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"So his name is after Trefor, a celt?" Sypha asked, wanting to get the facts right. Elizabeth nodded, explaining how the Celt had saved their ancestors life and it had become an honour throughout the generations for a male son to bare the name.

"And your name? Elizabeth isn't Wallachian either," 

"It's taken from Elizabetta, it meant something to my mother but I don't know what. Having a daughter is more about siring another line of hunters and living up to the name than being honoured," she said, she hadn't realised how depressing that had sounded until she saw Sypha's expression sadden.

Trevor cleared his throat, "At least you weren't named after our aunt or grandmother, Gertrude and Visalia," he snorted, livening the mood again.

"Gertrude?" Sypha exclaimed, the name feeling foreign on her lips. Elizabeth wouldn't have minded Visalia, she was a formidable woman who had reared the household of 10 children after losing her husband to a den of werewolves. Elizabeth couldn't imagine how much strength it took to do it all alone, she'd always had Trevor. Besides, children were off the table for her, where would she find anyone who would be happy with their life?

"I like Elizabeth, its regal," Alucard remarked, glancing to her with a side glance. Trevor hadn't caught the comment but Sypha had, she elbowed him in the ribs and covered it with a cough. 

Elizabeth's laugh was cut off by a loud, echoing yawn. Her eyelids had felt heavy for a while but she had fought it off for as long as she could. Alucard drifted closing, wrapping his arm around her. She forgot her surroundings and nuzzled into him, seeking out his warmth.

Trevor looked horrified, watching the vampire shelter his sister with his coat. He wanted to shout at him, to tell him to back away from his sister. He reached for the whip handle but Sypha closed her hand over his She shook her head and kept a firm grip on his hand.

"You knew??" he almost shouted, Sypha clamping a hand over his mouth. She hushed him with a firm, almost violent finger to the lips. 

Alucard paid no attention to them, his sole focus was the small woman in his arms. She was drifting off, her feet swaying and wobbling. he bent his knees, placing an arm under her knees to lift her. Elizabeth was too tired to argue, and wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up.

Trevor was furious, he reached with clawed hands to snatch hold of Alucard's cloak. The veins in his forehead and neck bulged. Sypha had to trap his hands and pin him down to stop him going after them. He tried to swat at her but she was too quick, with each inch he managed, she brought him further back. 

"I-" she refused to let him get past her, she threw up a thin wall of ice a few feet away from her. Alucard didn't turn, he just carried Elizabeth over to a darker part of the shelves where he saw a pile of blankets. Trevor threw himself at the wall, scrabbling to get to Alucard and Elizabeth. Elizabeth jumped in Alucard's arms, stirring for a moment when she heard a thump sound, unaware that her brother had been hit with a large hardback book.

Alucard kept her supported with one hand, careful to only cup her waist as he arranged a series of old, smelly blankets into a soft litter. Elizabeth was already snoring, her face pressed into his neck. He knew she was a deep sleeper, she never had much trouble sleeping in the wagon despite Sypha and Trevor struggling with the concept of whispering. Alucard layered blanket after blanket until he could put a hand on top and not feel the floor beneath. Once he was satisfied that is would be comfortable enough for her to sleep on, he went to lower her onto it.

He tried to peel her arms off of him but she gripped tighter, her body shaking. He paused, listening to her heartbeat and breathing. She was murmuring something at him, he pushed aside her hair to listen better. The murmurs were weak, almost pleading with him for something. 

"Don't leave me," she mewed. Alucard leant his head into hers, she suddenly felt fragile and more precious than any jewel in the world.

"I'll stay," he cooed to her. He placed himself in the middle of the litter, cradling her at his side. Alucard rested the back of her head on his arm and let her press herself into his chest.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now