to seal the wound but Trevor had circled back, severing more tendons in its arm, making the limb crumple under its weight.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن