Chapter 15

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Once most of the truth had come out about everything it seemed like everything was good, for Roselyn and her friends. Roselyn was hanging out with ally and Nick but soon the friend group had grown bigger once everyone else had come along, but they were missing some friends due to other family matters.

Bella " going to the beach was a good idea"

Roselyn " yeah"

Ally " it to bad we can't go swimming at the moment but hey we can still have fun in the sand"

Bella " where did the guys go anyways there were here a few minutes ago"

Roselyn " they went to have a volleyball game against each other, the said the losers lays for lunch I think"

Bella " how do you know that"

Roselyn " because they are over there playing around now" the girls had turned around and saw the guys playing volley ball.

Scarlett " oh too bad the others couldn't come with us here"

Roselyn " why didn't Molly, Tina, and Ryder and Tommy come did something happen"

Bella " something came up with their grandparents so they had to leave but they, said they might be home later on"

Roselyn " okay"

Bella " so how are you and ally feeling after the last mission"

Ally " im feeling good thanks to Rosie here who gave me some tea that night, and everything felt better"

Scarlett " what type of tea"

Roselyn " well I grown tea leaves and some of them have medical healing powers, and I gave some for ally"

Scarlett " cool dose any get that weird feeling like our whole day is going to get, interrupted"

Girls " no"

Roselyn " if you are talking about a royal aircraft ship showing up out of nowhere and landing, and royal gaurd walking out nothing then okay"

Ally " what do you mean ... the royal guards of andoros"

Guard " princess ally and prince Nathan you are did that home right away a important matter has come up"

Ally " right away"

Guard 2 " you might need extra help the matter has become so grand that it has started effecting the mermaid and merman  as well"

Ally " girls are you willing to help"

Roselyn " sure"

Scarlett " we are friends we will help no matter what" the guys soon came running with some more guards, it seemed like everyone knew what was going on.

Frost " we will help us well"

Roselyn " are you sure frost you will have to see him again"

Frost " I don't care I rather be helpful and I will deal with him later"

Doom " we are coming as well we don't be leaving you all to fight alone"

Thunder " you all might need help if dark magic which is something we deal with, greatly"

Nathan " thank you all for volunteer to help"

Guard 3 " we have to go now if we want to be more helpful prince and princess" everyone soon nodded and ran onto the royal aircraft all their stuff was magical sent back to everyone dorm room and the volleyball was soon returned. Once everyone was onboard the ship soon took off heading to the planet of andoros.

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