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Thank you for coming this far. I am not a writer. But I have been reading stories for so many years now. And I am in Wattpad for quite a period.

Writing this story I got to know that it's not everyone's cup of tea. I realised how difficult it is to express sensitive emotions and the feelings of mere touch and intimacy through writing. That really need lot of skills.

As I said, I have read lot of stories on Wattpad and I always wonder, why the writers cannot write a long happy moments the couple from the story share and show much more of taking care of their partner, here in most cases the female lead (because she will be the damsel in distress in the stories), and why the epilogue always ends with they being pregnant and fast skip to 5 years later. When they could write the saddest and sadistic parts as an entire book they can add a few more chaps to show their actual martial life.

So after reading all those stories I thought of writing the parts where they could have written a little more. I wanted all those parts to be a story.
And I tried writting it but failed miserably. It's really damn hard to write sensitive emotions and I am quite fast in everything usually and cannot express myself in real life and the same thing happened here (I think).

I have written all  the thoughts I had and dreams I got.
Yup that's correct. Dreams. Especially one, where Cherry sits on that log bench and Rahul placing his head on her lap. Those entire incidents, I got them as a dream after I read some story few years back. But the picture of cherry sitting and Rahul's head on her lap, the view around them, that was very very repetitive. So I kind of used it here. If your are wondering those are in chap 26 & 27.

And Does the Title Match? I am so out of ideas. Suggest some names?

Anyways thanks for your support if you have come this far. Thank you all.

I really appreciate each and every one of the writer for your contributions.
Happy writing and reading to all of you.

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