extra story!! suzuki x reader

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y/n pov


9:43 in the morning.

i took my phone off the side table and noticed a message from suzuki.

hey y/n! i was wondering if you wanted to come and hang out at my place?

i smiled and quickly responded with a 'sure! ill be there soon!' and got ready.

i put on my favorite t-shirt and some shorts. i picked up my bag and placed all my necessities inside, then walked to suzuki's house.


i stook infront of the door after ringing the bell twice. i then heard shuffling on the other side of the door, and soon suzuki opened the door.

"y/n! youre here! come in come in." she took my hand and guided me inside. "i have some snacks upstairs if you want some"

i smiled and nodded as we walked up the stairs to her room. i sat comfortably on her bed as she opened her curtains, letting the bright rays of light invade her room.

"sooo what should we do?" she asked, sitting next to me.

"hmm.. you wanna do karaoke?" i suggested as i placed my hand to my chin.

"oh my god yes! i havent done karaoke in so long!" suzuki exclaimed. she began running around getting the mics and her speaker. "ready?"

before i knew it, we were singing (song of choice) suzuki took a breath, and her voice escaped. it was heavenly...

stars began glowing in my eyes as suzuki stared into mine.

"you sing this part!" she smiled as she took my hand. then, we sang together hand in hand. our voices harmonized perfectly. i closed my eyes, letting the sweet ethereal sound of suzuki's voice flood my ears.

when the song eventually ended, she turned to me.

"y/n? are you alright? you've been staring at me for quite some time.." she murmured, scratching the back of her head.

"h-huh? oh! yeah im alright" i laughed it off. then, the silence came. i was staring straight into her eyes once again.

unconsciously, my lips met hers in a fleeting gentle kiss.

"ah! i-im sorry, i shouldn't have done that.." i hurriedly apologized, bringing my hands up to my cherry colored cheeks.

suzuki then took my hands in hers. i looked back up at her only for her to come down and have our lips meet once again. this time, it was a more meaningful timely kiss.

"don't apologize.." suzuki whispered, glancing everywhere but me. soon, she held me in her slender arms. (yes. y/n's face was planted on suzuki's boobas)

"you have no idea how long ive waiting to kiss you" she spoke in my ear. she then pulled away, taking my hand in hers once again. she brought the mic up to her lips and sang four words. four magical words.

"i love you y/n"

ty for reading this filler chapter lmao

anyways, ive posted the first chapter of my kazuha x reader fanfic!! its titled "adorn my night" i would rlly appreciate it if you checked it out!

again, thank you for reading this and ill see you in the next chapter!!

wanna be my dance partner? ✰ rui kamishiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now