22. I Can't Bear It

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It's a few weeks after our engagement and we are going to get married in a week. Everything seems to be good except for Rahul.

Sighing I entered Karthik's cabin to see him sitting on his chair with his hands on the table, rubbing his forehead.

"What happened? Headache?" I asked going to him.

"These anonymous calls have increased, threatening to damage our company." He said leaning back.

Sighing I started massaging his shoulders.

He relaxed a little more "What happened to you? Everything's okay?"

"It's Rahul. He is not the same. I don't understand what's his problem is." I said getting irritated remember Rahul's behaviour.

"I think he loves you." He shrugged.

"What?! Are you crazy? He is my friend. How can you say that?" I shrieked out.

"Calm down. That's what I felt. I am not judging anyone nor am I stopping you from talking to him. This is what I observed." He said.

"I don't think so. He is stressed about something and not sharing it with me." I said. He just hummed.

A few minutes of silence and then his mobile rang.


"Yes." I answered the call to see it's the manager from our new construction site.

"Sir, the building plan approval got cancelled. I think we need to stop the work." The manager said with fear in his voice.

"What?! How is that possible. Everything was according to the rules. They cannot cancel it." I said getting up from the chair and started pacing around the room.

"Some people came and gave the notice sir. I am on my to the office. I am bringing it to you" he said.

"Okay. Come fast." I said and disconnected the call.

I was still pacing when Cherry stood infront of me stopping my pacing.

"What happened?" She asked anxiously.

"It's the site manager. The approval got cancelled." I said pacing again.

"Karthik calm down." She started.

"Someone is threating our business, doing all the things that will effect its growth and you are asking me to calm down? " I asked frustrated and punched the mirror that's on the wall.

"Karthik..! What the hell is wrong with you?!" She shouted and dragged me to the bathroom to clean my hand which is bleeding now.

Thankfully there were no glass pieces stuck in the hand.

Making me sit on the couch she started doing first aid.

"If you ever feel angry or frustrated show your anger on me. But please don't hurt yourself. I cannot bear it" She said slowly tears running down her face.

I regretted behaving like that. I was frustrated and acted on impulse. I was about to respond when the manager came into the cabin.

He showed the notice that we recieved.

"This is not the plan I submitted. Let me check it." Going through my laptop I opened the plan I submitted. Some one changed it.

"Why don't we try resubmitting the actual plan?" Cherry asked.

"It's a hectic process madam. And that too we got notice now. After finishing one floor. If it was wrong from the beginning they would have stopped then itself. Some one intentionally changed the plan now and informed the concerned authorities." The manager explained.

"I think I know what to do. You can leave now. I will let you know when to resume the construction." I said dismissing him.

"What are we going to do?" Cherry asked after the manager left.

"I am going to call Vishnu and ask his help." I said calling him.

"Hey Vishnu. I think I need your help." I said and explained what happened.

"Ok. I will handle. I will let you know the progress in an hour." He said and disconnected the call.

"He has more political influence than anyone can imagine. He is going to speak with the authorities." I said to Cherry who was watching my every move.

I kneeled infront of her and cupped her face.

"Am sorry love. I shouldn't have shouted at you. It's the third attempt in trying to bring down our company and I couldn't control myself. Am sorry."

"It's ok. But don't hurt yourself please." She said tears forming in her eyes.

"Please don't cry. I am not worth your tears love." I said wiping her face.

"Don't say like that." she said slapping lightly on my cheek.

Chuckling I hugged her.

With Vishnu's influence, they cleared the notice and gave permission for the construction to begin.
Not knowing who is behind all these is more frustrating.

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