(12) I Hate You

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I stared across the sea of people until I saw him. 

Staring at me from the back of the crowd. Aiko, along with Akia holding up a phone in the air. They were recording me. Me on stage. 

I had to go on with the routine or everything would be ruined, especially for the Wonderland crew. 

As we continued the routine, all i could see we're aiko and akia laughing their butts off watching me sing and dance. If anything, i bet i looked like a robot while i was dancing. probably just like robo-nene. 

As we finished off, i quickly bowed and exited the stage with everyone else. 

"what's wrong y/n? has something been on your mind lately?" emu asks, gently touching the side of my shoulder. 

soon enough, aiko and akia were backstage, greeting us with giggles. i swear, they are so annoying. i wish i never dated aiko in the first place. 

"say y/n, mind doing that little dance of your again? i wasn't able to catch the whole thing on camera." akia says, whipping out her phone, getting ready to record. 

"HEY what do you think you're doing backstage, you guys don't even have passes." tsukasa suddenly yells, making nene jump from her daydreams. 

"can the two ugly twins just leave? your face makes me wanna throw up and considering you guys are twins, make that double the puke." nene harshly mumbles as she sits down. 

"ugh, you bitc-" 

"don't even finish that sentence." rui butts in. "i will not let you call my best friend such a word."

"oh ho, look at you, being the big man and standing up for the girls. what if i just started cussing y/n out? what would you do?" 

as i looked down, i noticed rui clenching his hands in anger. i could tell he was angry. 

"what are you gonna do? punch me? do it."


Aiko POV

i saw red. i felt red. 

my vision began to blur, but akia brought me back to my senses. 

"aiko! get up! are you really just gonna let this guy punch you like that??"

those words were enough for me to get back up and ball my fists. i quickly returned his punch as a loud smack followed. 

"guys! what the heck?! stop this!" the short pink haired girl yells. y/n stands there, shocked from the view in front of her. the quiet girl seemed to be glaring at akia and the orange haired man tried to pull me and rui apart. 

as we slapped, punched, hit, grabbed, whataver, we continued our little cat fight. 

suddenly y/n brought her hands up to her mouth and said something.

something loud enough for me to hear. 

something that hurts like an arrow pierced through my broken heart. 

"i... hate you.. aiko." 

no No NO. this can't be. she can't hate me? i know i've done things in the past but i didn't know it would be enough to hate me? does she hate hate me? despise me? I HATE THIS. i didn't want her to hate me. the only reason i decided to waltz back into her life was to be friends again. i wanted to get her attention. i wanted her to noticed how i've changed. 

wanna be my dance partner? ✰ rui kamishiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now