31. Culprit

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I was watching the news without blinking when Rahul spoke

"Pinky eat something. It will help you relax." trying to distract me.

"No." was all I said.

"Switch off the Tv Pinky. This anxiety is not good for you." Rahul said getting up to switch off the tv when I gasped seeing the news.

The CEO of the Little Feet caught fire while checking for the casualties. He is being treated by the medical team right now. The new reader spoke.

"Rahul take me there. I want to see Karthik." I asked trying to get up. Gosh this belly.

Helping me stand up Rahul hesitated "Pinky, I don't think it's a.."

"Will you take me or I shall go by a cab? Either way I am going there" I said stopping him mid sentence.

"Fine." saying he helped me settle in my seat and started driving the car.

"Relax Pinky. Think about the baby. Take deep breaths." Rahul was trying to calm me down. But it's of no use.

I am feeling dizzy and this close from blacking out. All I wanted before passing out was to see Karthik and make sure he was ok.

Reaching there I saw Karthik's hand was being treated. I rushed to him.

"Karthik are you alright?" I asked checking him all over taking his face in my palms.


"Cherry! baby why are you here?! I told you to stay at home. It's not safe for you." I said to her who was checking me for injuries.

"Nothing happened. It's just a small burn. See. My jacket saved me." She visible relaxed and then collapsed in my arms.

"Cherry! Cherry! Rahul help." I shouted panicking.

"What happened?!" Rahul was by my side.

"I don't know. She just collapsed. We need to take her to the hospital." I said carrying Cherry to the car.

Rushing to the hospital, she was admitted in the ICU.

I informed Rohit and Vishnu about Cherry. They were talking with our PI at that time didn't notice Cherry coming to me.

Rohit panicked and started immediately to the hospital we are at.

"I will manage here till you come. You guys take care of Cherry." Vishnu said.

Thanking him I plopped into the chair next to Rahul.

Both Rs informed their parters about Cherry's condition. Siri and Priya came to the hospital after some time.

A few minutes later Rohit came rushing to us. "How is she?"

"No idea. It's been a while now since she was taken inside" Rahul said sighing.

I had my face in palms, hands rested on my knees.

Priya was sitting next to Rahul with her head on his shoulder, Siri sitting next to her while Rohit was standing at the window. Everyone was waiting impatiently for the doctor to come out.

After sometime Rahul patted my shoulder. Looking up I saw the doctor coming out of the ICU.

"Blood pressure is fluctuating. She was through too much stress. We cannot say anything until morning." saying the doctor walked away.

I collapsed into the chair feeling weak all of a sudden.

"Hey it's ok. Don't worry, everything will be alright. She will recover soon. You have to be strong for her." Siri said worried sitting next to me with a hand on my shoulder.

My phone rang breaking the silence. It's the PI.

"Hello" I answered my phone.

"That bastard. I won't leave him. Please make sure you have all the evidences."

"Yea, thank you." I said disconnecting the call.

Everyone was waiting for me to tell what's the matter.

"Our rival Viraj, he is behind the bomb blast. We found the culprit who installed the bomb. He was the same one that caused fire accident all those months back. We will be taking him to the law tomorrow." I said

"That's a relief." Rohit said.

"I wish cherry was by my side now." I said leaning my head to the wall.

"She will be by tomorrow." Rahul said patting my shoulder.


Pinky is been to hospital too many times than required. I really wish everything will be ok with her.

Priya being pregnant, I got to know how protective and worried we feel of our partner.

I don't want to imagine how Karthik must be feeling now.

Priya leaned her head onto my chest, fisting my shirt in her palm, she took a deep breath, inhaling my cologne.

Whenever she was disturbed or emotionally struggling she would do this.

She used to do the same when we were friends, like, whenever she had a bad day, she used to sit next to me, placing her head on my shoulder she would take deep breath, taking in my scent. I never realised that untill we were married.

Shaking my head I looked down to see Priya about to sleep.

"Baby, you should go home and rest." I said tucking a loose hair strand behind her ear.

"No. I want to stay. She is my friend too you know." She said sitting straight.

I kneeled infront of her "I know that love. But your health is important too. You need to sleep. There is nothing you could do by staying here."

"Rahul is correct Priya. There's nothing to do here except sit and wait. Go home and sleep. You also guys. I will inform if anything happens." Karthik said to us.

"We will stay. You might need help." Rohit said.

"No need for that. I will manage. There's nothing much to do here anyways. You just check on Vishnu once before going home." Karthik said getting up.

"Fine. We will be early tomorrow and will bring breakfast to you both. Call us if you need anything else." Rohit said.

I stopped in front of Priya's fav restaurant. I turned to her, gently ran my fingers on her face. Sensing my touch she opened her eyes with a sigh.

Taking in her surroundings she spoke "What are we doing here?"

"It's been few hours since you ate love. Let's eat something before going home." I said.

"You are going to make me fat from beginning of the pregnancy itself. I will be bigger than a whale by the end am telling you."

"Doesn't matter babe. I want you and the baby to be healthy. You will be beautiful how ever you are." I said pulling a chair for her to sit.

"She will be ok right?" She asked referring to cherry.

"Of course love. But I don't know how we will control her when she gets to know about the casualties." I said sighing.

"I really hope everything will be alright." She said letting her head on my shoulder.

"Everything's gonna be ok. Don't stress yourself. " I said feeding her.

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