19. worry

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y/n pov

tsukasa and i quickly began searching for rui. we all agreed that after the show, we would all go out and buy dinner.

"hey guys!!" emu showed up, holding nene's hand. ah, i see her plan worked.

"congrats emu! have both of you by any chance seen rui?" i ask the both of them.

"no..? have you checked the sekai yet?" nene suggests. i suddenly remember i haven't checked yet and decide to go.

"y/n!!" i hear miku call out to me as she engulfs me in a tight hug.

"do you need something? oh yea-! i wanted you to try this new chocolate i found!!" she continues.

"actually, i was wondering if you have seen rui anywhere?" i ask her, slipping from her arms.

"rui? no, i haven't.. however, while i was watching the show earlier, i did see him on the way home!" miku informs me. "can you still try the chocolate i found though?"

i smile at her and take the chocolate from her hands. i took a small bite, and my face immediately lit up.

"oh my miku, what kind if chocolate is this? it's delicious!" i exclaim. i felt so much more energized.

"len gave it to me! he said he got it from meiko." she says, taking a bite from her own chocolate.

"ohh alright, thanks again miku! for the chocolate, and rui." i wave goodbye and exit sekai, returning back to everyone else.

"did miku say anything?" tsukasa questions.

"she said she saw rui heading home. should we check on him?" i ask.

"well, whats going on here?" a voice that reeks of hatred comes from the other side of the backstage.


"all of you brats are here, but wheres the dumb purple head?" she rambles on.

i glance at her side to see aiko standing there, looking down at his feet. i found it quite unusual, since he's always filled with pride.

"shut up you bitch. why are you even here?" nene scowls.

"oh, nothing. i just wanted to make sure hiro wasn't hiding out in one of your shows." akia says as she strides to the aide of the stage. "he isn't here is he?"

"akia, let's just go back. hiro might already be back." aiko butts in.

"y'know what aiko? you've been acting really weird ever since you fought with that fucking grape head!" akia has never yelled at her brother. they were always in an understanding.

aiko stepped away, taken aback by akia's tone. why was he acting so weird anyway?

"hey! don't yell at him! he's just suggesting something.." emu gets into the conversation. when she sees akia quickly look up her her, she hides behind nene.

"shut the fuck up you pink ass bitch!" akia scolded. by then, i had enough.

"okay, first of all, what the fuck is your problem?? YOU kicked me out, so you shouldn't give a shit about me anymore. you knew that me and hiro were best friends but you still had the audacity to separate us."

"and just because you're here doesn't mean you can talk shit about my friends. go back to making the shitty songs you make." i ranted. man, if i had the courage i have right now before, i would've hollered at akia earlier. 

aiko's pov

after scolding akia, y/n walked off leaving her friends. i decided to follow her towards the ferris wheel. it was unoperated at the moment so it was off. she was sitting in one of the ferris wheel carts.

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