28. My friend

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I woke up to see Karthik next to my cot on the chair, Rahul and Rohit on the couch, all in deep slumber.

Taking my hand from Karthik's hold, I ran my hand in his hair. He opened his eyes and as soon as he realised I was awake, he was hovering over me

"Love! How do you feel now? Does it still hurt?" He asked taking my face in his hands.

"No. Am alright now" I said lifting my hand and cupping his cheek.

Rubbing his jaw with my thumb I released a deep breath still feeling the tiredness and fatigue.

"Am sorry Karthik. I always worry you. I am such a bad partner to you." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't say like that love. You don't know how lucky I feel to have you." He said taking my palm in his' and kissing them.

"Let's take you home. You can have proper rest there. Doctor has given you one week complete bed rest." He said making me sit.

I held his hand making him stop moving. He looked at me waiting for me to speak.

"Please, for me, be normal with Rahul. I know what he did is wrong. I know we almost lost the baby because of what happened today. But please he is my best friend. They are my only family." I said feeling guilty of asking him for too much.

"I am not happy with what you are asking me to do Cherry. But I will try 'cause I love you." He said sighing.

"Thanks for understanding."

We reached our house after sometime.

"You are treating me like a China doll Karthik like about to break. Leave me I can sit myself." I said getting irritated.

He is not letting me walk on my own and insisting on carrying me bridal style.

"You will know how I am feeling if you were in my place" he said adjusting the pillows for me to lean into.

"I am going to drop Rohit. He is in some hurry." He said standing straight.

"Why should you go? Tell him to call his driver. Stay with me pls." I asked getting irritated.

I know I was being selfish, but I want him near me.

Rohit who was standing by the door raised his eyebrow. "I am not stealing your husband. It's just for half n hour. And moreover it's already late. I sent my driver home."

"I need to buy some of your medicines love. I will be right back. And you are not supposed to get down from this bed. Do you understand?" Karthik said firmly and kissed my forehead.

"Can you stay here till I come? Make sure she stays on the bed please." he said to Rahul who was sitting on the couch in the room with his head in his hands.

Shock was written all over Rahul's face to see Karthik speaking to him normally.

I was relieved too. I thought there will be a big fight or argument or something. But thank God. He is respecting my wishes.

"Rahul come here." I asked extending my hand.

He kneeled next to the bed and took my hand. "Stop feeling guilty. Nothing happened. Don't blame yourself." I said reading his thoughts.

"Don't defend me Pinky. How can you forgive me so easily. I endangered your's and the baby's life. I am responsible for the pain you are feeling now. I feel disgusted by myself." He said with so much guilt that it broke my heart to see him in this condition.

"No don't say that. You're my best friend Rahul. We practically grew up together. I know you. Ofcourse I will forgive you. Holding grudges doesn't take us anywhere Rahul. All I want is you being normal and happy." I said.

Sighing he kissed my palms and stood up "I will prepare something for you to eat."

"Really? Okay. But can I have maggi please?" I asked smiling.

"What?! You didn't eat anything from afternoon and you are asking for maggi? No pinky not happening." He said sternly.

"But please.. am craving for it. You can't say no to a pregnant woman's cravings." I said pouting.

"Ok fine." He said sighing.

I gave him my biggest cheeky grin. Chuckling he left the room.


"Hey..!" I said seeing Rahul in the living room.

"Hey., What are you doing here?" He asked, his face looked tired.

"Rohit told what happened. Thought of giving you some company" I said sitting next to him.

"How are you?" I asked squeezing his hand.

He was lost in thoughts with a glass of wine in his other hand, swirling it.

"Doesn't matter" he said in a monotone.

"Ofcourse it matters Rahul. Everyone do mistakes. Your not a special case."

His hold on the glass became tight breaking it and cutting his palm in the process.

"Rahul.!" I gasped taking his hand into mine. Blood is oozing from the cut. It made me angry.


He didn't expect that I will slap him. He was shocked, covering his cheek with the other hand.

"Are you out of your mind? What are you trying to do?" I yelled and went to the medicine cabinet to bring the first aid box.

Sitting infront of him I tried taking his hand but he pushed mine and walked to the window.

He really is out of his mind to piss me off.

I went to him and took his hand tried dragging him to the couch.

But this buffalo didn't move even an inch.

"Your going to sit on the couch and let me clean your wound. There might be glass shreds in the cut. Or else get ready take the beatings." I said lifting my head up to see him in the eyes for that more effect.

This eiffel tower is hovering over me compared to my short height. I barely come to his shoulders.

He looked down into my eyes, closed them for a second taking deep breath and sighed. He calmly sat on the couch and let me do the firstaid.

I was trying to take out a glass shred that stuck in his hand, him hissing occasionally when Karthik came.

"What happened?" He asked seeing me doing the first aid and broken glass shreds.

I just shook my head not knowing how to answer him.

"Where's Cherry?" He asked sighing.

"Sleeping. She had maggi." Rahul said.

"She is eating that stupid food from one week like a maniac. I don't even want to imagine how will be the coming days." He said rubbing his forehead and went to check on Cherry.


"You love him right?" Karthik asked standing next to me.

It's the next day and I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast when Karthik came. Me and Rahul slept in their house last night and Rahul still hasn't woken up.


"Don't worry, I won't tell him" he said smiling.

"But how do you know.?" I asked surprised.

"Yesterday you had that look on your face while treating Rahul's hand, the same look Cherry will have whenever I was hurt. I kinda guessed and now you confirmed." He said chuckling taking his coffee mug.

"But you should tell him. He thinks he loves Cherry, but he actually loves you. That idiot hasn't realised yet." Karthik said turning to me.

"I don't know. I don't want to mess our friendship. If he loves me, then let him realise it. I will wait for him." I said

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