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The wagon shook as it passed over a bump, Elizabeth shot up. She was groggy and not with herself as she searched her surroundings. Sypha was saddled up next to Trevor, leaning softly against his shoulder. Alucard's head was leaning back against the coarse fabric of the wagon, his hair bunched up a little from where his head had moved. Her sword was splayed across his lap, giving her extra room to curl up. She removed the blanket that had been thrown over her and rubbed her eyes, the frayed edge on the bandage on her hand tickled her nose. She carefully unwrapped the cloth, glancing at the thick scab that coated the gash. The redness that had lined the outside of the cut had faded to a slight pink and the scab seemed firmer now than before. She smiled, glancing at the resting vampire before securing the bandage once more.

Elizabeth placed her hand firmly against her shoulder and moved her arm in a circle in the air. She could feel the pain ebbing from it, but it had lessened, and she still had full range of motion. She feared that one of these days, she would lose the arm as a result of wielding that monster of a sword. She glared at it, blaming the inanimate object for being unyielding. Her eyes narrowed at it. She swore the spirit of some angry ancestor was inside the sword, mocking her weakness and judging her for not being able to swing it with ease. She then glared at her brother as he passed another large bump in the road that made her backside rock from side to side.

Alucard stirred, raising his head from its perch. His amber eyes landed on her, "You're finally awake. I did fear you'd fallen into the abyss," he said sarcastically. Elizabeth scoffed at him and poked her tongue out at him. He smiled.

"That's my tree," Trevor voice cut through the silence. Elizabeth moved towards the opening of the wagon, she squinted through the darkness in the direction that Trevor pointed. As her eyes adjusted, the familiar silhouette of a tree came into view. Her face grew sullen.

"I used to play in that tree. We're nearly at the house," Trevor explained.

"It's hard to imagine you playing," Sypha said softly, looking at the massive tree.

Trevor scoffed, "Yeah, I suppose so,". He looked up towards the stars, recalling the years of his childhood, "It was everything that tree. It was my house, and my boat, and my fort. Anything I wanted it to be,".

She wished she could think fondly on it as Trevor had. She wanted to remember the tree for all the days she had stolen Trevor's toys and taunted him with them from its highest branches. She even wished she could remember it for the time she'd fallen from it as a child, the first time she'd dislocated her shoulder.

Trevor sighed, "Goodnight tree,".

Elizabeth could hear the echo of young Trevor trying to not sob, she could remember clamping her small, sweaty hands over his mouth as they heard their older brother and mother cry out in pain. She remembered the torchlight that danced across it as she and her twin hid inside it. She could remember the agonizing silence on a night she felt would never end.

Elizabeth didn't take her eyes off of the tree until the wagon safely passed it, it growing smaller as they grew closer to the house. She whispered to herself, "Goodnight tree," as Trevor pulled the horses to a halt in a shaded area, giving them a spot to rest and eat the little patches of grass that grew on the floor.

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