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The troupe rounded the fire, tucking into various pieces of the skewered rabbit. Trevor gorged on the tender flesh, pulling at it with his teeth like an animal. Small crumbs found their way onto his clothes as he licked his fingers and clothes for any morsels left. Elizabeth and Sypha shared a look of disapproval, both delicately peeling the flesh from the bone and chewing on it slowly. Alucard did not join the group in their meal, he just stared into the flames of the pit.

Trevor belched loudly, drool spilling out from his mouth, the sight put Sypha off of her food whilst Elizabeth handed her scraps over to her brother, hoping it would keep him quiet a little longer.

Sypha wiped the edges of her mouth with her sleeve and cleared her throat before returning to her usual segment of burning questions to ask. Alucard was the subject of them for now.

"I still don't understand how the light doesn't burn you?" she said, itching for answers. Elizabeth could feel the energy radiating from her.

Alucard looked up from the flames, the reflection of them in his eyes made Elizabeth squirm in her seat. "I'm only half vampire. My mother's name was Lisa and she was mortal," Sypha gasped quietly whilst Trevor coughed on a bone he almost swallowed from shock.

"You don't seem surprised," he stated, looking curiously at the Belmont daughter.

She shook her head, "I noticed it earlier, how you didn't burst into flames when we left the catacombs. I assumed you weren't a proper vampire, but I thought you must have been the product of something more sinister..." she trailed off, she felt a little guilty for her deduction.

"I would very much like to know how that happened," Sypha said, drawing the conversation back. Elizabeth was thankful to not be the centre of attention.

The vampire chuckled, clearly knowing the story well, "She actually showed up at his front door. She found the castle and banged on the door with the pommel of her knife," he started back into the flames.

Trevor who had finally had his fill grumbled and laid down, resting his hand in is hand. He was trying to drown out the conversation, very much uninterested in Alucard's story. Elizabeth sent him a dirty look.

"She sounds interesting!" Sypha said excitedly. Elizabeth was trying to feign excitement but was instead almost scared for his mother, the thought of her being manipulated or being an outright mad woman who'd been lured in by this nefarious beast lingering in her mind.

Alucard looked at her as she pictured it, she feared he could read her thoughts. "Oh, she was remarkable," he said, smiling at the fond memory. "She beat on my father's door until he let her in, and then demanded he teach her how to be a doctor," Elizabeth was surprised, she hadn't expected that outcome in the slightest. She felt almost relieved, as well as confused.

"What was the first lesson, blood-letting?" Trevor cackled to himself, clearly proud of his joke. He rolled a little from the laughter but was silenced by Elizabeth elbowing him in the rib, he wheezed loudly.

"Gods, you still think you're funny," Alucard sneered crossing his arms over his chest. He readjusted himself and tried again, "My father—"

"Dracula" Trevor wheezed, still trying to breathe and laugh at his own joke. Elizabeth elbowed him again in the soft part of his thigh, eliciting a groan from him and a series of curses.

"Is a man of science," the vampire persisted, growing louder. "- a philosopher, a scholar and knows things our society has forgotten three times over. Do you still not understand the enormity of what we're doing?" the vampire seethed with quiet rage. Something that sent Elizabeth's hair on its end. She felt as though they were being scolded by a parent again. None of them had truly comprehended what they were doing, the severe impact it would have on the world and on themselves.

"He's gone mad. There's no recovering him from that,".

"Shame," Trevor said brazenly. The two women sent him glares, Elizabeth raised her elbow to strike him once more but Alucard continues speaking, drawing her attention back to him.

"It's a tragedy, he is a repository of centuries of learning. He could have changed the world; I think he might have if Mother hadn't died. She's sent him out into the world. That's why he wasn't there when the bishop's took her,". Where were you then? A dark voice in Elizabeth's mind said.

"She sent him away?" Sypha asked. The twin exchanged a look and leaned in closer, utterly befuddled at the thought of Dracula obeying the words of a simple human.

"She sent him to travel. To learn the true state of the world, the true nature of humans and how they live," he looked at Sypha when he spoke, Elizabeth could feel something writhing in her belly at the sight of it. She fidgeted and tried to ignore it.

"She was turning him,"

"Imagine if he could have aimed all that knowledge at improving lives. If the religious inquisition hadn't proved true all of his worst instincts about human," he gritted his teeth. The muscles in his face twitching in anger.

"Now he's going to use her death as an excuse to destroy the world," her brother snarled sharply. He wasn't going to be converted by Alucard's flowery words and pretty story however his sister was conflicted on the matter.

"Oh, the world will still be here, Belmont. Trees will still grow, birds will still sing, animals will still hump in the undergrowth. But you won't be here, and you won't be here..." Alucard looked at Trevor, then Sypha, then Elizabeth. "Nor will you be here, none of you. The sun will still set but you will not see it rise. There only be Dracula, and his war council and the hordes of night. He writes in great books, you know. He hews the covers himself from oak and warps them in the preserved skin of the people who he hated most," the fire danced across his fangs. "And he writes plans, I've seen them. The darkening of clouds and making them as permanent in the air as the frost of the North, great strange flying machines that pull shrouds across the sky to block out the sun. Imagine it? A world without humans, under endless invented night. Whilst Dracula sits in his castle, his revenge so horribly complete that there is nothing left to do but look out over a world without art or memory or laughter and know that he did his work well. That he did it all for love," Elizabeth shivered at the thought, pulling her tunic tighter over her neck. The troupe hadn't released how intensely they'd been listening, finding themselves gravitating towards the vampire's dulcet tones. She was sure he'd just been using some vampire ability to lure them in, but soon shook the thought away.

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