11. I Feel Horrible

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I reached office excited to see Cherry after yesterday. She was walking to my cabin with the coffee cups when I reached there.

"Hey cherry, good morning." I said entering my room.

"Gosh stop scaring me like that Karthik." She said placing her hand on her chest.

"Sorry" I said with a cheeky smile.

My smile dropped seeing her face. "Why are your eyes so red?" I asked taking her face in my palms.

"It's nothing. Very disturbed sleep last night. Had an argument with Rahul" she said in a low voice.

"Ho. Want to take about it?" I asked hoping she would talk to me.

"No. Just leave it" she said sighing and removed my hands.

"Okay. What's the schedule for today?" I asked changing the topic.

"You are free the entire day. There is only one meeting but it's in the evening at 6." She said checking her tab.

"Oh that's nice. A free time after a long time." I said little excited.

"Don't get excited. You have got paper work to do. You are postponing it from a long time."

"And I have lot of mails to sort out. So don't disturb yourself and don't disturb me. Finish the work and let me finish my work." She said walking back to the door.

"You are such a party popper cherry."

After sometime I went to take some files from Cherry. I entered her cabin to see her putting drops in her eyes.

"You are using them so much Cherry. It's like you are addicted to them." I commented seeing her.

For that she just hummed and asked what I wanted.

Shaking my head I took the files I needed and came back to my cabin.

Finally it's 5:50, and all my paper work is done.

Thanks to Cherry, I had to have my lunch with my papers as my date. Note the sarcasm.

I entered the cabin to see Cherry packing her stuff. "Where are you going?" I asked confused.

"To home obviously. My eyes are burning. I am starting to have a headache. Please manage this meeting without me." She said not looking up.

Damn..! I need assistance to this meeting.!!

"Cherry please please. I need you with me in this meeting. It's an important meeting. You know the client right. He wants to follow the protocol very strictly. Without a PA it won't look good. Please. After this I will drop you home. Please." I literally begged her.

"Ok stop..! I will stay." Saying she placed her bag on the table.

Great. We headed to the meeting.

I was observing Cherry all the time during the meeting.

Shortly into the meeting she started to rub her eyes and forehead.

I can sense it's really getting hard for her to sit there.

Thankfully, the meeting didn't last long.

As soon as the clients left Cherry rushed to her cabin.

I followed her to see her emptying her hand bag on the table.

"Cherry what happened?!" I asked clearly panicked.

She looked like she was about to faint.

Taking her eye drops she sat on the chair, putting the drops into her eyes she spoke.

"I am out of my headache medicine. Please call Rohit and tell him to bring my tablets. It's not available in all pharmacies." She said with closed eyes.

Taking my mobile out I dailed Rohit's number.

"Rohit it's Karthik. Cherry is having headache and she is asking for a tablet." I said to him.

"She won't use tablet just for a small headache. How is she now?" I can hear him rushing out of his office.

"Like about to faint."

"Okay. I am on my way. Keep her hydrated." Saying he disconnected the call.

I gave her some water to drink and started massaging her forehead.

In few minutes Rohit entered the cabin and Rahul followed behind him.

"Cherry take this." Rahul said giving her the tablet.

She just gulped the tablet and slumped into the chair. After few minutes she was sleeping.

"What's happening to her?" I asked with little fear in my voice.

Rahul didn't reply. He just silently dragged a chair to her, lifted her legs and placed them on the chair opposite to her's.

"Because of those laser treatments she took, her eyes became extra sensitive. If she strain her eyes more than usual she will have these killer headaches." Rohit said running a hand on her forehead, pushing some hair out of her face.

"She is supposed to wear glasses while working in front of the system. But she is adamant on not using them."

I felt horrible knowing I was the cause for her headache now.

"I feel horrible. She said she didn't have proper sleep last night. Said something about an argument with Rahul. She had been seeing the system the full day and on top of it I forced her to attend this meeting now." I said rubbing my face with my palms.

Rahul was silent from the moment Cherry slept.

"It's ok. She will be alright and will wake up in an hour or so. That medicine makes her drowsy." Rohit said patting my shoulder.

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