Chapter 4

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There was nothing to do because classes were over all the others girls were off with their mothers and Roselyn was in the suite alone, well she had breakfast and done her homework she didn't know what else to do. She had talked with her mother yesterday over what had happened with the troll she was scolding on but flora was still proud of her soon there was a knocked on her dorm door, Roselyn had gotten up to see Kyle was that the door.

Kyle " hey"

Roselyn " oh hey why don't you come inside"

Kyle " well I came here to ask you hangout, are you free"

Roselyn " sure"

Kyle " great I know you love nature and art, but this is cool greenhouse that also an art Gallery"

Roselyn " really"

Kyle " it one of the most popular place here but I was able to get us some tickets due to helia, so are you still in"

Roselyn " sure"

Kyle " good I have my hover bike waiting and I can give use ride there and back" soon Roselyn and Kyle were gone, to others it seemed like a date or two kids hanging out but it was up to the public. Kyle was going to make sure Roselyn had a good day

With the Winx and their families

Tina " mom I think what we are doing might be wrong"

Tenca " we just need to know the full truth"

Tommy " well coming from her both record flora is her mother but her dad information is missing"

Bloom " wait flora the guardian of nature right we just have to invited her here and speak with her"

Stella " that could work"

Ashia "it might end badly and she take Roselyn home and we never see her again"

Sky " we all know helia has a better rate of being her father"

Bradon " yes but we need some way to finding that out"

Scarlett " what about a hairbrush we can use that"

Bella " that sound stupid"

Scarlett " well it the only one that wont involved tricking her, or will you rather lie to her"

Bella " fine we Tina get your bot to take her hairbrush and have it tested"

Ally " what if she in the dorm she will freakout"

Scott " don't worry the us guys have to cover we have Kyle keeping an eye on her"

Helia " ....."

Scottt " in a good way uncle helia"

Tina " yes nino got some brush and had to sent home, the result will be able soon"

Timmy " I hope we all can explain this if we get caught"

Heiia " I don't care what happens I need to know I need to know, I mess up big time with flora"

Bloom " we all did" the kids had felt bad for their parents but now they were feeling quilt they like Roselyn, but they didn't want to drive her away she is one of their first honest female friends.

Scarlett " I think one of them might be her crush she did say she had a crush on someone"

Stella " really I didn't know that and maybe Kyle like her back, they will make a cute couple"

Brandon " ladies we should not be jumping to conclusions here"

Brad " yeah mom and sis that not nice"

Stella " aww Bradley you can have a chance as well"

Kids " Bradley" the boys were laughing at brad who was bright red of embarrassment he didn't want Roselyn to know of this nickname or any other girl.

Bloom " oh come on kids all you have embarrassing names we can tell Roselyn"

Kids " no" the adults laugh they could tell which boys had romantic feeling towards her and which one had feeling of friendship.

Later that night

It had become night when Kyle and Roselyn got back to Alfea they had show green house and art galley, but stayed for a cute play. Kyle had made sure to get the girl home before curfew for the both of them.

Roselyn " thank for the nice day our Kyle"

Kyle " anytime flower"

Roselyn " flower"

Kyle " yeah that my nickname for you flower"

Roselyn " I like that good night get back to school safety"

Kyle " yeah good night"Kyle soon took off leaving the girl standing there but Roselyn soon walked into her dorm, when she step inside right away she was ambushed by the other girls.

Bella " so how was the date"

Roselyn " frist I don't think it was a date but it was fun, I enjoyed hanging out with Kyle he nice"

Scarlett " you know our brother are nice as well"

Girls " Scarlett"

Tina " not pay attention to her she trying to play matchmaker like her mother"

Scarlett " what she will be perfect with anyone I'm just saying" everyone was laughing at Scarlett comment as she was trying prove her point.

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