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Trevor dodged the series of blows raining down on him. The beast didn't let up, following each block and dodging with a quick succession of jabs and hits. He could barely keep himself from being shredded by the barbed edges of the spear.

The creature shrieked, jabbing at Trevor with the full extent of the spear. He managed to deflect the blow, his sword skimming the edge of it before being flung from his hand. Trevor's hand was cut deeply by the end of the spear. He cried out and watched his weapon clatter behind him into the pool of blood. 

Elizabeth gripped her sword with both hands and started running. Trevor deflected another blow using his vambraces, creating a thud as the two impacted. Elizabeth raised the sword upwards, the flat edge of the blade shielding her front. The spear was aimed at Trevor's chest. He barely had time to react. Elizabeth roared loudly as she slid across the pool of blood on her knees, spraying the crimson liquid up around her. The spear came down. Elizabeth blocked the blade with the flat edge of Seethe. The creature was knocked back from the impact, stumbling onto its back. The spear cracked along the length of the metal. Trevor had enough time to dive for his weapon.

Elizabeth raised the blade and charged forward at the monster, her blue eyes alight with fury. She twisted her body, being careful of her footwork, and used the momentum to swing upwards at the creature. It tried to bring its spear down, shattering it against the blade as it pierced into the beast's flesh.

Elizabeth slammed the blade into the floor, dislodging the corpse from the sword and embedding it into the stonework. A small crater formed around it from the force of the blow. Trevor looked in awe at his sister. Elizabeth was bathed in beast blood, her sword glistening with it in the lantern light. She turned to him, a sinister grin on her face and her pale eyes barely visible through her matted fringe. He thought one of his ancestors had risen from the journals to save him. He couldn't believe Elizabeth had killed 3 of the night creatures. His sister had changed, evolved before his eyes. Elizabeth who could barely lift her sword, Elizabeth who screamed at spiders, Elizabeth who used to cry at the sight of frogs.

"What the fu-" Trevor was thrown backwards by the beaked creature. Elizabeth only saw the blur of its black body flying through the air and Trevor's voice growing further and further away. 

"Trevor!" she shouted after him. Elizabeth growled and wrenched the sword over her shoulder, chasing after the blurry shape that carried her brother.

The two bounced off the railings, slamming into the lower platform. Trevor wheezed for breath, winded by the impact. Elizabeth thought about jumping over the railing but with the speed the creature moved, she was more likely to hit Trevor. She cursed under her breath and opted for the creaky stairs, her sword scraping the wood behind her as she dragged it at her side.

Trevor rolled to dodge a blow, the creature swatting and hitting him with what looked like two enormous bones. Elizabeth shuddered as she imagined what creature birthed those. She tried to keep her focus on him, catching glimpses between the slats of the wooden walkways. Elizabeth heaved the sword onto her shoulder straps, letting her run faster down the stairs.

Trevor shouted something, egging the creature on as he dodged the incoming bones that swung back and forth like deadly pendulums. One blow just might cleave his skulls in two but if both hit him, there would be nothing left.

Elizabeth sprinted faster, her feet hit the floor so hard that it splintered and cracked. Her breath was ragged and her chest burned but she didn't stop. She heard Trevor yelp as she reached the next opening, his body thudded against the bottom of the walkway. Elizabeth had a moment to decide, whether she trusted herself enough to risk an attack. The two were rolling along the walkway, a blurry mass that yelped and squawked. Elizabeth fluttered between the two shapes, unable to distinguish one from the other. She swore again. Sweat beaded down her brow. Elizabeth closed her eyes for a moment, taking in a long breath to steady her aching body. Trevor cried out again, a spray of blood splattering the column above Elizabeth.

Elizabeth jumped onto the railing, seizing the opening. She crouched and pressed a flat hand to the surface of the wood. It moaned as Elizabeth hauled the weight of the sword up and onto her shoulder. Her bones begged for her to give in. Elizabeth took another breath.

She brought the blade up and pressed the cool flat side of the steel to her face, "Please don't kill my brother," she prayed, the sword made a sound of agreement as if it understood her desperate prayer. 

Elizabeth flicked the sword up with a strong rip of her muscle, using the momentum to launch herself upwards. Her body flew high into the air and sailed above the railing. She kept her eyes pinned to the bird demon, landing on the walkway with a slam. The ropes above her snapped in two. Elizabeth wobbled. She had to keep moving, she had to outrunning the trembling ropes that split with the weight of the sword. Trevor was pinned, desperately grasping for his whip, which was slowly sliding off the edge. Elizabeth bellowed loudly, her roar echoing through the chamber. 

The bird demon twisted and screeched at her, lifting up from Trevor to see her flying towards them with inhuman speed. Trevor didn't miss the window, clawing the whip back into his hands and hauling himself off the edge of the walkway to safety. He sent his sister a proud grin as he watched her skewer the beast on the edge of the greatsword. Feathers and fluid sprayed from its body as she embedded the blade back into the wood. It howled breathlessly, its lung violently ripped open like a bag of wheat, sprawling its fleshy contents across the wood.

Elizabeth went to cheer in victory when the last of the rope snapped, sending her plummeting towards the ground. Trevor flung the whip high above, wrapping it around an old chandelier and swung across to Elizabeth. He held his forearm out to his arm, reaching as far as he could to catch her before she was squished. 

Elizabeth snatched ahold of him, clinging to him for dear life. Trevor flinched from the force of her grip, feeling her nails pinch at his skin. 

The pair dangled a safe distance as the walkways splattered across the stone floor. The twins exchanged a fearful laugh, both shaking from adrenaline.

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