Extra Chapter!! (Cleaning Rui's Room)

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A/N: You and Rui are already dating in this :))


Rui invited me over to his house so he could show me a couple of ideas he had for future machines and creations. I was sooo excited because Rui's inventions always amazed me. It's so surprising to see something so great being created from a mere highschool student. 

I was about to make it to the front steps until a small robot popped up from under the door mat. It seemed to have some sort of camera on the front.. 

"Welcome Ms. Y/N! Please come in!" It said me with a digital smile on it's screen. I smiled back at it and replied with a small 'thank you' as the small robot opened the front door. I walked in and saw Rui sitting at the bottom step of his stairs, smiling at me. I giggled at his appearance, seeing his ruffled hair and wrinkled clothes. 

"Let's go upstairs, shall we?" Rui said as he gently took my hand and led me up his stairs. We walked into his room and my eyes widened. His room was messy-

"It's quite messy but I tried to clean up.." Rui weakly laughed at himself. 

"OKAY, before you show me your inventions and stuff, maybe we should clean your room..." I suggested as Rui hurriedly nodded. 

I rolled up my sleeves and looked around the room for a place to start. 

"This is a lot to clean up.." Rui sighed, tugging at my sleeve. He just now realized how much of a mess he's made... I look up at him and smile. 

"If you can make a mess, I'm sure you can clean one up." I say to him. 

We got started by cleaning up the floor, Rui getting a couple of boxes to use and place his trinkets inside. After the floow, we began organizing his shelves. He had his Showtime costume, blueprints, manuals, and books. I took his Showtime costume and hung it up in his closet. Rui began taking his blueprints and organizing them by most important to least important. Then, I began organizing his books and manuals alphabetically. 

Soon, his whole room was clean. MUCH cleaner than it was when I arrived. 

"Wanna go take a break and eat something?" Rui walks over to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I take his hand, and nod. Soon enough, just on cue, my stomach growled and grumbled. 

It was silent for a moment and suddenly we both started laughing. 

"You can go lie down on my bed and take a break, I'll go make something for us to eat, then I'll bring it up here." Rui says, giving me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. 

I could feel the blush form on my cheeks as I slowly walked over to his bed and hid under the covers. 

He better show me his inventions later...








Thank you for reading!! 


Maybe I should reward you with a kiss from Rui in the next chapter... ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoyed this side story and I'll see you guys in chapter 11!!


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