Chapter 6

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Roselyn was hanging out in the city with her friends who were a group of wizards that are attending could tower, she had know them since she was little. Their mothers were once enemies of her mother but it seems like year and time had put that behind everyone, and soon enough people had changed for the better.

Frost " I still can't believe your mother was able to talk our mother into allowing us to come"

Roselyn " well you boys have a right to learn more magic and not to judge on what your mothers have done in the past"

Doom " says you but everyone waiting for the trixs to return and cause trouble once again, for the realms of magic"

Thunder " see I don't understand disapore can be forgive time and time again, for trying to kill the Queen but our mother no"

Roselyn " so I found out my mother was in the winx club with my suites mates moms"

Frost " that deep hey you are better then us my dad in jail still under water, my mom still trying to keep me away anadors"

Thunder " the father topic"

Frost "sorry rose i didn't ..."

Roselyn " it okay I have gotten over the whole father issue, but hey maybe one day I will find out more about him"

Doom " well you two are better the us because my mom rather go back to omega dimension, verse talking about my dad"

Roselyn " were there rumors that he was apart of wizard of black circle"

Doom " yeah that will explain most of my powers, but Thunder in the same position as me his dad is still unknown"

Roselyn " well the club of missing dads has start once again" the guys laughed to Roselyn comment all four kids had issues when it came to their dads, when they asked their mother it would end with no complete answer at all.

Doom " so you said everyone kept on asking you question about your mom"

Roselyn " yeah I'm starting to think there was some problems that happened, because my mom never mentioned them to me"

Doom " those are mother keeping us away from stuff for our safety"

Roselyn " we will see about that ... oh I'm not looking forward parents day it going to be something special if my mom comes"

Doom " if you doesn't you can come hang out with us at our school, ms griffin has been keeping a close eye on us anyways"

Roselyn " deal" the guys had walked Roselyn back to school there was some kids on the grounds talking. When the spotted Roselyn with the three wizard guys, everyone was wondering about the relationship that was going on between Roselyn and these three guys.

???? " hey Roselyn"

Roselyn " oh hey Molly"

Molly " who are your friends"

Roselyn " these are my friends frost, doom, and thunder wizards in training"

Frost " hey"

Thunder " what up"

Doom " sup"

Molly " hey we have heard about you guys from Roselyn"

Doom " she has told us about you and the others as well, nice to finally meet one of you girls"

Thunder " we will like to stay but we have to get back to school to check in"

Roselyn " okay safe trip back to school and no trouble"

Thunder " We promise nothing love you Rosie" the three wizard guys walked away and Roselyn looked at molly.

Molly " they seem nice"

Roselyn " yeah they are so are you ready for parents day"

Molly " ready as I will ever be what about you"

Roselyn " yeah my mom said she might stop by and come and if she can't she will send my grandparents"

Molly " that sounds like fun"

Roselyn " I hope so" Molly and Roselyn walked into the school together Roselyn knew that drama was going to come when her mother showed up at alfea, but she wanted to find out why her mother friendship ending like that and what was hella deal with her mother.

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