Chapter 10

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Roselyn was hanging out with the guys today their whole parents day had gone well even due their mother had to keep to the shadows, she was feeling bad that her three friends didn't make that many friends at school. So she came up with a plan to have all of her friends meet and become buddies she didn't know, so guys were hanging out that the suite wondering what was going to happen next.

Ice " what are up to Rosie"

Roselyn " well I want you to meet my other friends they have been asking about you"

Doom " fine we have nothing else to do and hey maybe it will be good to have more friends"

Thunder " fine im in because there food"

???? " hey Roselyn we are back with the movies and more pizza ... oh hello"

Roselyn " girls and guys these are my other friends from home ice, doom, and thunder and guys there are my new friends"

Scott " hey you guys go to cloud tower right"

Thunder " yeah have something against it"

Scott " no we never see you guys outside of school that much, I was just asking"

Molly " I like you shirt this that from the band skeletons"

Doom " umm yes I like their songs they are very cool"

Ryder " sweet me and my sister like them as well"

Doom " I dont meet that many kids around my age that like them"

Molly " if you like I can show you some of their albums I have collect and some are signed"

Doom " sure"

Ryder " im coming as well I haven't seen all of them yet" doom went to the other side of the living room and started looking that albums and posters.

Ally " hey nice jewelry do you have family from ardoros"

Ice " yes my father but we don't have a good relationship but I go there some times, even due I have nice magic I do like summer sports"

Nathan " that cool what your favorite spot"

Ice " surfing right after sown boarding"

Ally and Natan" wow" ice had started talking about sports with ally and Nathan, and trying to find out more about his family.

Tina " this that the new video game that came out last week"

Thunder " umm yeah it multiplayer if you guys want to play"

Tommy " I love this game sure"

Brad " im in"

Tina " me as well" Roselyn had started something new and she was happy, she was hanging out with Bella, Scott, and Kyle talking about random things.

Bella " it seems like you extend our friend group to more that amazing rosie'

Roselyn " thank you I juts wanted my friends to be happy"

Scott " this is a cool party after parents day"

Kyle " yeah nice party Roselyn"

Scarlett " you know how to made a good party"

Thunder " oh yeah Rosie always drew small parties at home there were fun"

Scott " oh really you guys are not that bad as we thought you, all seem nice and friendly"

Frost " thank you for giving us a chance and you are all not that snobby as we thought" it seemed like anew friendships had started that day, all the guys soon left alfea as the girls were getting ready for bed.

Scarlett " so what going between you and frost the two of you are very closed"

Roselyn " it nothing we just have a special bond"

Bella " yeah but the two of you are very close and it seems like it more then friendship, and what about your relationship with Kyle"

Roselyn " I don't know"

Scarlett " fine girls our new mission getting Roselyn here a boyfriend"

Roselyn " what why do I need a boyfriend"

Scarlett " it late it been decided we will be helping you get a boyfriend"

Bella " it like we have boyfriends as well Scarlett"

Scarlett " yes and while we help her find the love of her life, we will finally get our love life in the works" The girls all started laughing, it seemed like this day was going to be an interesting semester was going to be even more interesting. Soon or late some conflict was going to come into the situation that will cause trouble for everyone and make problems even more worst.

???? " now that we have all the daughter of the winx here why don't we cause some trouble, it will be fun for the poor Roselyn to see the true nature of her new friends and their families"

???? " once the nature fairy finally gone we can get rid of the others once and for all, I'm sick of the stupid bloom and her friends it will be fun to watch their world crash and burn"

???? " then there Ashia we can see what will be happening when the truth of secret hood of been hiding away"

??? " oh yes the former villain tritannus has abandoned his old live and their children under the order of his father and uncle, to live his life as royal and good again... oh poor frost will snap and soon with his cousin's and them together will Roselyn could be very helpful and destroy all these hero's lives for good" soon evil laughter had filled the room and once again evil was finally back in the world of magic and ready to seek revenge against the winxs, and the specialist.

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