10. Creeping Me Out

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I banged the door open to Rahul's flat. He was staring out of the window.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked irritated going to him.

"What?" He sighed facing me.

"Why did you behave like that with Cherry? You know she loves him. She considers our opinion before taking a decision. Then why did you leave like that? That too after shouting on her?" I asked angrily.

"What I said is my opinion. You guys might have forgotten how that Karthik broke Cherry's trust. But I didn't." He retorted back.

"Ho come on. Anyone can see that he has changed now. We were young, in college during that time. Everyone talks bullshit at that age. You haven't heard his side of the story. But you came to a conclusion?" I asked him.

He didn't answer but turned to the window.

"I know you can be a jerk. But I didn't expect you being one to Cherry." Saying I left his place.

May be he needs some time to cool off.

Me, Rahul, Cherry, Karthik, Siri studied in same school.

Surprisingly we went to the same college.

Though Karthik and Siri were not that close to us, we still know how they were.

It's not one or two years. We all practically grew up together.

Even though Karthik was arrogant during our college days, he has changed now.

Why can't Rahul see that is bothering me.

Sighing I just left it for the time to decide.


I was excited to go to office, to see Karthik.

I was feeling ecstatic after knowing that the love of my life loves me.

I didn't give my answer yet.

Though I felt he was being sincere, I was still scared to express my feelings. I didn't want to have another heart break.

So I am going to take some more time to say my answer, till I feel confident of his love towards me.

My phone beeped indicating a text message bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You look beautiful love. Have a nice day." It's a message from the unknown number.

Just then I heard some noise in the living room. Priya already left for the office. No one's there in the house except me.

My sense alerted and I tip toed to the source of noise to see no one there.

But the main door was open. I am sure I myself closed the door when Priya left.

Frowning I took my handbag that's on the couch and left for the office.

Parking my bike in the cellar I started walking to the elevator.

It is eerily empty. Goosebumps raised on my hands when I felt like someone is watching me.

I checked here and there, turning around to see no one. I speed walked to the elevator when my phone beeped.

"Why are you running? Walk slowly. I don't want you getting hurt by falling." Message from the unknown.

I rushed into the elevator not liking the idea of someone watching me. As soon as the doors closed I leaned onto the wall and heaved a sigh of relief.

I was confused and feared not knowing who is stalking me.

I wished Goutam who is in the kitchen when I entered to make our usual coffees.

"Hi Goutam, good morning."

"Hey hi ! How was the weekend?"

"Amazing. Had a road trip with friends." I said taking two mugs. "How was yours?"

"Boring. I don't have anyone as beautiful and friendly as you to give me company." He flirted.

"Ho shut up. My outing was with my friends." I said smiling.

"Oh okay. Then let me try this way. I don't have any friends who is as charming as you." He said with a wink.

"Ok enough. I got it. Stop buttering me. What do you want?" I asked stirring our coffee.

"A dinner with me. Today night." He said with a cheeky smile.

"Sorry Goutam, I really wanted to take a good rest. I didn't have proper sleep. Some other time please?" I said feeling bad for rejecting his plan.

"Ho ok. No problem." He said and left.

I took my cups and went to Karthik's cabin. He still hasn't come.

My phone beeped again "Your Smile broke my heart." message from the same unknown.

This started to creep me out.

I first thought this was some prank by someone I know. But now it feels like somone is really stalking me. And it's creeping me out.

I freaked out when Karthik entered suddenly.

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