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Elizabeth wiped a small tear from her eye, her eyes watering profusely from the cold. Trevor and Alucard had reluctantly gone to find wood to start a fire with, Elizabeth hoped they'd find a rabbit or small rodent for her to roast on a spit. Her mouth salivated a little at the thought. Sypha snapped her out of her thought when she heard the woman fall with a thump. Elizabeth raced over to where she heard the sound. Sypha was sprawled out in the snow with various bed roll piled on top of her, Elizabeth laughed a little before tackling the pile.

"You should have shouted for me, we can't have you being killed before we've killed the big bad," Elizabeth said, taking the bundles nearest her face. Sypha huffed, shaking the soft snow from her auburn hair. Her nose was growing a little red.

"They didn't look that heavy when you and Trevor were packing them earlier..." her voice trailed off. Elizabeth helped the fallen woman to her feet, helping her brush the snow dew from her linen clothes.

"You forget that Trevor and I are built a little differently. I mean, have you seen the sword I use?" she tried to make the girl laugh but it felt more as though she were insulting her as she continues to vomit words at her. "Not to say that you aren't strong, I just mean that I'm really strong...I'm not helping, am I?" she asked, her jaw pulling to one side in a sort of fearful expression.

"You and your brother are very alike," she said in annoyance. Elizabeth let out a strained laugh, rubbing the back of her head before placing the rest of the bed rolls back onto the wagon. She knew the statement wasn't a compliment in the slightest.

An awkward silence fell between the two women, neither of them knowing how to speak to the other. They both just stood there, looking at anything but each other. Sypha looked to the floor, she seemed disheartened. "Is it true then? The castle can move somehow?" her voice sounded more of a whisper.

Elizabeth wasn't sure if her next words should be chosen more careful so not to upset the woman further or whether the blunt truth would suit her better. "...I know the stories, but sometimes it's hard to separate truth from myth," she continued.

"From what I've read, yes it can. My great-grandfather described it as travelling without moving as though it simply appeared in locations...well by magic,".

"There must be some way to trap it..." she said, her eyes burning into the floor with some intense thought.

"Trevor and I were taught many things, but I know there are texts in the hold that I couldn't understand. Forgotten languages, forbidden texts, you name it; it's down there. I trust in Trevor and if the hold is still there, then it'll have something that can help us," She placed her hand delicately on the woman's shoulder, trying to cheer her up. "I'm sorry about your family by the way, it's hard travelling without them but at least one day, you'll be able to see them again," she was trying very hard to be comforting.

Sypha smiled at her, "I guess there are some things you're better at than your brother," this elicited a chuckle from Elizabeth. Maybe she isn't so bad, Elizabeth thought.

The tender moment was soon ruined by her brother's body tumbling into her. Elizabeth's body was mowed down onto the snow, thankfully cushioned a little.

"Aha! That's payback for the tree!" he roared, crouching triumphantly over his sister body. He couldn't hear her scathing reply as the snow that cushioned her face muffled her speech. Trevor pulled her to her feet, still grinning. Sypha smacked around the back of the head and snatched the wood from him, tutting at his behaviour. Elizabeth could hear him trying to defend himself, "...She started it...".

Elizabeth rolled her shoulder, trying to relax the muscle. She'd felt the pull of it as she landed and feared something worse that a sprain. The shoulder slowly released from its stiff position and felt a little more normal aside from the fresh blood now shooting through it again.

"I really have thrown my lot in with a bunch of children," Elizabeth heard his sigh from between the small cover of trees. Alucard glided down the path Trevor had haphazardly made before. He dangled a small string of rabbit from his hands, Elizabeth's jaw fell open. How had he managed that?? She thought, saliva dripping from her lips. Alucard's finger pressed her mouth closed, a thumb wiping the thin line of drool away with his thumb. Elizabeth hadn't realised how close he'd gotten to her. She could practically feel his breath on her skin.

"You'll catch flies like that," he smiled, his lips pressed together as his eyes flickered between her eyes and lips. Trevor cleared his throat a few feet away and called Alucard over, or rather he called the food he was holding over. The vampire moved swiftly away from her. Elizabeth hadn't realised she hadn't breathed in a while and quickly sucked in breath as though she were suffocating. She put her own finger and traced where Alucard's had been, feeling an uncomfortable warmth upon them.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now