15. I Am Sorry

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Rohit texted me saying they started to her flat.

Telling Saara to cancel all my meetings I rushed to my car.

By the time I reached there Cherry was sleeping.

"Let her sleep now. We are leaving. You can stay if you want. I think she will let you explain your side of the story. But don't mess up this time." Rohit said.

Rahul was glaring at me. What's his problem?

"See Rahul, I know you are angry on me. But trust me I love her. I will not do anything to hurt her. I can't change the past. But now and in future I will try my level best not to hurt her." I said looking at him.

He didn't respond and left.

Priya, her roomate was surprised to see me in their flat.

"Hi, everything's ok?" She asked.

"Yea. Cherry is sleeping. Am waiting for her." I said not knowing how to explain the situation.

She smiled and left to her room.

I sat on the couch in the living room. Sighing I leaned back closing my eyes.

"Here. Drink this." Priya gave a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." I said taking the cup.

"Want to talk about it?" She asked sitting opposite to me on the single chair.

Sighing I said what happened.

"Okayy. Don't worry. She will give you a chance. I know about her. But if you mess up this time, she won't forgive you." She said with a comforting smile.

"But have you observed? She seems a little off these days. Like something is bothering her. She keeps checking her back all the time and is very jumpy these day."

I frowned thinking.

Yea if I think about it what Paayal said feels correct.

It was already evening by the time she woke up.

Groaning she sat up and started massaging her forehead.

"Here, it will help with headache." I said giving her water and medicine.

She took it without speaking and gulped down.

Leaning back onto the head board she spoke "Ok. I will listen. You can explain yourself."

"There is nothing to explain Cherry. What I said was wrong. We were young. I was stupid and arrogant. But I swear, I was not disgusted by you. I was confused with my emotions for you. And that Siri was nagging me. So to shut her up I spoke like that. I didn't mean any of it. I should have said something else. But I didn't and now I cannot change it."

"Please forgive me. I always liked you. But my ego was too big at that time. So I said all that bullshit to Siri."

"Believe me when I say I love you. I really love you Aakanksha." I said sitting next to her.


It's been one week since that day.

Rahul bought me a new phone as an apology for breaking my old one.

The messages from that creep have increased.

He started threating Karthik's life.

That stalker got to know about Karthik proposing me.

I always feel like someone is watching me.

Rahul and Rohit are trying to track the num but not very successful till now.

I still didn't tell this to Karthik.

He is measuring his words while speaking to me.

He stopped calling me Cherry.

He thinks he is giving me space. Being so catious around me, measuring each and every word before speaking is finally getting on to me.

"Stop behaving like there's a stick stuck up your ass." I said annoyed.

"Now what have I done Aakanksha?" He asked sighing.

"Why aren't you calling me Cherry?" I asked glaring.

"I don't know. I just wanted to give you space. I don't want to make you feel like I was forcing you or something. And you said you don't like everyone calling you Cherry." He said leaning back onto the chair.

I was still glaring at him when some knocked on the door.

Siri entered the room.

She was beautiful. I felt envious of her. She is carrying herself so gracefully that will make anyone to take a beat and look back at her.

"Siri..! I didnt expect you here.!?" He asked her, stealing an anxious glance at me.

"Oh you know I missed you so much darling. I wanted to see you. Can't I meet you without an appointment?!" She said in a flirty tone.

"What?!" Karthik was shocked.

Siri burst out laughing.

"Just kidding. I wanted to meet Aakanksha. I was on this way, so thought of meeting her." She said looking at me.

Karthik's phone started to ring. "Ok you guys talk here. I will just take this call and come" saying he walked out of the room.

It's just the two of us now and it's awkward.

Clearing my throat I spoke "ummm how are you Siri?" I asked extending my hand.

"Oh come on don't be so formal." Saying she pulled me into a hug.

Okayy that was unexpected.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I asked getting skeptical.

"I heard about what happened between you and Karthik. I wanted to apologise actually." She said taking a seat infront of me.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"What he said at that time was stupid. No doubt in that. But I was always behind him nagging about you. I was jealous of you at that time. Everyone used to give more importance to you. Karthik started to do the same. So me and other friends used to tease him."

"You know how he used to be, full of ego and arrogance. He didn't want us to feel that we were correct in teasing. So to stop my bickering he said all those things. He didn't mean to hurt you. I am not defending him. What he did was a mistake. But we were all young and immature.  Just remember that." She said with a small smile.

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