20. Consider It Done

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This is the most peaceful sleep I ever had. It's not like I have some sleeping issues or something. I sleep like a dead man. But the content feel you get when you're in the arms of the man you love is what makes the difference.

I looked up to see Karthik sleeping peacefully. I ran my hand on his stubbled face.

He sighed feeling my touch, tightening his hold on my waist. I stopped my hand midair thinking I woke him up.

When he didn't move I slowly got out of his hold, getting ready and went to see Rs sleeping on the couch.

As always I am the early rooster.

I started playing music from the Alexa that's in the dining area and started making breakfast for everyone.

It's my habit of waking these two, just play some music on a loud volume and they will wake up.

Priya's and my room's door, where Karthik is sleeping are closed, so I need not worry of them waking up to the music.

It's a sadistic happiness I have in waking Rahul and Rohit.
*Evil laugh*

"Pinky! You sadist. You be a morning rooster if you want. Why disturb our sleep?" Rahul whined coming to the dinning table, that's near the kitchen.

Plopping on the chair he reduced the volume and leaned onto the table. He closed his eyes and started sleeping again.

"Hey don't reduce the volume you lazy ass." Saying I moved the Alexa little far from him and increased the volume.

"Morning cherry" Rohit came streching and yawning.

He also sat next to Rahul and placed his head on the table, sleeping again.

Shaking my head I started making the breakfast humming to the song playing.

After sometime I finished preparing breakfast and turned to leave.

I was surprised to see Karthik leaning on the fridge with his hands folded on his chest with a small smile playing on his lips.

The top buttons of the shirt were opened, sleeves folded till his mid forearms, with his bed hair and the light stubble on his firm jaws, he is looking very hot.

"Like what you see love?" He asked smirking.

Coming out of trance I cleared my throat "good morning" I said with a smile.

Smiling he came to me holding me by my waist, he pulled me closer. Kissing me deeply he spoke "Good morning love. You look beautiful."

"What's that delicious smell?" he asked taking a deep breath.

"I made breakfast. If you guys get ready we can eat."

"Why are you straining yourself? Doctor told your body is weak because of everything happened. How are you feeling now?" He asked concerned.

"I am fine Karthik. You worry too much. Go get ready. I am hungry." I said pecking his lips.

"Wake up you lazy asses. Breakfast is waiting." I said waking my friends.

Groaning they sat up without opening their eyes but didn't move. Karthik also sat on one of the chairs and leaned back closing his eyes.

Just then Priya entered the dining area yawning and rubbing her eyes and sat next to Rahul and Karthik is on her other side.

"Breakfast.." she spoke in her sleepy voice, placing her head on Rahul's shoulder who still hasn't moved.

"What the hell? You guys should take care of me right now but here I am trying to wake your lazy asses. If you guys don't go and get ready on the count of five I will pour cold water on your heads." I said taking a water bottle from the fridge.

All their eyes snapped open "what.! No..! We are going." saying all ran to the rooms to get ready.

Laughing I took the dishes and placed on the table and started arranging the plates.


We were all having breakfast having small talks here and there.

"Cherry" All the talking stopped and everyone's eyes are on me.

"Goutam is in police station. What ever you say will happen to him. All you have to do is just tell. If you want him dead then he will be dead." I said.

She started sweating hearing his name and her breaths are becoming shallow.

"Hey hey, easy easy. He is not here. No one is going to hurt you. You are safe" I said hugging her.

"Take deep breaths Cherry." Rohit said sitting next to her. "Yes, just like that, good"
After few minutes her breathing came to normal.

"Have water Pinky" Rahul said giving her a glass of water
"And your medicines" it was Priya.

Doctor has already warned us about the panic attacks she might get because of the ordeal she gone through but didn't expect it to really happen.

That bastard, if it is left to me, I would make him feel that hell can be safer.

She calmed down after sometime. We were still sitting on the table when she spoke again.

"I don't want him to die Karthik. But he has to suffer his entire life. I want him to suffer" She said looking at me, anger evident in her eyes.

"Consider it done." I said determined.

Some time during the day, Siri and Vishnu came to see Cherry.

"I hope we are not disturbing.! It's been very long since I saw you." Vishnu said hugging Cherry.

"How are you cherry?" Siri asked.

"I am fine guys. Thanks for coming." She said smiling.

We were all seated in the living room talking when Vishnu punched my wounded hand to say something.

I hissed when it started to pain. "Idiot, it hurts" I said shaking my hand. Blood started to drench the bandage.

"Shit sorry man! I didn't notice this. "

"OMG it's bleeding.." Cherry said panicked taking my hand into her's.

"Calm down love, it's nothing." I said trying to calm her.

Not answering me she rushed to her room and brought the first aid kit.

She took my hands and started changing the bandage.

I hissed feeling the sting because of the tincture and that's when tears started running down her face.

"Love it's nothing. Please stop crying." I pleaded.

All the while everyone is watching us like some movie is playing infront of them.

Rahul is the worst., That idiot was having popcorn watching us, the exact setup for a movie.

"How did that happen?" Siri asked.

"Our hero has beaten that Goutam to pulp. It was one hell of a task to pull him out. If we didn't pull him out, he would have also been behind the bars. Idiot." Vishnu said glaring.

"Stop it Vishnu" I said glaring back.

Cherry went to her room after finishing with my bandage.

"Idiot" I said to Vishnu who just shrugged as if he did nothing.

I followed cherry to her room to see her staring out of her window still crying.

"Baby please, I swear it's not hurting. This is just a small wound." I said hugging her from behind.

"This all wouldn't have happened if I were more careful and not blindly trusted him." She said turning and hugging me, tears not stopping. "I am sorry."

"No love don't say that. He is the one who took advantage of you. Just because you were friendly doesn't mean he had to do what he did." I said hugging her tightly.

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