(11) The Field Trip

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Rui's POV

"Do you like Y/N?" Tsukasa asks me, glancing at me seriously. My eyes widen seeing how serious he is. 

"Why do you ask? Has something been on your mind lately?" I respond soon after seeing his cold expression. 

"NEVER answer a question with a question... NOW. Tell me!" He says, running in front of me and holding his arms up to block my path. I look down to my feet to think for a moment, then bring my head up along with my hand to my face. 

"Well... Maybe I do.. I'm not quite sure." I simply respond. I really had to think hard when responding to questions like that. 'Do you like blah blah blah' or 'do you hate blah blah blah along with 'blah blah blah says you're annoying.' 

I hated questions like these. Whenever someone find out about me liking someone, they'd always tell and end up crushing my dreams. 

Why did I decide to tell Tsukasa? Well, I myself don't even know. Maybe.. Trust? Do I trust him though? 

"Don't tell anyone about this conversation, alright?" I tell Tsukasa as he moves out of my way. 

"Mhm!" He says, happy to gain information.



I walk into my music class and sit in my assigned seat. I had been absent the past few days due to things I had to get done with Miku and Len in SEKAI. 

"Alright class! You guys ready for the field trip?" My teacher, Mr. La says. I find it ironic how were in a music class and his last name is La. 

(A/N! The music teacher at my school is actually named Mr. La!)

Field trip?

What field trip?

"Ah! Y/N, I see you've come to school today! Luckily you came the day of the field trip!" He happily exclaims. "We're going on a trip to see THE Wonderland X Showtime!" 


Once I heard that sentence my eyes widened. Do they know i'm part of the group now? Or not yet.. I have to ask Miku about this.. 

"Hey! Umm- this field trip seems cool and all but before we go, can I go use the bathroom real quick? Thank you!" I say, quickly running out the door and to the girls bathroom. 

I quickly get out my phone and played and Untitled song. Soon enough, I was in SEKAI. 

"Y/N!! Hiii!!!" Miku says, running towards me and giving me a tight hug. 

"M-Miku! Can you let me go for a moment?" I say through gasps. She really has a strong hold- 

"Oop! Sorry! What's wrong?" She asks, placing her hands on her hips. 

"My class is coming to watch us perform. You told me that there was a performance today but you never said that it was going to be my school watching!" I yell, loud enough for Kaito and Len to hear from the distance. 

Slowly, Miku began frowning. I soon realized how loud I was and quickly speed walked over to her. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad, I was just surprised.." I utter, giving her a gentle hug. She nodded, and said it was okay and began telling me about the performance. Kaito and Len ran over to see what happened but by the time they got here, Miku was already fine. 

"So yea! That's about it!" Miku smiled, holding the hand of one of the plushies. 

I thank the three of them and return to school, heading back to my class. 

"What took so long?" Mr. La questions me. 

"It's uhh- Woman's problem!" I quickly respond, heading back to my seat. No way did I just say that-

"oh- okay- Alright class! Let's head to the bus!" My teacher continues on, ignoring what just happened. 


I took the window seat and stared outside as I placed my headphones on. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Emu waving at me.

"Mind if I sit here?" She said, smiling at me. 

I nodded and asked: "Why didn't you tell me that our class was going to see us perform? And where are we going to perform anways?"

"Hmmm, I'm pretty sure we're performing at Phoenix Wonderland! My dad asked me to have us perform there so we can get more money." Emu responded, getting out her phone to check the text messages from her dad. 

"Yup! We're going to Phoenix Wonderland!!" She said as she raised her hands up in excitement.

"Alright everyone! Prepare your seat belts, were about to leave!" Mr. La yelled at the front of the bus, scurrying over to his seat right after. 

As we rode to our destination, I couldn't help but notice another bus following us. Soon, it caught up to us and the people in the other bus began waving at us through the window. As I looked at the people inside the bus Emu began speaking. 

"Look Y/N! There's Nene, Tsukasa, and Rui!!" She said, frantically waving at them.

I smiled and began waving at them too. They noticed and Tsukasa began striking poses while sitting down. Nene just gave us a small smile, and Rui waved back kindly. 


Once the bus ride ended, we we dropped off at Phoenix Wonderland. Me and Emu got off the bus with our backpacks and quickly ran to the back of the stage. Soon enough, Tsukasa, Nene, and Rui came running over. 

"Why didn't you guys tell me that our school was going to watch us???" I asked. 

They all just simply shrugged and I sighed. We scurried around, getting dressed, drinking water, and practicing the song and dances. 

"Hey, Y/N, you okay?" Nene walks up to me and asks me. 

I frantically nod, becoming nervous once again. Not this again... 

I suddenly feel extremely cold and I began shivering. 

"You sure you're okay?" She asks once again.

I shake my head in a 'no' motion as I gave her a small smile. 

"What's going on over here?" Rui questioned, Tsukasa following closely behind. 

I continued shivering and surprisingly, Rui handed me his jacket. It was the jacket he was wearing earlier during the bus ride. In return, I give him a small thank you as he walks onto the stage. 

"You're lucky you're not in the first performance." He says, giggling. 

From backstage, I watch the Wonderland crew twist and turn during their wonderful dance. I listened to them sing, watched them dance, and occasionally waved at them whenever they'd look my way. They truly were amazing. 

Soon enough, it was my turn to come up on stage with the rest. I gently took off the jacket Rui gave me. 

I walked onto the stage stiffly as I waved to the crowd. I heard a couple of gasps from people after seeing me walk onto the stage. Probably because i'm still pretty new to the group. 

I stared across the sea of people until I saw him.







Tell me what you guys want to do in celebration of 4k!!

This chapter was originally supposed to be extra long, but I got tired lmao, anyways I hope you enjoyed! TY FOR 4k!! 

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