1. Meeting Again

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A group of students are celebrating their end of the term moment.

The boys and the only girl in that group were jumping, shouting, laughing and discussing their plans for the break before they start their careers.

Karthik is staring at the girl without a thought to his surroundings.

"Do you like her?!" Siri asked Karthik who was observing the girl from past 10 min.

"What?! No..! Am just seeing." saying Karthik walks to the library and Siri follows him.

"Guys I need to submit these books in the library. I will meet you guys in the evening." saying the girl from the group walks towards the library.

Among the rows of books Siri and Karthik are still discussing, oblivious of the girl behind them.

Hearing their conversation she hid behind the books row.

"What do you want Siri?" irritation is clear in Karthik's voice.

"The answer for my question. You are seeing Cherry like a hawk ready to eat its prey. Tell me the truth.!" Siri demanded.

"Me? Watching her like that? Really? How do you even think that?"

"Have you seen her? Her outgoing nature, her glasses, the dominance she shows on everyone..! Gosh I can't handle that. She is not my type."

"And have you seen her glasses? You know I don't like people having glasses. Now if you will please stop nagging me I have work to do" saying Karthik walked in the opposite direction.

Cherry who's been listening to their conversation broke into silent tears, so shocked to see her crush break her heart and confidence just like that.



I am getting late for the interview. I am already working in Floral designers, one of the successful clothing store, as PA for the boss.

But this company "Little Feet", it's the leading brand related to all the new born baby items from clothes to toys.

They are hiring and offering more pay than what I earn.

Who doesn't want some hike in their salary?!

So here I am, running here and there to gather my things before leaving for the interview.

Starting my bike I rode into the traffic and reached the building in record time.

I hurried to the elevator and reached the floor where interview is to happen.

Reaching the receptionist, "Hi, I am Aakanksha, I am here for the interview."

"Ho hi. The interview is about to begin. But not on this floor. Go to floor no.25. Now hurry up..!" The receptionist said showing the direction to elevator.

Entering the elevator I clicked on 25th floor, waited, tapping my foot impatiently.

I am already getting late and this elevator is taking forever to reach the floor.

Finally after a few minutes the elevator stopped with a ding.

Coming out, I started walking to the couches while adjusting my files not noticing the surroundings.

My full concentration was on papers in the files, I walked straight into a wall and was about to fall when two strong arms caught me before I fell.

Then I realised it is not a wall but a human chest.

I looked up to see an all too familiar face seeing me with surprise and shock written on his face.

"Am sorry, I didn't notice you coming. But You look familiar.." the person said with a confused look on his face.

"Hi Karthik. How are you?" I asked smiling.

"Cherry?!" Karthik almost yelled surprised to see me.

"The one and only." I said still smiling.

What we didn't realise was the position we were in.

Karthik was still holding me by my waist while my hands rested on his shoulders.

He was looking at me with such an intense gaze that it felt like he was looking into my soul.

He looks as handsome as he was in our college days.

We got out of our gazing contest when someone cleared their throat.

Clearing my throat I took my hands from his shoulders while he stepped back a little.

Crouching down I started gathering my files which were on the floor and Karthik started helping me collect my papers.

Karthik was my school and college mate, we have known each other all our lives.

But one bad incident is enough to distant ourselves from the person we love.

"So Cherry, What are you doing here?" Karthik asked.

"Please call me Aakanksha. And I am here for the interview"

"For the PA?" He asked ignoring the first part.

I don't like everyone calling me with my nickname. Only my close friends call me cherry.

"Yup" I said gathering all my files and standing up. Karthik stood up along with me, adjusting his coat.

"Ho okay. All the best" saying he walked away.

I just shrugged and sat on the empty space on the couch.

The interview began shortly. After sometime I was called in.

I was not feeling any fear or anxiety. It's just another place where I will be going to do the same job as I am doing now. That's it. No other thoughts.

And entering the cabin I got the shock for the day.

There in the CEO chair is none other than the 6'2 gigantic Karthik sitting in all his mighty.

I am not a short girl. I am like 5'9 in height, lean body, an ok physique. But this fellow makes me look like a dwarf.

I came out of my shock after he snapped his fingers.

With an embarrassed smile I walked to the chair and handed over my file to him.

Taking my seat I cleared my throat "Well, I didn't expect this. You are the boss?!"

"Why are you so surprised? Am I not that eligible to run a company?" He asked clearly offended.

"No, that's not what I meant Karthik." I said adjusting myself into the chair properly.

"Then?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

That 5 o clock shadow on his firm jaws, dark eyes, a little ruffled pitch black hair, he looked like a Greek god.

"When we were in college you were always against the idea of taking over your father's company right? So I was surprised to see you here." I said.

"Initially yes. I was against that. But after working for a few months, I started liking it. Now it's mine." He said with pride in his voice.

"Okay, coming back to the interview, I think you have got all the qualifications and experience I am looking for. Wait for the official call." Saying he streched his hand for a hand shake.

With a smile on my face I left the building and headed to my current office.

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