(14) the christmas sleepover special chapter!! (part 1)

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it's been quite some time since the wonderland crew and i have hung out together... since christmas was coming, i decided to invite them and hiro over for a sleepover. i asked akito if he wanted to invite toya, an, and kohane, andd he decided to invite them as well. when i asked ena if she wanted to invite her friends she said it was fine, and that she wanted me and akito to enjoy ourselves. 

once akito and i figured out all our friends were coming, we told ena to tell mom and dad we were heading out to get food and decorations. we walked to the closest market and looked around for food we think everyone might like. i decided to snatch a bag of popcorn (for movies), bottles of juice, and some gingerbread mix. akito bought chips, oreos, and hot cocoa mix. 

as akito and i walked towards the cashier, he began speaking.

"oh hey! it's you again, last time you were here, your boyfriend fixed up my cash register! tell him i said thank you again."

i gave the man a confused look and akito looked down at me surprised.

"you have a boyfriend? y/n, is there something you're not telling me..."

"what!? no! i don't even know what this guy is talking about."


the cashier told me that my "boyfriend" had purple hair, and a blue streak across the front side of his hair. i immediately knew who he was talking about and cleared up the confusion. since the cashier knew i was a friend of rui, he game akito and i a discount on the things we bought.  

next up, we bought decorations for the house. we still had plenty of decorations at home, but why not get more? we bought new tree decorations, streamers, a mistletoe of course for fun (we really just bought it for mom and dad), lights, and fake flowers (i LOVE fake flowers). (A/N i do indeed love fake flowers with ALL my heart <3) once akito and i paid, we walked back home. 

once we got back, ena had already gotten out the christmas tree and mom already got most of the decorations out. dad tiredly walked down the stairs, waving at mom, ena, akito, and me. he walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a cup of coffee. 

"good morning kids" dad grumbled, walking up to mom and kissing her on the cheek. she smiled, and kissed him back. 

we turned up some christmas music, and happily decorated together. akito danced, ena sang, mom and dad laughed, and i sang along with ena. all of us doing this while decorating at the same time of course. 

everyone was supposed to be over at around 3 so we can have a bunch of fun early on, but it was currently 10 in the morning, so there was still plenty of time to spend with the family. since ena, akito, and i have been busy with our musical groups and passions, none of us got to spend much time together. while we waited for the company, we all decided to sit down and watch movies together. akito made some hot cocoa with the left over mix from the old packets and ena picked up some of her shrimp chips. 

"so what movie do you all wanna watch?" ena asked, as she picked up the remote and turned on the tv. 

"hmm..." mom and dad hummed. 

"why don't we watch christmas movies? it's almost christmas anyways, so why not?" i suggested. i only said that to get an excuse to watch christmas love stories... 

before, when i got kicked out of akia's group, mom and i would watch christmas love stories together to comfort me. we could cringe together at the kissing scenes, laugh at the clumsiness of the main character, and just continuously watch movies on and on. 

"ohh! yea, let's do that! i miss watching christmas movies with y/n!" mom said. 

"alright then, christmas movies it is!" ena picked a christmas movie and we all got cozy on the couch and floor. 

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