(6) Only One Of Us

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"Wanna build that house now?" I heard from the person now standing in front of me and Rui. I jumped up from my seat on the park bench and hugged him. Yes, him. I was now hugging Hiro. With no contact from each other for over a year, I was finally able to see him again. 

"How? How did you find me? How did you get my number with Akia watching over?" I asked with rushed words. I let go of Hiro and sat back down next to Rui, patting the empty seat next to me and offering him to sit down. 

"Well, I watched your show with WxS and since I bought myself two phones, I texted you on my extra. I decided to buy two so that Akia wouldn't see my other one haha.." Hiro laughed and rubbed the back of his head. 

"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" Hiro asked with a smile.

"I don't know.. I'll see if I can on the weekend, I have to practice with this guy right here and the rest of the group." I said as I pointed to Rui.

Rui's POV

For some strange reason, I felt hurt when Hiro asked Y/N to hang out with him. Why? I mean there's nothing wrong with hanging out with a friend, especially if you haven't seen them in a long time. If hanging out with someone you haven't seen for so long is fine, then why doesn't it seem fine to me? Well, not fine for Hiro and Y/N... 

I took Y/N's hand once again for some reason and took out my phone with my free hand. Y/N glanced at me confusingly but continued on her conversation with with Hiro. I went on my phone and decided to text everyone else in the group chat. 

'And then the stage went BOOM!!'  Emu suddenly said.

I knew then, I wouldn't understand the context of what had happened so I decided to stay out of the conversation. I went to the home page of my phone and opened and opened Subway Surfers. I put my phone on silent so that it wouldn't distract Hiro and Y/N's conversation. I wasn't that rude. 

Soon enough, Hiro left and Y/N's hand remained in mine. As Hiro walked away from Y/N, I noticed he winked at her, but Y/N hadn't noticed. When Hiro gave a sneaky wink to Y/N, she had already pulled out her phone to check the time. 

"Hey Rui, I think i'm gonna head home now, i'm getting kinda sleepy haha..." Y/N said with half lidded eyes. It was obvious she was getting sleepy. She probably stayed up late the night before and hadn't gotten much sleep. 

"Would you mind if I walked you home? It is dangerous out at night and you're groggy." I offered. Y/N yawned and said "Yes, please..." and she stood up. For some strange reason I couldn't let go of her hand. She hadn't tried to release her hand from my grasp so I just kept holding it. Her hand was soft and it gave me a nice feeling. 

Y/N led me around the neighborhood to her house. As we walked, we occasionally talked about what she thinks of WxS so far, how she's doing, and how WxS assembled. She also told me where she lived just in case we wanted to practice together.

 As we neared her house, I noticed Y/N swaying. She was probably too sleepy to walk and just as I thought, she fell. Luckily, I caught her. I sighed, picked her up, and gave her a 'piggy back ride'. I walked to the front steps of her door and rang the bell. 

A lady with h/c hair opened the door and widened her eyes when she saw me.

"Oh my! Wait a minute.." She yelped, then paused. "Aren't you Rui Kamishiro? From the group my daughter is with now?" 

I nod, and smile, and then explain what happened. To what I assume was Y/N's mother, she had a hand over her mouth the whole explanation. 

"Oh! I'm so glad Y/N was able to see Hiro again! They had been friends ever since they were little until that damn Akia just had to kick her out." Y/N's mom spat. I giggled and woke Y/N up. 

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