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The pair drifted off not long after that, falling asleep in each other's arms. When Sypha came to wake them, it felt as though it had only been minutes but hours had gone by. Elizabeth wanted to ignore the woman, to pretend she wasn't standing over her and nudging her with her foot to her to wake her up.

"Nooooooooo," Elizabeth groaned, feeling Sypha's small feet poking at her ribcage. Alucard slid himself free from Elizabeth, letting her slide to the bottom of the blanket pile. Elizabeth groaned again at him.

"You are worse than Trevor," Sypha huffed, opting to pull the blanket pile from under Elizabeth. Elizabeth went limp, turning herself into dead-weight and making it as difficult as possible for Sypha to get any purchase on the blankets. Sypha heaved at the blankets, pushing from the heel on her foot but finding the blankets slipping from her hands. Sypha looked to Alucard for help but he held his hands up and walked away, not getting involved.

Elizabeth chuckled, seeing the vampire leave from the corner of her eye. Sypha was further irritated by it, seeing it as a challenge Sypha tried kicking at Elizabeth again, moving up and down her ribcage, "Harder," Elizabeth laughed, mimicking Trevor's voice.

"You are vile," scoffed Sypha. The woman realised the futile pestering wasn't going to work. Her brows pressed together, she looked for any weak spot, any sign of weakness she could exploit.

Elizabeth nuzzled into the blankets, her shirt riding up to reveal a thin band of her torso. Sypha's gaze narrowed on the pale flesh. A wicked smile plastered across her face. Sypha summoned a flame from between her fingers and let an ember drift down towards the unsuspecting Elizabeth.

Elizabeth felt a sharp sting above her waist which made her yelp in pain. Elizabeth scrambled to her feet, patting the back of her shirt to suffocate any flames that might catch on her shirt. Elizabeth turned to Sypha and barred her teeth at her, "You are truly evil," she said lowly, glaring at the woman who beamed at her with an innocent smile.

"Me? Never," the woman teased, offering her hand to Elizabeth. Elizabeth examined the hand first before taking it, eyeing her fingers for any sign of magic or her face for any wicked intent. 

The group enjoyed a quick, silent breakfast before delving back into the library again, Elizabeth decided she should return to her ancestor's journals. She was so sure that there was something hidden between the mad scrawling and scribbles, they had hunted Dracula for over 10 generations; they must know something. She fingered through each diary, reading the recounts and tales of how they fought their way through blistering winds and scorching deserts to reach the castle. Each tale ended one of two ways, the page would end abruptly or they would be mad with obsession.

Elizabeth lightly pounded her head against the dusty shelves. Was this it? Their trump card, the hold of the Belmont family reduced to mad men and women who threw themselves at Dracula with reckless abandon. Isn't that what she'd done? Elizabeth swatted at the dark thought and ignored it.

Alucard had given her space today, he'd assisted Sypha mainly, leaving Elizabeth the freedom to peruse the journals without him hovering. She knew there was more he wanted to talk about, she knew he'd been trying to find out where they stood, what would happen when they ended their prophetic quest but she didn't have the answer. She could only think of the now, the problem at hand.

"...Am I not working hard enough?" Elizabeth caught the end of Sypha's words. She knew she was talking to Alucard, she could tell by the tone. Trevor wouldn't have the balls to say that to her.

"And he's a drunk and he's self-destructive and anybody trying to hold on to him may well simply be dragged down with him," Alucard retorted. Elizabeth's nostrils flared in anger, she could feel a headache coming on. Alucard infuriated her with his treatment of her brother.

"You're afraid. You worry that you might have made the wrong choice..." Elizabeth shuffled closer, moving a book aside so she could listen in better, "So you're trying to make him prove himself again and again by constantly provoking him," Elizabeth saw movement behind Sypha, a hand creeping through the stacks. Trevor's face appeared as he moved a book aside to see better. They locked eyes through the stacks but remained still, and silent, "Have you asked the same of Elizabeth? Have you tested her at every turn?"

"That's not-"

"Not the same? Elizabeth had proven again and again, that she cannot wield her sword. She has been injured and proved reckless with her own life when we have fought," the words stung Elizabeth, she didn't know her friend had thought so calculatingly cold about her, "...yet you have not faulted her as you have Trevor,"

"I have provoked them both," he snapped, he held out a finger as if he would put the words back into his mouth after saying them.

"Oh I've seen how you've provoked her, let's both agree that it is not the same thing," Trevor shrunk back away from the shelves, visibly uncomfortable at the turn in the conversation, "You provoke her as a teenage boy might pull on a girl's hair," Elizabeth reached for her hair and soothed herself by playing with it, keeping her ear pressed to the stacks, "You forget Alucard, neither of them got to finish out their childhood but they aren't the ones here who may not have grown up," Elizabeth's jaw dropped. She did enjoy Sypha's quick wit and remarks, it was a skill that she had not been blessed with.

"Well, that's ridiculous," Alucard snorted, retrieving a book from the shelf, narrowly missing the perch where Elizabeth was hidden.

"And if we don't get this done, then we're all failing. Aren't we?"

"We can't fail."

The pair stood in a standoffish silence, looking away from each other and into the books they held. It was too quiet for Elizabeth to move, they'd know she was eavesdropping - Alucard probably already did. She had to remain still or she'd be discovered. Once she'd resigned herself to being a statue, her nose started to itch.

"Wait, hand me that black volume over there! The one with the red spine," Sypha ordered. Elizabeth went cold as the red spine of the book in front of her shuffled. Alucard's fingers were inches away from her face as he removed the volume in front.

Alucard jumped at the sight of her head floating between the shelves and shook his head at her. Elizabeth gave him a half smile and retreated back to the dusty journals.

"What have you found?" Alucard asked, handing Sypha the book.

"I'm not sure. The ancient language it's written in has forked a few times over the years,"

"Can you read it?"

"Not without that book,"

"It's based in Adamic, I know the roots," Elizabeth made a face at the statement, of course, Sypha knew the dead language that changed many times. Of course, Sypha knew everything, it was a jealous and fickle emotion that ate at her but she let it fester in her for a moment. This was her short-lived internal revenge against Sypha for calling her feeble.

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