If he stayed

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In a world flora and helia had ended up married, in a small wedding attended by family and family friends. Their own friends didn't attend the wedding as they were still on bad terms over a incident between the girls and flora. As the girls had blamed flora for something she didn't do, and some words that were said couldn't be taken back so easily. So helia and flora got to have a happier ever after and raise their baby girl they named Roselyn.

Roselyn " mom" Roselyn was running around her family home trying to find a few more things she need to pack before she left for school. She was starting her forts years of alfea collage for fairies and she was so happy to be attending the school.

Flora " yes my sunflower"

Roselyn " have you seen my pink cardigan in can't ... oh thank you" one of the plants of the home had brought over the cardigan to the girl making her laugh along with flora.

Flora " sorry about that"

Roselyn " it okay well I'm almost done"

Flora " here are some more flower seeds you will need them for school" flora has pack the seeds into a small tuck that was holding some of her garden stuff,

Roselyn " mom do you think I will do well at alfea or will I fail"

Flora " oh my daughter you are going to do well and I know it"

Roselyn " thank mom"

Flora " you will become your own fairy and it will be good along with your artistic talents you will be even more amazing"

Roselyn " thanks mom"

Flora " everything will be well as well as your dad will be teaching at red fountain to help you uncle with the school"

Roselyn " well that good that I have family close enough"

Flora " I will come pay you some visit but with me being the guardian of nature ...."

Roselyn " your hands are whole I understand mom don't worry I will be okay"

Flora " now come on let me help you with the remaining of the pack before your dad started worrying where we are" Roselyn and flora had laughed that the response and soon finished the remaining of their packing, rose did know of her parents past in the schools and their old friends.

Flora " okay we are done now come on let's get you to Alfea and check in"

Roselyn " mom are you sure you want to come you don't have to come I know your don't ...."

Flora " I'm coming to see my daughter enter alfea and I will leave once I know you are okay"

Roselyn " thank mom" once everything was ready soon mother and daughter duo head off towards alfea, flora was happy to see alfea after graduating early.

Flora " it been so long"

Ms faragond " flora welcome back"

Flora " hello ms faragond I hope you remember my daughter Roselyn she will nature fairy like me with some art as well"

Ms faragond " hello Roselyn welcome your family has told me so much about you"

Roselyn " hello miss"

Flora " Melie"

Melie " hello sister I'm sorry for ruining this moment but we are need back home"

Flora " coming I'm sorry sweetie but I have to leave call me when you have everything settled"

Roselyn " yes mom"

Meilie " here a gift from me to help you out my niece have a good time here"

Roselyn " yes ma'am" flora and meilie had hugged Roselyn goodbye as they soon left ms faragond had stayed for a while before leaving as some matters had come up. Roselyn had found her dorm suite and she was lucky as she had her own room for the time being. Roselyn had unpacked everything and placed everything neatly in her room it seems like everyone else hasn't arrived yet.

Roselyn " well it looks like I have enough time to head toward red fountain and see my favorite people" Roselyn soon left her dorm room and the school heading towards red fountain where new student and returning student were rushing around.

???? " Rosie" Roselyn had stopped dead in her tracks when she heard her name getting called she looked up and saw her dad. She soon made her way towards her dad happy to see him and Helia was happy to see his baby girl he had really missed her.

Helia " hey honey what are you doing here"

Roselyn " well I came here to see my favorite people"

Helia " well I'm happy I caught you there is something I mean to give you before I left"

Roselyn " oh" soon helia had shown you a bracelet and when you pushed the button soon a light colored rope came out.

Helia " it similar to my old weapons but can be used in many ways I thought you could use to help defend yourself, against any trouble"

Roselyn " thank you dad I love it"

Helia " good I will explain it to you mom later"

Roselyn " okay"

???? " rose" Roselyn soon heard her name getting called again and she soon looked and saw three of her friends making their way toward her.

Frost " hi uncle helia

Helia " hello boys"

Thunder " I still can't believe the dictators let us come here"

Helia " it was something agreed among everyone as they thought it will be good for all of you"

Doom " let hope no one find out who our moms are"

Helia " you boys should should show Roselyn around as you have been in school longer while she was attending another school"

Roselyn " okay bye dad see you" Roselyn had walked away with her friends a smile had grown on Helia face he is happy for the children but he knew of the trouble that will come for them. Roselyn was going to meet the people of her parents past as she knew truly of what had happened all those years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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